November 2023

SSB Sprint Final Results


We wound up holding the 2023 Fall event in between the ARRL Sweepstakes weekends. As you know we have a variable calendar schedule that varies from year to year, so as not to collide with other significant contests. Even though it was packed in between major contest weekends, 229 stations managed to participate and submit an entry. Many others also spent time on the air, but we did not receive their logs as can be seen by the 298 different callsigns that wound up in the submitted logs at least 5 times.

The most popular category again was Low-Power with 55% of the entries. With better conditions 8 stations braved to enter as QRP. With increasing participation and better band conditions more stations managed to break the 10,000 score level, with twenty entries doing so this time. Also, thirty-one stations worked 50 or more multipliers, significantly up from nineteen stations in the April 2023 event. We want to thank many of the stations who made sure that their state or province was available on the air, even if they were only able to operate part-time. The availability of multipliers certainly makes it more interesting. Many participants were pleasantly surprised to work the rare NU multiplier as VY0ERC (operated by Pierre VE3KTB and VE1RUS) made a stellar effort making 80 QSOs from a direction most stations were not listening toward. While we technically don’t have a multi-op category, we listed them as such in the results. We understand that students from Heston College did a short multi-op so we classified their entry a multi also. Multi-op single transmitter is something we will consider including in the future, but without any awards.

As expected with less daytime, 20 meters was not quite as productive as it was back in April 2023. 40 meters was the main band again with 39.5% of the QSOs but not by very much. 20 meters still made up 38% of the QSOs. 75 meters provided 22.5% of the QSOs. As expected, the DX and West Coast stations feasted on 20 meters as long as they could. V31XX made 195 QSOs on 20 meters with his last QSO there at 0251z. K6LL made 146 QSOs on 20 meters with his last QSO there at 0205z. Totals on 40 meters were much more even and more dispersed geographically. And of course, 80 meter QSO totals were dominated by stations east of the Mississippi. But N5ZO and K7RL made a decent showing on 80 meters for being out West.

VA7RR had the most and N4OX had the 2nd most multipliers. Gary came the closest to obtaining that elusive “Worked All States” T-Shirt with 46 states worked. K6JO, K6LL, K7RL, K7SS, K9BGL and KW8N each had 45 states. It has now been 8 years since anyone has accomplished that feat. When will it happen again? We are still having difficulty getting significant participation from every state all in the same event. While this time every state was worked by someone at least twice, the hardest states were (in descending order of difficulty) DE, RI, ID, KH6, NJ. There has been reasonable participation from all of those states in the past, just not this time around. Most Canadian multipliers were readily available with only MB and YT not making it into any logs. Similarly, we have had those mults on the air in the recent past, but not this time. The NA countries always provide several additional multipliers. This time V3, KP2, HH and XE made it into many logs. While not providing an additional multiplier, we had a new DX participant in Francisco HK3EA.

In the High Power category, KW8N repeated by posting the highest QSO total. K7RL finished in 2nd place just slightly ahead of K6LL who finished 3rd. Dave had the second most QSOs in the contest and one more QSO than Mitch, but Mitch had one more multiplier than Dave. Long-time SSB Sprinter Bill V31XX (K4XS) took 4th place. It was good to see Gary VA7RR back in the SSB Sprint again as he took 5th place. N4OX, K4ZW, WD0T, N5ZO and AE6Y rounded out the Top Ten High Power. This time all of the Overall Top Ten were High Power.

We had a close race in the Low Power category. But when it was over, youth operator K6JO won the low power category. He squeaked past AC0W who finished 2nd and AC0W edged out N4OO who finished 3rd. All three scored over 10,000 points. WQ5L, W2LC and KK1L posted scores over 9,000 and finished 4th, 5th and 6th. VE5SF, K6GHA, WD9CIR and K7SV rounded out the rest of the Top Ten Low Power.

K7DLX posted a nice QRP score while providing the usually rare UT multiplier to take first place in QRP. He was followed by N3WS in 2nd place, KC5CYY in 3rd place and KE6K in 4th place who all had scores over 800. WN1C finished in 5th place.

Take a look at those Golden Logs! Marko N5ZO had 255 perfectly logged QSOs. K9BGL did the same with his 216 QSOs as did W2LC with his 177. W6FB and AC9TO also had 100 QSOs or more with no errors. Wonder what you might have miscopied? You can find out for yourself by going to the ‘Logs’ menu on the website. Simply enter the call sign you used in the SSB Sprint, answer the challenge question, and click the ‘Send My Link’ button. An email will be sent to the email address we have on file for the call sign you enter. In the received email is a link; click on the link to display your log check report. If you encounter a problem, be sure to contact us.

K4ZW High Power in Virginia (breaking the W3YY Sept 1989 record)
V31XX High Power in Belize (breaking his own previous V3X Oct 2021 record)
W2LC Low Power in New York (breaking the WA2JQK April 2023 record)
KK1L Low Power in Vermont (breaking the K1KD Sept 2004 record)
WQ5L Low Power in Mississippi (breaking his own previous April 2023 record)
K7DLX QRP Power in Utah (breaking his own previous April 2021 record)
HH2AA Low Power in Haiti with the first ever HH low power entry.
HK3EA Low Power in Colombia with the first ever HK low power entry.

We had 11 pre-registered Teams. The Random Sprinters took the top spot. The always strong South East Contest Club was a close 2nd. The Zoomers were close behind them for 3rd place just edging past NCCC #1 who finished in 4th.

Once again, we want to thank our main sponsors Icom America and Giga Parts. In addition to the plaques and trophies provided by Icom, many of you have now received a SSB Sprint T-Shirt from Icom or a discount credit code from Giga Parts. Remember, you just need a score of 1,500 or more to be in the door prize drawing. Remember, Icom has agreed to provide a plaque for the highest score (regardless of class) by an operator 26 years old or younger.

The next SSB Sprint will be on Saturday evening March 23, 2024, which is March 24th 0000-0359Z. Again, especially with the great productivity on 20 meters, we will keep the time period as 0000-0359Z. We should have even better propagation on 20 meters this year. We keep attempting to make sure all states are reasonably represented. You can help achieve this by submitting your planned activity at, then we will know on which states and provinces to concentrate our remaining efforts. See you next time and thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.

Here are the line scores.

Top Ten Scores
Call Sign      Score      Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======   =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              17,080     94         8       93     70     70     72
K7RL              15,512      8         9       82     78     63     54
K6LL              15,290      2         7       85     56     74     63
V31XX             14,904      4         9       75     53     75     73
VA7RR             14,616     11         5       78     57     70     47
N4OX              14,364      2         6       68     69     52     63
K4ZW              14,148     15         1       67     62     67     66
WD0T              13,624      5         3       75     74     62     51
N5ZO              13,260     54         0       70     60     68     57
AE6Y              13,014     28         3       77     61     66     37

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign      Score      Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======   =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              17,080     94         8       93     70     70     72
K7RL              15,512      8         9       82     78     63     54
K6LL              15,290      2         7       85     56     74     63
V31XX             14,904      4         9       75     53     75     73
VA7RR             14,616     11         5       78     57     70     47
N4OX              14,364      2         6       68     69     52     63
K4ZW              14,148     15         1       67     62     67     66
WD0T              13,624      5         3       75     74     62     51
N5ZO              13,260     54         0       70     60     68     57
AE6Y              13,014     28         3       77     61     66     37

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign      Score      Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======   =====  =====  =====  =====
K6JO              10,556      4         1       55     52     53     43
AC0W              10,416      4         4       56     55     54     52
N4OO              10,314     16         2       39     55     50     47
WQ5L               9,858      2         2       55     32     48     51
W2LC               9,204      2         0       47     35     39     56
KK1L               9,048     42         5       51     41     44     38
VE5SF              8,225      6         3       61     46     47     21
K6GHA              7,548      2         7       44     43     38     23
WD9CIR             6,768      2         6       30     35     27     49
K7SV               6,439      4         5        0     37     46     54

Top Eight QRP
Call Sign      Score      Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======   =====  =====  =====  =====
K7DLX              1,014      1         2       13     15      9      2
N3WS                 840      3         3        8      5     10     12
KC5CYY               828      3         1        4      9      9     14
KE6K                 805      1         9       15     18      2      0
WN1C                 680      3         1       12      2      8     12
W7LG                 247      2         1        0      0      9     10
N4NTO                 30      1         0        3      0      2      1
N4SZT                  1      0         0        1      0      0      0

Top Ten QSO Totals
Call Sign      # QSOs       
=========  =============
KW8N                 305
K6LL                 278
K7RL                 277
V31XX                276
K4ZW                 262
WD0T                 262
N5ZO                 255
N4OX                 252
VA7RR                252
AE6Y                 241

Top Thirteen Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
VA7RR                 58
N4OX                  57
K7RL                  56
KW8N                  56
K6LL                  55
K7SS                  55
N3QE                  55
N4IQ                  55
AE6Y                  54
K4ZW                  54
N1LN                  54
N4OO                  54
V31XX                 54

Top Eleven States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
VA7RR                 46
K6JO                  45
K6LL                  45
K7RL                  45
K7SS                  45
K9BGL                 45
KW8N                  45
AE6Y                  44
N5ZO                  44
WD0T                  44
WQ5L                  44

Golden Logs
Call Sign     Num QSOs     
=========  =============
N5ZO                 255
K9BGL                216
W2LC                 177
W6FB                 110
AC9TO                100
K8MR                  76
N0AT                  53
WA7BNM                45
HH2AA                 41
N3WR                  41
WK5H                  40
KW4CW                 33
AL7ID                 30
N2LDV                 30
VO2AC                 28
VE8GER                23
WA9LEY                20
K0HC                  16
KF8MZ                 16
KN6ZHJ                16
N3RTW                 16
KB6DKK                13
WX8C                  11
KD2RPX                10
W6OAT                 10
N5BLY                  9
KC1TWR                 8
VA1XH                  8
KI5PED                 6
N4NTO                  6
VA3PNL                 6
VE2LJV                 6
AG9A                   5
VO1BQ                  5
KE8HTV                 2
VE7CAS                 2
KD7FQI                 1
KI6RRN/KL7             1
N4SZT                  1

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WD0T   TODD         H   SD    75  107   80   262     52     44   13,624      5     
AC0W   BILL         L   MN    56  104   57   217     48     40   10,416      4     
W0BH   BOB          H   KS    67   75   53   195     50     42    9,800     10     
N7WY   BOB          H   MO    62   63   54   179     48     40    8,592      2     
KI0F   ROGER        H   MN    29   65   43   137     45     39    6,165      2     
N0TA   JOHN         H   CO    59   67   21   147     41     36    6,068      2     MT. BLUE SKY
KK0SD  JOE          L   SD    54   56   25   135     44     37    5,940      4     
KA0PQW MATT         L   MN     5   72   34   111     47     41    5,217      3     
KV0I   BILL         H   NE    49   62   12   123     42     36    5,166      4     
NI0K   JOHN         L   MN    42   44   30   116     41     35    4,756      3     

K7BG   MATT         L   SD    57   34   11   102     42     35    4,326      2     
AA0AW  DOUG         L   MN    42   43   14    99     40     34    3,960      2     
WA0N   GEORGE       H   KS    46   48    0    94     35     26    3,290      1     
K0YR   TOM          L   MN    47   15   26    88     37     33    3,256      4     
N7IV   JOE          L   ND    28   40    0    68     40     34    2,720      2     
W0OJW  DAN          L   CO    23   35   14    72     35     32    2,520      2     
KE0UNV TOM          L   MO    28   25   10    63     31     24    1,953      2     MIKEOSCAR CONTESTING CLUB
N0AT   RON          L   MN     5   20   28    53     34     28    1,802      6     
W5KV   JOHNNY       L   CO    31   26    0    57     28     24    1,596      3     
ND0TS  TOM          L   ND    28   23    5    56     28     26    1,568      6     

N5KB   MIKE         L   IA    34   22    0    56     26     24    1,456      3     
AI6O   ED           L   MO     0   21   27    48     29     28    1,392      1     
W0ZA   GREG         H   NE     0   15   29    44     27     24    1,188      1     MT. BLUE SKY
KC0NOX JOE          L   MO    21   18    2    41     24     20      984      3     MIKEOSCAR CONTESTING CLUB
AA0AI  STEVE        L   IA    18   28    0    46     21     17      966      1     
N0GC   JERRY        L   ND     4   15    2    21     15     13      315      3     
W1JGM  JOHN         H   NE    13    5    0    18     16     14      288      1     
W0WLA  BILL         L   CO    20    0    0    20     13     11      260      0     
K0HC   JC           M   KS     0    1   15    16     14     14      224      1     
K0OP   STEVE        L   ND    11    0    0    11     10      9      110      0     

KD2RPX JAY          H   CO     4    6    0    10      8      7       80      1     
WA0BJR DON          L   MO     0    2    0     2      3      2        6      0     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KK1L   RON          L   VT    55   57   62   174     52     43    9,048     42     
N1STN  MIKE         L   ME    45   44   41   130     41     36    5,330      4     
K5ZD   RANDY        H   MA     5   58   37   100     44     38    4,400      2     
AI4MD  JAN          H   NH    52   27   25   104     38     36    3,952      2     
KB1RS  ROB          L   CT    24   26   35    85     36     29    3,060     10     SECARS
W1JIM  JIM          L   MA    24   23   25    72     35     31    2,520      2     
K1AR   JOHN         H   NH     0   50    0    50     30     25    1,500      0     
KA1WA  BEN          L   CT     0   34    0    34     23     21      782      0     
KC1QEM STEVE        L   MA     1   19    8    28     22     19      616      7     
NY1U   MIKE         H   CT    21    0    0    21     15     11      315      0     SECARS

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W2LC   SCOTT        L   NY    69   32   76   177     52     42    9,204      2     
WA2JQK BOB          L   NY    27   69   28   124     44     34    5,456      2     
N1NQD  AL           L   NY    38   27   35   100     44     39    4,400      3     
N2RC   MIKE         H   NY    54   35    0    89     35     31    3,115      3     
K2QO   MARK         L   NY    14    9   25    48     32     27    1,536      2     
KB2DSR MYRON        L   NY    22   13    2    37     24     22      888      2     
N2LDV  LENNY        L   NY    16   14    0    30     19     18      570      3     
K2IRM  STEVE        L   NY    14   11    0    25     19     17      475      3     
WA2CNV LARRY        L   NY     1   21    2    24     18     17      432      3     
KC2JMS JOE          L   NY     2   25    0    27     16     15      432      2     

W2TI   FOSTER       L   NY     0    5   19    24     15     14      360      1     
KD2VSD TONY         L   NY    15    0    0    15     13     11      195      0     
W2LCQ  ED           L   NY     9    4    1    14     13     12      182      2     
KD2QLH BOB          L   NY     6    5    0    11     11     11      121      2     
K2GRI  JEREMY       C   NY     6    0    0     6      5      5       30      0     
N2EZY  DAVE         L   NY     0    6    0     6      5      4       30      0     
K2AL   AL           L   NJ     0    4    0     4      2      2        8      0     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD    49   82   83   214     55     43   11,770      2     
NS3X   MARK         L   MD    42   30   37   109     46     39    5,014      2     
K3KU   ART          L   MD    28   22   39    89     43     35    3,827      4     
K3UA   PHIL         L   PA     0    0   62    62     30     28    1,860      0     
N3WR   BEN          L   PA    11    1   29    41     23     22      943      3     
N3WS   TOM          Q   PA     4   11   20    35     24     23      840      3     
KC3RRF BOB          H   PA    14   12    0    26     20     17      520      3     
WR1B   LARRY        H   PA    27    1    0    28     15     12      420      1     
W7LG   MIKE         Q   PA     2    7   10    19     13     11      247      2     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N4OX   JAY          H   FL    90   99   63   252     57     43   14,364      2     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
K4ZW   KEN          H   VA    87   83   92   262     54     43   14,148     15     
N1LN   BRUCE        H   NC    74   92   74   240     54     43   12,960     10     
K3DNE  ED           H   SC    54   89   67   210     52     42   10,920      4     SFCG CAPACITIVE QUINTOUPLERS
N4OO   BRIAN        L   GA    45   84   62   191     54     43   10,314     16     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
KT4Q   STEVE        H   NC    71   67   55   193     53     43   10,229      2     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
ND4Y   DAVID        H   KY    57   70   63   190     51     42    9,690      6     RANDOM SPRINTERS
N4IQ   BILL         H   SC    49   69   57   175     55     43    9,625     32     SFCG CAPACITIVE QUINTOUPLERS
K4BAI  JOHN         H   GA    38   75   62   175     50     41    8,750      2     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
WS7X   NOEL         H   FL    90   64   13   167     47     39    7,849      2     

K7SV   LAR          L   VA    11   59   67   137     47     42    6,439      4     THE ZOOMERS
KZ3P   BOB          H   SC    45   41   45   131     47     40    6,157      3     SFCG CAPACITIVE QUINTOUPLERS
NK4O   AJ           L   FL    52   71   18   141     42     35    5,922      3     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
N9GQA  JOSH         L   AL    40   62   29   131     42     38    5,544      3     
KK4OVW RANDY        L   TN    18   53   33   104     46     40    4,784      6     TEAM TCG
K0EJ   MARK         H   TN    60   38    0    98     44     32    4,312      1     TEAM TCG
KO4PK  ROWE         L   FL    39   37   14    90     43     38    3,870      4     
K8MR   JIM          L   FL    26   33   17    76     33     30    2,508      3     
KG3V   TOM          L   VA    25   23   16    64     38     31    2,432      4     
W4IM   JOHN         L   VA     0   16   34    50     29     27    1,450      1     

WN4AFP DAVE         L   SC    11   31    0    42     29     23    1,218      3     SFCG CAPACITIVE QUINTOUPLERS
WB4E   HAL          L   TN     3   10   22    35     23     22      805      2     
KW4CW  TOM          H   VA    17   16    0    33     21     19      693      1     
KW4RB  BOB          L   VA     0    3   25    28     20     20      560      1     
W9TCV  BEAR         L   FL     7   11    5    23     20     19      460      3     
N4PVH  PETER        L   NC    19    3    0    22     15     12      330      2     
KE2HG  JOHN         L   SC     9    9    0    18     16     13      288      2     
N3RTW  SEAN         L   VA    14    2    0    16     11      9      176      1     
N4JDB  SONNY        H   AL    10    0    0    10      8      7       80      0     
KC1TWR TIM          L   NC     2    6    0     8      7      6       56      1     SECARS

KA4NDY DON          L   AL     4    4    0     8      6      4       48      1     
N4NTO  TRIPP        Q   NC     4    0    2     6      5      5       30      1     
WN8Y   KEN          L   TN     0    4    0     4      4      3       16      0     
N4SZT  JOHN         Q   VA     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WQ5L   RAY          L   MS    71   65   50   186     53     44    9,858      2     
W5GFI  JOHN         H   OK    53   45   33   131     44     39    5,764      2     
WW5L   JIM          H   LA    42   41   33   116     38     33    4,408      2 
W6FB   JACK         L   LA    29   54   27   110     40     35    4,400      4     NCCC #1
KC5DI  DALLAS       H   LA    46   46    8   100     40     36    4,000      4     
N5UM   AL           H   OK    25   56   18    99     38     33    3,762      2     
KD2KW  KEN          L   TX    48   27   24    99     37     31    3,663      2     
K5TS   DAVID        H   LA     9   37   27    73     37     33    2,701      2     
N2IC   STEVE        H   NM     0   63    0    63     35     32    2,205      0     
AD5VC  DANA         L   LA    16   16   25    57     28     25    1,596      2     

WK5H   BRIAN        L   TX     7   33    0    40     23     21      920      1     
KC5CYY PAUL         Q   OK     9   20    7    36     23     21      828      3     
AB5KM  KENT         H   TX     0    7   26    33     21     18      693      1     
W5CSM  DAVE         L   TX    27    0    0    27     19     16      513      0     
AA5AH  ROBERT       L   TX     7   15    0    22     15     15      330      1     
KI6KGC MIKE         L   NM    12    8    1    21     15     15      315      5     
KC5GFL FRED         L   AR    15    5    0    20     13      8      260      3     
K4JEP  JAMES        L   NM     8    7    0    15     11      9      165      3     
N5BLY  CHARLES      H   MS     9    0    0     9      8      7       72      0     
KI5PED ANDY         L   TX     0    6    0     6      6      5       36      0     

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N5ZO   MARK         H   CA    94   99   62   255     52     44   13,260     54     
AE6Y   ANDY         H   CA   115   95   31   241     54     44   13,014     28     NCCC #1
K6JO   LEE          L   CA    83   84   36   203     52     45   10,556      4     
WA6KHK FRANK        H   CA    74   81   20   175     48     42    8,400      2     
K6GHA  DON          L   CA    66   77    5   148     51     43    7,548      2     NCCC #1
WA6URY DAN          H   CA    57   34   20   111     42     37    4,662      2     
K6DAV  DAVID        H   CA    36   45   15    96     35     33    3,360      4     
N6PGQ  BOB          L   CA    33   24    7    64     32     28    2,048      5     
N6ZFO  BILL         H   CA    56    0    0    56     34     30    1,904      0     
W6SX   HANK         H   CA    47    3    0    50     30     27    1,500      1     NCCC #1

WA7BNM BRUCE        L   CA    45    0    0    45     25     22    1,125      0     
N6AJS  RICK         L   CA    21   23    0    44     24     21    1,056     11     
KN6ZHJ ERIC         L   CA     9    7    0    16     14     12      224      3     
AG6SQ  MIKE         H   CA     8    7    0    15     12     12      180      5     
KB6DKK PETE         L   CA    12    1    0    13     11     10      143      1     
NZ6Q   JOHN         L   CA     0    6    6    12      6      5       72      1     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K7RL   MITCH        H   WA   115  109   53   277     56     45   15,512      8     RANDOM SPRINTERS
K6LL   DAVE         H   AZ   146  102   30   278     55     45   15,290      2     AOCC VETERAN GUNSLINGERS
K7SS   DAN          H   WA   126   97   12   235     55     45   12,980      4     
N9RV   PAT          H   MT    70   87   40   197     50     41    9,850      2     
WY7FD  DEWY         H   WY    62   87   33   182     51     42    9,282      2     
K7RI   TOM          H   WA   102   14    0   116     43     39    4,988      1     
N7MZW  CHUCK        L   WY    29   62   22   113     42     39    4,746     30     MT. BLUE SKY
KE6GFI ARLENE       H   AZ    46   39    0    85     40     33    3,400      1     AOCC VETERAN GUNSLINGERS
N7LD   LEE          L   NV    36   17   28    81     37     33    2,997      2     
KM9R   MIKE         L   NV    36   38    8    82     34     30    2,788      2     

AC7DC  JAY          H   WA    26   37    0    63     36     31    2,268      1     
K2RD   IRA          H   NV    36   26    0    62     35     31    2,170      1     
KF7U   CHUCK        H   AZ    36   21    0    57     33     28    1,881      1     AOCC VETERAN GUNSLINGERS
KD7MT  CHUCK        L   MT    23   38    0    61     28     26    1,708      2     
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR     5   37   12    54     30     27    1,620      2     
KN7Y   JACK         H   AZ    24   24    0    48     24     20    1,152      1     AOCC VETERAN GUNSLINGERS
K7DLX  RICK         Q   UT    23   16    0    39     26     24    1,014      1     
KI7Y   JIM          H   OR     0   31   12    43     20     17      860      1     
KE6K   JOHN         Q   AZ    30    5    0    35     23     19      805      1     AOCC VETERAN GUNSLINGERS
K6WDE  DAVE         L   UT    19    7    4    30     17     16      510      2     

K6IR   JOHN         H   WA     0   24    0    24     14     11      336      0     
K7RJ   RON          H   AZ     8   11    0    19     17     14      323      1     
KD7AKE LANCE        L   UT     5   11    0    16     16     14      256      1     
N7VAZ  ERIC         L   NV    10    5    2    17     14     13      238      2     
W7PEB  PAUL         H   OR     2   16    0    18     12     12      216      1     
KM7N   ADAM         L   AZ    15    1    0    16     13     10      208      1     
N7KN   CHARLIE      C   WA    10    0    0    10      9      9       90      0     
W6OAT  RUSTY        H   WA    10    0    0    10      9      8       90      0     
K7FC   ZACH         L   OR     1    5    1     7      5      4       35      3     
KD7FQI MIKE         H   AZ     1    0    0     1      1      1        1      0     

US Call Area 8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KW8N   BOB          H   OH    96  119   90   305     56     45   17,080     94     RANDOM SPRINTERS
NA8V   GREG         H   MI    64   65   78   207     51     41   10,557      8     THE ZOOMERS
K8BB   DON          H   MI    44   47   76   167     51     43    8,517      2     
ND8DX  ED           H   OH    45   66   64   175     48     43    8,400     11     RANDOM SPRINTERS
N8CWU  LARRY        H   OH    41   59   43   143     46     38    6,578      5     
W8JJ   TIM          H   MI    30   55   45   130     44     40    5,720      4     
KE8RJU GRACE        L   MI    30   50   46   126     44     37    5,544     10     
W8MET  MET          L   OH    25   31   38    94     42     37    3,948      3     
WB8TCB PHIL         H   OH    14   23   14    51     30     27    1,530      4     
N4RA   DICK         L   WV    22    7   11    40     23     20      920      4     

K3JT   TERRY        L   WV    18   10    0    28     16     14      448      1     
W8WTS  JIM          L   OH     0    0   24    24     18     18      432      0     
KV3R   BILL         H   WV     0   10    7    17     12     12      204      1     
KF8MZ  CLINT        H   OH    16    0    0    16     12     10      192      0     
WX8C   HARRY        H   MI     0   11    0    11     10     10      110      0     
W8TGB  TIM          L   MI     0    0    3     3      3      2        9      0     
KE8HTV BRUCE        L   OH     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     
W1CHL  ALAN         L   OH     0    2    0     2      2      1        4      0     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K9BGL  KARL         H   IL    63   91   62   216     52     45   11,232     16     
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL    31   60   50   141     48     41    6,768      2     
W9YZR  DAN          H   WI    30   50   35   115     46     41    5,290      2     
AC9TO  MARV         L   WI    33   50   17   100     43     37    4,300      3     
K9ZO   RALPH        H   IL    13   31   53    97     43     37    4,171      2     
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN     0   20   49    69     35     32    2,415      1     THE ZOOMERS
W9VTD  DAVE         L   IL    24   24    0    48     26     25    1,248      3     
KC9GLR KYLE         L   IN    10   26    0    36     23     21      828      8     
WN1C   THOMAS       Q   WI     7   17   10    34     20     18      680      3     
WB4ZUT WALT         L   IN     3   11    0    14     13     11      182      2     

WA9LEY LEE          L   IL    20    0    0    20      8      5      160      0     
AG9A   MARK         L   IL     0    5    0     5      5      4       25      0     

US Call Area KL7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
AL7AF  LEN          H   AK    50   27    0    77     37     31    2,849      1     
AL7ID  JOHN         L   AK    30    0    0    30     23     21      690      0     
AL2F   KRIS         H   AK    31    1    0    32     18     16      576      1     
AL1G   CAT          H   AK    20    0    0    20     17     15      340      0     
KI6RRN/KL7 AXEL     L   AK     1    0    0     1      1      1        1      0     

Canadian Call Area VE1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA1XH  PETER        H   NS     0    8    0     8      8      7       64      0     

Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE2IAA MO           H   QC    19   27    4    50     29     22    1,450      4     
VA2KD  ROLLY        L   QC     0   11    6    17     13     11      221      2     
VE2RRE PETER        L   QC     9    0    0     9      6      6       54      1     
VE2LJV SAM          L   QC     1    4    1     6      6      5       36      2     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE3YT  VIC          H   ON    38   70   67   175     50     42    8,750      5     THE ZOOMERS
VE3RGO STU          L   ON    12   17    4    33     23     19      759      3     
VA3PNL PAUL         L   ON     5    1    0     6      4      4       24      1     

Canadian Call Area VE5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE5SF  SAM          L   SK    78   90    7   175     47     43    8,225      6     

Canadian Call Area VE6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA6RCN KEVIN        L   AB    46   22    2    70     32     27    2,240      7     

Canadian Call Area VE7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA7RR  GARY         H   BC   128  114   10   252     58     46   14,616     11     NCCC #1
VE7IRR RON          L   BC    26    6    0    32     20     15      640      1     ISLANDHF RADIO ASSOCIATION
VA7HC  GLENN        L   BC    22    0    0    22     19     18      418      0     ISLANDHF RADIO ASSOCIATION
VA7YJJ JOE          L   BC     7    6    2    15     10      8      150      2     
VE7CAS CURT         L   BC     2    0    0     2      2      1        4      0     ISLANDHF RADIO ASSOCIATION

Canadian Call Area VE8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE8GER GERRY        L   NT    23    0    0    23     20     17      460      0     

Canadian Call Area VO1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VO2AC  CHRIS        H   NL     0   27    1    28     18     14      504      1     
VO1BQ  JOE          H   NL     5    0    0     5      3      3       15      0     

Canadian Call Area VY0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VY0ERC FRED         M   NU    51   29    0    80     37     33    2,960      1     

DX Entries AS Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
JF2FIU MARK         H   DX     3    0    0     3      3      2        9      0     

DX Entries NA Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
V31XX  BILL         H   DX   195   42   39   276     54     43   14,904      4     THE ZOOMERS
KP2RUM RUM          H   DX    81   50    0   131     46     41    6,026      5     RANDOM SPRINTERS
HH2AA  PRINCE       L   DX    41    0    0    41     27     23    1,107      0     
XE2Q   MANUEL       L   DX    17    2    0    19     15     15      285      1     
KP2J   HENRY        L   DX    11    7    0    18     15     13      270      1     

DX Entries SA Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
HK3EA  FRANCISCO    L   DX    25    0    0    25     19     17      475      0     


Random Sprinters
  KW8N         17,080
  K7RL         15,512
  ND4Y          9,690
  ND8DX         8,400
  KP2RUM        6,026
  TOTAL        56,708

South East Contest Club
  N4OX         14,364
  N4OO         10,314
  KT4Q         10,229
  K4BAI         8,750
  NK4O          5,922
  TOTAL        49,579

The Zoomers
  V31XX        14,904
  NA8V         10,557
  VE3YT         8,750
  K7SV          6,439
  W9RE          2,415
  TOTAL        43,065

  VA7RR        14,616
  AE6Y         13,014
  K6GHA         7,548
  W6FB          4,400
  W6SX          1,500
  TOTAL        41,078

SFCG Capacitive Quintouplers
  K3DNE        10,920
  N4IQ          9,625
  KZ3P          6,157
  WN4AFP        1,218
  TOTAL        27,920

  K6LL         15,290
  KE6GFI        3,400
  KF7U          1,881
  KN7Y          1,152
  KE6K            805
  TOTAL        22,528

Mt. Blue Sky
  N0TA          6,068
  N7MZW         4,746
  W0ZA          1,188
  TOTAL        12,002

Team TCG
  KK4OVW        4,784
  K0EJ          4,312
  TOTAL         9,096

  KB1RS         3,060
  NY1U            315
  KC1TWR           56
  TOTAL         3,431

MikeOscar Contesting Club
  KE0UNV        1,953
  KC0NOX          984
  TOTAL         2,937

IslandHF Radio Association
  VE7IRR          640
  VA7HC           418
  VE7CAS            4
  TOTAL         1,062