Latest SSB Sprint News!
Donations being accepted
Thanks to our generous sponsors, our expenses in running the NA SSB Sprint contest have been mostly covered. Our current need is money to pay for Postage, so that we can ship the Plaques and T-Shirts to our winners.
If you can help chip in a few bucks to help cover our postage expenses, we’d be very grateful. We are not a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation would not be tax deductible, but we WILL list you here our website as a cash contributor, as a small thank you (you can also choose to remain anonymous).
See our Donation Page for more information. Thanks & 73!
RESULTS from March 2024 have been posted!
Next event is November 10, 2024 (Saturday Evening November 9th in NA).
With each event whenever possible please submit your Planned Activity and get your teams together and Registered!
With better conditions now is a great time to try to break a record for you state, especially in Low power and QRP categories. See if you might be able to set an all-time record during the next event Saturday evening November 11, 2023 in NA.
October 2022 SSB Sprint Results
RESULTS from both 2020 events have been posted!
November 2020 SSB Sprint Results
With each event whenever possible please submit your Planned Activity and get your teams together and Registered!
FULL RESULTS from November 2019 have been posted!
November 2019 SSB Sprint Results
With each event whenever possible please submit your Planned Activity and get your teams together and Registered! Also, take a look at the Records section, you may set your target on setting a new one for your state/province/country. Or, if you can’t operate the whole event, make enough QSOs to put yourself in the drawing for door prizes! See rules for more details.
All Sprints and NAQP contests will now be using the same multiplier list! That will make logging software maintenance much easier.
And all “teams” for these events are now 5 operator teams.
For recent NA SSB Sprinters the only change is that NF and LB are now combined into NL.
The Results from previous events have been posted and the All-Time Records are being updated.
73, NA SSB Sprint Contest Committee.
New Prize added – Worked All Canada T-Shirt!
To go along with the Worked All States T-Shirt for stations that work all 50 states, we have added a special Worked All Canada T-Shirt for every station that works all 13 Canadian multipliers during the SSB Sprint.
Certificates are getting caught up and are in the process of being e-mailed!
FULL RESULTS from September 2018 have been posted!
With each event whenever possible please submit your Planned Activity and get your teams together and Registered! Also, take a look at the Records section, you may set your target on setting a new one for your state/province/country. Or, if you can’t operate the whole event, make enough QSOs to put yourself in the drawing for door prizes! See rules for more details.
All Sprints and NAQP contests will now be using the same multiplier list! That will make logging software maintenance much easier.
And all “teams” for these events are now 5 operator teams.
For recent NA SSB Sprinters the only change is that NF and LB are now combined into NL.
The Results from previous events have been posted and the All-Time Records are being updated.
73, NA SSB Sprint Contest Committee.
August 2015 Final Results and Congratulations to W4OC for WAS!
The August scores and the 32 Door Prize winners are now on the Results page!
Check out the Results tab for the Results Summary, the top scores, other facts and figures, all team scores, door prize winners and a complete listing and scores of all 270 entries submitted.
Feb 2015 Certificates are ready for Distribution!
Those who succeeded in earning a certificate in the February 2015 event will be receiving an e-mail shortly with instructions on how to download a pdf of their certificate.
Feb 2015 Final Results are Now Available!
The Final Results are now posted on the Results page! A record-breaking 367 logs made it through the log checking process and are a part of these results. This is the most entries in Sprint history, regardless of mode!
Check out the Results tab for the Results Summary, the top scores and for a list of all of the scores and team scores submitted.
And get ready for the next event on Saturday evening August 29th!
We want to be sure that we have all states and Canadian areas represented so please register on the Planned Activity page.
If you have questions about the NA SSB Sprint contest, please Contact Us.
SSB Sprint an Overwhelming Success!
Five Stations Work All 50 States! Thirteen Stations Work 49!
First of all… WOW!!! The participation level in the recent SSB Sprint contest was UNBELIEVABLE! Well over 300 logs submitted so far, which is about six times more than the last SSB Sprint, and even 50% more than the last CW Sprint! Did we mention, WOW?? That high level of participation meant that the Fun Factor of the SSB Sprint was over the top. THANK YOU for participating!!
Submit a Log = Chance to Win a Prize!
That’s right. Submit a log of just 1500 points or more (that’s only 50 QSOs and 30 multipliers) and you will be automatically entered into a random drawing for PRIZES!
- 1st Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
- 2nd Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
- 3rd Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
- 4th Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
- 5th Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
- 6th Prize: $50 Discount off of a PowerMaster II Watt Meter from Array Solutions!
- 7th-31st Prize: Twenty-five NA SSB Sprint T-Shirts, sponsored by ICOM!
As if you needed another reason to be active for the SSB Sprint… now you have a shot at a prize, just for making a few QSOs and submitting your log! What a deal!
Logging Software Compatibility
We have recently added new multipliers in the SSB Sprint. This will require logging software authors to update their programs. Some have already been updated, some can work with a few tweaks, while others will need additional time to make these necessary changes. Please see our SSB Sprint Logging Software page for the latest information. A BIG Thank You to the software authors for working with us on such short notice to update their programs for the new multipliers!
DC and All 14 Canadian Provinces & Territories now Mults!
After we added KH6 as a multiplier, we heard from many contesters in the District of Columbia as well as in Canada, suggesting that we make additional changes to the multipliers. And we LISTENED!
Effective immediately:
- DC will be a separate multiplier and no longer included as part of the Maryland multiplier.
- Maritime (MAR) has been removed as a multiplier. In its place, we have added Labrador (LB), New Brunswick (NB), Newfoundland (NF), Nova Scotia (NS) and Prince Edward Island (PE).
- North West Territories (NWT) has been removed as a multiplier. In its place, we have added Northwest Territories (NT), Nunavut (NU) and Yukon (YT).
We are working with the various logging software authors to see if we can get these changes implemented, but please do not worry about it. Submit your log normally, and we will fix your score, if your logging software does not handle it. If you have any questions about this, by all means contact us. P.S. you might want to print the US & VE Multiplier Checklist and keep it handy during the contest!
Planned Activity page is ready to go!
Are you planning on operating in the NA SSB Sprint on Saturday night, Jan 31st? Whether you plan to operate all 4 hours, or just a few minutes, please show your support for the NA SSB Sprint and post your plans on the Planned Activity page.
The SSB Sprint Committee is working hard to make sure that all 50 States and as many Canadian Provinces and NA DX countries are active. Be watching the Planned Activity page for updates!
KH6 has been added as a Multiplier!
We think being able to work all 50 states in a 4 hour contest would be a pretty cool feat. To encourage stations in Hawaii to participate, we have decided to include KH6 as a multiplier, even though it is technically not in North America. The NAQP contests include KH6 as a mult already. To be clear, the NA CW Sprint and the NA RTTY Sprint still do NOT include KH6 as a Multiplier. The new mult only pertains to the SSB Sprint.
We will be working with logging problem authors to see if we can get various logging programs to handle the new mult BUT please do not worry about it. Submit your log normally, and we will fix your score to include the KH6 multiplier, if your logging software does not handle it. If you have any questions about this, by all means contact us.
SSB Sprint is now self-sponsored
A group of contesters that enjoy the SSB Sprint contest have taken over the sponsorship of the contest from NCJ. The contest is currently managed by Bob Hayes, KW8N, and the SSB Sprint Contest Committee currently consists of K7SS, K9PG, KA9FOX, KW8N, N6WM, WDØT, N4OX, W9RE, NS6T, N3QE and K5TM. Are you interested in helping? Please contact us!

What is a Sprint Contest?
The North American Sprints (usually just called “Sprints”) are short, intense competitions which challenge the best operators, while allowing others to sharpen their skills. Lasting only four hours and using only the 80, 40 and 20-meter bands, these contests demand that participants be on their toes at all times.
The Sprints’ unique QSY requirements eliminate the usual approach in many contests of dominant stations sitting on one frequency and running others. These are contests of constant motion.
Although there is only one entry category (single op), participants can combine separate single op scores into a team score. Register your team here.
If you are new to the SSB Sprint, please have a look at our Tips & Tricks page. Still have questions? Feel free to ask us for help — we are glad to assist and we look forward to working you in the next SSB Sprint!
SSB Sprint Committee
Contest Manager:
Bob Hayes, KW8N
Committee Members:
Jay Camac, N4OX
Todd Dravland, WDØT
Tom Epperly, NS6T
Dan Eskenazi, K7SS
Paul Gentry, K9PG
Tom Morrison, K5TM
Scott Neader, KA9FOX
Tim Shoppa, N3QE
Eric Silverthorn, NM5M
Chris Tate, N6WM
MIke Wetzel, W9RE