2023 Apr

April 2023 SSB Sprint Final Results


We took advantage of the 5 weekend month of April 2023 to run the NA SSB Sprint on the 4th weekend of April so as not to collide with other notable events. This factor coupled with overall good conditions lead to a high level of participation with 209 usable logs received and 284 different callsigns that wound up in those submitted logs at least 5 times.

The most popular category again was Low-Power with 132 entries or 63% of the entries.  With the higher participation and better band conditions nineteen stations managed to break the 10,000 score level this time, and nineteen stations worked 50 or more multipliers.

Every U.S. state was worked, but a couple were we tough to get. Only four contacts were made with VT and only eight with NJ. Overall, Canadian province/territories were a bit tougher this time despite PE and NB being readily available. This time it was NU, YT, and NL that failed to make it into a submitted log and only three were logged with MB. NL usually has three or more participants. We will hopefully have them back next time. This time only two NA countries were available, ZF (thank you Randy) and regular participant XE2S.

Bob KW8N came the closest to obtaining that elusive “Worked All States” T-Shirt with 47 states.  K7RL, K0EU, and WD6T each had 45 states. It has now been 7 years since anyone has accomplished that feat.  We will keep trying to have reasonable efforts from every state and province/territory in the next event.

More sunspots and more daylight made twenty meters very productive for most folks. For the first time in several years, 20 meter QSOs outnumbered 40 meter QSOs (8088 versus 6060). K6LL in AZ racked up 196 QSOs on that band. Thirteen stations across 7 different call areas had over 100 QSO’s on 20 meters. And of course, Randy K5ZD operating from ZF also had 127. But for most stations in call areas 1,2,3,4 it was 40 meters that was the most productive for them. 80 meters, while still providing necessary QSOs, was down due to the better higher band conditions. 80 meters also suffers from the lack of open frequencies in the General Class portion of the band. This discourages participation by Generals on 80 meters. It would be nice if the cutoff frequency for Generals was a bit lower, perhaps 3750 KHz. This would help congestion in other contests too. So, we might all want to carefully provide some QSOs above 3800 KHz provided we are able to avoid QRMing some of the nets and ragchewers up there.

Favorable comments from newcomers to the Sprint continue to come in. Many have expressed the fun that they had and are planning to operate in the next event. While a few hams find the format too confusing, many others enjoy the format because they are able to be called by many other stations once they finish working the station that they called. One reminder to reduce confusion is to use the protocol in the guidelines. Since stations are coming and going on a particular frequency, the rules require both callsigns in the both exchanges. To further make things clearer, the recommended protocol describes the “order” of the exchange. If someone is calling you (following the end of your previous QSO or in answer to your CQ) you would say: His call, then your callsign, your #, your name, and your s/p/c. This indicates that the QSO is not yet over. If you are working someone that you have called and they have sent you their exchange, you would then say: His call, your #, your name, your s/p/c, and then your callsign at the end. Your callsign at the end indicates that is the last part of the exchange for that QSO and that you are now inheriting the frequency for someone to call you. As you go along doing so becomes more automatic.

The top High-Power score was KW8N with both the most QSOs and the most multipliers. There was a photo finish between 2nd and 3rd place with W9RE’s 2nd highest QSOs offsetting K7RL’s 2nd highest multiplier count by 0.11%. N4OX followed in 4th place with a nice score from Florida. N5ZO and WD6T had identical scores for a 5th place tie. K6LL, N1LN, K7SS and ZF2MA rounded out the rest of the High Power Top Ten in that order.

The top Low Power category was comfortably won by K0EU. Ken actually had the 6th highest QSO total and the 3rd highest multiplier total regardless of class. Fellow GMCC team member K0UK and N4OO tied for 2nd place and only 16 points behind them was K7SV on the strength of his 3rd highest multiplier total to finish in 4th. N8VW moved up a notch to 5th place. VE5SF, WQ5L, K7BG, N7MZW and AI6O rounded out the rest of the Low Power Top Ten in that order.

We had seven QRP entries this time with ND0C easily taking the top spot. The previous QRP winner WC7S took 2nd place. N9GQA took 3rd place.

Checking the Golden Log list and you will see W9YZR had 138 perfectly logged QSOs. Nice work. Other notable Golden Loggers were KI7Y with a nifty 99 QSOs, AG9A with 94 and NU4E with 75.
Nine teams registered for the Team Competition. In a very close Team race the Random Sprinters edged out The Zoomers (Thursday night NS Sprinters who frequently meet on Zoom). The consistently strong SECC#1 team from FL and GA was very close behind in 3rd.

We had 11 NEW REOCRDS! 4 in QRP, 5 in Low Power and 1 in High Power

N8VW Low Power in OH 10,437 (beating N8AA old record from Feb 2000)

WQ5L Low Power in MS 8,784 (beating his old record just set in Oct 2022)

WA2JQK Low Power in NY 6,256 (beating his old record from back in Feb 2015)

VY2LI Low Power in PE 782 (beating his old record just set in Oct 2022)

VE1FSM Low Power in NS 210 (beating VA1JON old record from Mar 2019)

ND0C QRP Power in MN 6,660 (beating his old record from Aug 2015)

WC7S QRP Power in WY 2,220 (beating his old record just set in Oct 2022)

N9GQA QRP Power in AL 1,479 (setting it for the first time)

K6UFO QRP Power in CT 12 (setting it for the first time)

ZF2MA High Power in ZF 11,781 (beating the ZF2MJ record from Oct 2022)

Once again, we had no QRM complaints that I am aware of. Keeping track of frequencies that have nets or other QSOs really helps. This also saves you time from even looking at those frequencies once you have identified them. You can already mark down 7185 KHz throughout and 7188 KHz after 0200 UTC as ones to avoid.

Thanks to Icom America, trophies for the top score in each power class and plaques for 2nd and 3rd place in the high and low power categories are caught up all the way through the October 2022 event! These have all been distributed to the recipients! Lots of trips to the post office!

Thanks to Giga Parts many of you have received your discount door prize.

Also thanks to Icom America, many have been receiving their T-shirt door prizes. So be on the lookout for e-mails asking you to confirm your preferred e-mail address to receive your discount coupon code, or your shipping address and shirt size for your T-Shirt.

We continue to refine our log checking process thanks to Tom NS6T and Tom K5TM who have been performing the log checking, calculations and improving the submission process.  Much work goes into this effort. Wondering how your log came out in the checking process? Thanks to Tom K5TM you can now find out for yourself! If you are interested in seeing how we scored your log, we have added a ‘Log Check Report’ feature to our web site. It is found in the ‘Logs’ menu. Simply enter the call sign used in the SSB Sprint, answer the challenge question, and click the ‘Send My Link’ button. An email will be sent to the email address we have on file for the call sign you enter. In the received email is a link; click on the link to display your log check report. If you encounter a problem, be sure to contact us.

The next SSB Sprint will be on November 12, 2023 UTC.  Again, especially with the great productivity on 20 meters, we will keep the time period as 0000-0359Z.  Since SSB Sprint has become a Fall/Spring event our thoughts are that 20 meters should be and should stay open especially now that we are getting some sunspots.   As mentioned earlier we are attempting to make sure all states are reasonably represented. You can help achieve that by submitting your planned activity at https://ssbsprint.com/planned-activity/my-planned-activity, then we will know on which states to concentrate our remaining efforts.  See you next time and thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.

Here are the line scores.


Top Ten Scores
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              17,784     60         8       88     81     58     85
W9RE              14,688     30         3       72     65     59     76
K7RL              14,672     31         3       78     64     59     61
K0EU              13,750     27         3       71     59     58     62
N4OX              13,750      4         4       79     66     54     51
N5ZO              13,621     63         7       79     59     56     63
WD6T              13,621     77         8       74     58     55     70
K6LL              12,826      1         3       71     58     50     63
N1LN              12,826      8         2       70     64     50     58
K7SS              12,031      2         5       72     41     55     59

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              17,784     60         8       88     81     58     85
W9RE              14,688     30         3       72     65     59     76
K7RL              14,672     31         3       78     64     59     61
N4OX              13,750      4         4       79     66     54     51
N5ZO              13,621     63         7       79     59     56     63
WD6T              13,621     77         8       74     58     55     70
K6LL              12,826      1         3       71     58     50     63
N1LN              12,826      8         2       70     64     50     58
K7SS              12,031      2         5       72     41     55     59
ZF2MA             11,781      7         4       77     53     57     44

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K0EU              13,750     27         3       71     59     58     62
K0UK              11,016     36         5       57     51     51     57
N4OO              11,016      9         2       63     55     40     58
K7SV              11,000      4         8       58     48     38     56
N8VW              10,437      6         1       53     50     49     61
VE5SF              9,071      2         2       58     51     43     41
WQ5L               8,784      2         2       53     38     49     43
K7BG               8,624      4         2       56     29     49     42
N7MZW              7,350     12         6       41     43     33     33
AI6O               7,098      3        12       46     31     54     38

Top Seven QRP
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
ND0C               6,660      4         2       39     32     39     38
WC7S               2,220      5         5       30     10     19     15
N9GQA              1,479      1         3        7     13     12     19
N7SVI                759      0        10        5     18      7      3
N0LMQ                682      1         4       10      9      7      5
W7LG                 609      1         4        8     13      6      2
K6UFO                 12      0         0        4      0      0      0

Top Ten QSO Totals
Call Sign  # QSOs       
=========  =============
KW8N                 312
W9RE                 272
K7RL                 262
N5ZO                 257
WD6T                 257
K0EU                 250
N4OX                 250
K6LL                 242
N1LN                 242
ZF2MA                231

Top Twelve Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
KW8N                  57
K7RL                  56
K0EU                  55
K7SV                  55
N4OX                  55
W9RE                  54
K6LL                  53
K7SS                  53
N1LN                  53
N3QE                  53
N5ZO                  53
WD6T                  53

Top Twelve States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
KW8N                  47
K0EU                  45
K7RL                  45
WD6T                  45
K6LL                  44
K7SS                  44
N4OX                  44
N5ZO                  44
W9RE                  44
K7SV                  43
N0GJW                 43
N1LN                  43

Golden Logs
Call Sign  Num QSOs     
=========  =============
W9YZR                138
KI7Y                  99
AG9A                  94
NU4E                  75
KC9GLR                54
W6ATV                 39
KO4FV                 35
K4NMR                 34
K0MJS                 32
N4NTO                 32
N9RV                  22
WG0A                  21
VE1FSM                15
AJ3M                  13
N8HWV                 13
W4ETA                 13
AD4EB                 12
N3RTW                  9
KN6DRN                 7
VE8GER                 7
K6UFO                  4
VE2RRE                 3
N8REL                  2
K9PMV                  1

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
K0EU   KEN          L   CO   125   71   54   250     55     45   13,750     27     GMCC AV'S
K0UK   BILL         L   CO   105   67   44   216     51     42   11,016     36     GMCC AV'S
N0GJW  JAVON        H   IA    88   55   36   179     50     43    8,950      5     
K7BG   MATT         L   SD    90   61   25   176     49     41    8,624      4     
AI6O   ED           L   MO    63   75   31   169     42     37    7,098      3     THE ZOOMERS
ND0C   RANDY        Q   MN    78   51   19   148     45     39    6,660      4     
KK0SD  JOE          L   SD    61   54   27   142     41     35    5,822      4     
KV0I   BILL         H   NE    65   59    0   124     42     37    5,208      3     
W0ETT  KEN          L   CO    74   34    0   108     40     35    4,320      2     GMCC BRONCOS
N0TA   JOHN         H   CO    73   25    0    98     42     37    4,116      1     

W0ZA   GREG         H   NE    40   46   14   100     39     33    3,900      8     GMCC AV'S
KE0UNV TOM          L   MO    30   67    0    97     40     35    3,880      1     MIKEOSCAR CONTESTING CLUB
K0KWH  KEN          L   CO    72   20    0    92     39     36    3,588      3     
AC0W   BILL         L   MN     3   39   45    87     40     32    3,480      2     
N5KB   MIKE         L   IA    56   19    0    75     33     30    2,475      1     
W0BH   BOB          H   KS     3   33   30    66     34     30    2,244      4     
AA0AI  STEVE        L   IA    20   24    0    44     26     21    1,144      1     
KC0NOX JOE          L   MO    20   27    0    47     22     22    1,034      1     MIKEOSCAR CONTESTING CLUB
W0ADL  DAVID        L   MN    25   15    0    40     24     23      960      1     
WA0I   RANDY        L   MO    35    0    3    38     24     19      912      1     

N0LMQ  TIM          Q   MO    19   12    0    31     22     18      682      1     
K0MJS  MIKE         L   MN    32    0    0    32     21     19      672      0     
N0GC   JERRY        C   ND    23    0    0    23     17     15      391      0     
KC0JRW BOB          L   NE    20    0    0    20     17     17      340      0     
WG0A   BRENT        L   MN    21    0    0    21     16     15      336      0     
W0AOO  MILLO        L   ND     5    2    0     7      6      5       42      1     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
W1WEF  JACK         H   CT    61   48   16   125     45     38    5,625      2     
N1STN  MIKE         L   ME    57   50   25   132     39     33    5,148      7     
W1JIM  JIM          L   MA    41   56   13   110     43     36    4,730      3     
N1MRI  KEVIN        L   CT     0   55    0    55     34     28    1,870      0     
N1ROZ  LARRY        H   MA    27   21    0    48     28     24    1,344      1     
KB1VUN ERIC         L   NH    41    9    0    50     26     25    1,300      2     
WA1HXH PETER        L   NH    36    6    0    42     25     23    1,050      1     
K1AV   PETER        L   RI     6    8    0    14     12      9      168      1     
K6UFO  MARK         Q   CT     4    0    0     4      3      3       12      0     

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WA2JQK BOB          L   NY    45   57   34   136     46     40    6,256      2     
NM2R   JOHN         L   NY    45   61   25   131     42     36    5,502      2     
N1NQD  AL           L   NY    48   36   26   110     39     33    4,290      4     
KI2D   DAN          L   NY    39   36   17    92     42     36    3,864      9     
N2LDV  LENNY        L   NY    18   31    0    49     32     30    1,568      5     
KG2RG  JUSTIN       H   NY    26    6    0    32     20     17      640      1     
KC2JRQ JOE          L   NY     4    0    0     4      3      3       12      0     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD    66   96   53   215     53     42   11,395      7     
N8NA   KARL         L   DE    47   50   27   124     36     32    4,464      5     
NN3RP  TONY         H   DC    30   51    6    87     40     35    3,480      3     
N3WR   BEN          L   PA    29   28   23    80     35     29    2,800      2     
K3KU   ART          L   MD     7   38   23    68     35     29    2,380      7     
N4PVH  PETER        L   MD    21   31    0    52     30     27    1,560      1     
WR1B   LARRY        H   PA    29   18    0    47     28     25    1,316      1     
K3UA   PHIL         L   PA     0    0   33    33     23     20      759      0     
W7LG   MIKE         Q   PA    12   17    0    29     21     17      609      1     
KC3RRF BOB          H   PA    17   12    0    29     20     18      580      1     

K2ACX  BRIAN        L   DC     0    0   21    21     15     13      315      0     
AJ3M   MASA         L   MD    13    0    0    13     11     10      143      0     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
N4OX   JAY          H   FL   136   81   33   250     55     44   13,750      4     SECC#1
N1LN   BRUCE        H   NC    96   90   56   242     53     43   12,826      8     
N4OO   BRIAN        L   GA    94   79   43   216     51     40   11,016      9     SECC#1
K7SV   LAR          L   VA    76   84   40   200     55     43   11,000      4     THE ZOOMERS
K4BAI  JOHN         H   GA    84   76   34   194     51     42    9,894      2     SECC#1
AA5JF  ANDY         H   GA    83   78   41   202     47     41    9,494      2     SECC#1
KU8E   JEFF         H   GA    98   66   21   185     51     42    9,435      4     SECC#1
ND4Y   DAVID        H   KY    86   57   49   192     49     40    9,408      4     RANDOM SPRINTERS
KW4CW  TOM          H   VA    43   51   34   128     45     37    5,760      4     
ND8L   RAY          H   FL    61   51    0   112     39     35    4,368      3     

KX4BI  VANCE        L   AL    48   35   18   101     34     31    3,434      3     
NU4E   MATT         H   SC    65   10    0    75     37     32    2,775      3     
NK4O   AJ           L   FL    47   19    2    68     36     30    2,448      4     SECC #2
K0EJ   MARK         L   TN    59   16    0    75     32     28    2,400      1     
W4IM   JOHN         L   VA    30   29    7    66     34     29    2,244      3     
KQ4CQE ALAN         L   VA    16   40    0    56     29     25    1,624      1     
W4NF   JACK         H   VA    57    0    0    57     28     26    1,596      1     
N9GQA  JOSH         Q   AL    30   21    0    51     29     25    1,479      1     
KA3EHL CHUCK        L   FL    29   22    0    51     26     23    1,326      1     
KT4O   BEN          H   TN     8    0   34    42     31     27    1,302      1     SECC #2

K8MR   JIM          L   FL    30    8    0    38     27     24    1,026      3     
K4NMR  TOM          H   FL    34    0    0    34     25     24      850      0     
N9TF   GENE         L   TN    15   20    0    35     24     21      840      1     
KO4FV  BRIAN        L   AL    11   24    0    35     22     21      770      3     
N4NTO  TRIPP        L   NC    17   15    0    32     20     18      640      1     
KO4UOJ CHARLIE      L   TN    12   16    0    28     21     18      588      3     
KT4OO  JOHN         L   SC    22    0    0    22     19     18      418      0     
KA3MTT NATHAN       H   KY     0   19    0    19     17     15      323      0     
W4ETA  WILL         L   TN    12    1    0    13     10      8      130      1     
AD4EB  JIM          L   TN    12    0    0    12     10      8      120      0     

N3RTW  SEAN         L   VA     9    0    0     9      8      7       72      0     
N4YHC  DAVE         L   KY     3    3    0     6      6      6       36      1     
KM4ECH ERIC         L   AL     3    0    0     3      3      2        9      1     
WA2LMC CLIFF        L   NC     2    0    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
WQ5L   RAY          L   MS   105   55   23   183     48     40    8,784      2     
AE5P   ARMY         H   TX    65   37   37   139     45     39    6,255      4     
N5CET  CHAS         L   TX    43   61   25   129     42     35    5,418      2     
W5GFI  JOHN         H   OK    62   37   26   125     41     34    5,125      2     
K5OY   STEVE        L   AR    54   42   20   116     41     37    4,756      2     
N5QJ   JOHN         H   AR    54   37    0    91     43     34    3,913      1     
KC5CYY PAUL         L   OK    75   19    0    94     39     32    3,666      1     
WA5LFD RICH         L   TX    44   33   28   105     34     32    3,570      2     
WA5SOG ED           L   AR    35   16    7    58     32     30    1,856      3     
KA5M   MARSH        L   LA    54    0    0    54     30     28    1,620      0     

AD5VC  DANA         L   LA    32    8   16    56     25     24    1,400      2     
WK5AT  KATHY        H   TX    37   14    0    51     27     24    1,377      1     
N5HYP  TOM          L   TX    37   14    0    51     24     21    1,224      1     
KD2KW  KEN          L   TX    45    0    0    45     26     22    1,170      0     
KD5CMW JOSH         H   OK    17   17    0    34     19     18      646      1     
KE5ET  SCOTT        L   TX    16    2    0    18     15     14      270      1     
KB5GLV GREG         L   TX     1   17    1    19     14     14      266      3     
KC5GFL FRED         L   AR     1    1    0     2      4      3        8      1     
AA5AH  ROBERT       L   TX     0    0    0     0      0      0        0      0     

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
N5ZO   MARK         H   CA   135   95   27   257     53     44   13,621     63     
WD6T   DAVE         H   CA   126   90   41   257     53     45   13,621     77     NCCC-SSBABBLERS
K6JO   LEE          H   CA   115   69   31   215     48     41   10,320      6     RANDOM SPRINTERS
W6AFA  ALEX         H   CA    54   45    0    99     40     34    3,960      1     
K6DAV  DAVID        H   CA    53   43    0    96     40     36    3,840      1     
N6ZFO  BILL         H   CA    89    7    0    96     38     33    3,648      2     NCCC-SSBABBLERS
WA6URY DAN          H   CA    49   20    0    69     31     26    2,139      1     
W6AAE  KEVIN        L   CA    41   17    0    58     28     26    1,624      1     
K6MR   KEN          H   CA     7   15   14    36     21     17      756      6     
N6AJS  RIC          L   CA    19   21    0    40     17     15      680      3     

WB8YQJ DON          L   CA    25    7    0    32     21     20      672      1     
W6ATV  CHRIS        H   CA     6   33    0    39     17     16      663      1     NCCC-SSBABBLERS
N6WLM  BILL         L   CA    17   20    0    37     14     12      518      3     
WQ6X   RON          L   CA     0   24    6    30     11     10      330      1     
KM6SJO SPENCER      L   CA    17    7    0    24     11     10      264      3     
W6IA   MARK         H   CA     1   16    0    17     10      8      170      2     
KB6ODH MIKE         L   CA    10    5    0    15      9      9      135      1     
AI6UG  CURTIS       L   CA     6    5    0    11      9      9       99      1     
KB6DKK PETE         L   CA     2    8    0    10      5      5       50      1     
KN6DRN DAN          L   CA     7    0    0     7      5      4       35      0     

N6TTV  CARL         H   CA     5    0    0     5      6      6       30      0     NCCC-SSBABBLERS
KF6HDD WILLIAM      L   CA     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
K7RL   MITCH        H   WA   125   87   50   262     56     45   14,672     31     
K6LL   DAVE         H   AZ   196   46    0   242     53     44   12,826      1     AOCC GUNSLINGERS
K7SS   DAN          H   WA   134   68   25   227     53     44   12,031      2     
N7MZW  CHUCK        L   WY    86   49   15   150     49     41    7,350     12     GMCC AV'S
K7RI   TOM          H   WA    53   36    0    89     36     30    3,204      1     
KI7Y   JIM          H   OR    42   38   19    99     32     28    3,168      4     
KE6GFI ARLENE       H   AZ    55   28    0    83     37     31    3,071      1     AOCC GUNSLINGERS
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR    44   25   13    82     35     31    2,870      4     
WC7S   DALE         Q   WY    32   31   11    74     30     27    2,220      5     GMCC BRONCOS
N7WY   BOB          L   WY    45   19    0    64     28     25    1,792      1     GMCC AV'S

W1UT   LES          H   UT    16   38    0    54     31     27    1,674      1     
KK7MA  MIKE         L   OR    28   22    2    52     26     22    1,352      3     
N7TPR  RICH         L   WA    34   15    7    56     24     21    1,344      5     
K6ST   BARRY        L   NV    39   12    0    51     24     21    1,224      1     NCCC-SSBABBLERS
K0IP   JOHN         H   ID    39    0    0    39     25     23      975      0     
N7AME  JOHN         L   WA    29    2    8    39     24     20      936      3     
N7KN   CHARLIE      L   WA    28    7    0    35     26     22      910      1     
AA7V   RICHARD      H   AZ    20   16    0    36     24     17      864      1     
N7SVI  BOB          Q   ID    33    0    0    33     23     20      759      0     
KE7CR  RON          L   ID    21   16    0    37     18     16      666      1     

W7STV  STEVEN       L   WA    21    9    4    34     19     17      646      2     
KA7RRA DAVE         H   WA    21    9    0    30     17     15      510      1     
N9RV   PAT          H   MT     0   22    0    22     15     13      330      0     
K7UWQ  SHANE        L   WA     0   17    0    17      9      9      153      0     
K6IR   JOHN         L   WA    10    3    0    13      8      7      104      1     
K7YL   MARILYN      L   OR    11    0    0    11      9      7       99      0     
N7MU   JIM          L   WA     1   11    4    16      6      5       96      2     
NK2J   JIM          L   AZ     6    4    1    11      6      5       66      2     

US Call Area 8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
KW8N   BOB          H   OH   155  102   55   312     57     47   17,784     60     RANDOM SPRINTERS
NA8V   GREG         H   MI    82   84   60   226     51     42   11,526      4     THE ZOOMERS
N8VW   PAT          L   OH    66   94   53   213     49     41   10,437      6     RANDOM SPRINTERS
ND8DX  ED           H   OH    71   65   51   187     48     39    8,976     10     RANDOM SPRINTERS
NW8U   JOHN         L   WV    47   61   30   138     44     35    6,072      4     
K3JT   TERRY        L   WV    77   21    0    98     45     39    4,410      3     
AC8JF  WES          L   MI    26   30    8    64     32     28    2,048      2     
N8VOX  TONY         L   MI    31   28    0    59     29     27    1,711      3     
WB8SAG BOB          H   OH    17    7    0    24     17     16      408      1     
W8TGB  TIM          L   MI     2   12    0    14     12     10      168      1     

N8REL  BOB          L   MI     0    2    0     2      1      0        2      0     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN   106  102   64   272     54     44   14,688     30     THE ZOOMERS
N9LQ   JOEL         H   IL    79   74   54   207     47     40    9,729      4     
K9BGL  KARL         H   IL    68   90   52   210     46     39    9,660      8     
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL    51   57   42   150     45     38    6,750      2     
N9TTK  JUSTIN       H   IN    44   57   33   134     46     39    6,164      5     
W9YZR  DAN          H   WI    59   55   24   138     43     39    5,934      3     
N7ZZ   STU          L   WI    28   44   39   111     41     34    4,551      4     
AG9A   MARK         L   IL    12   82    0    94     43     35    4,042      2     
AC9TO  MARV         L   WI    21   40   21    82     33     31    2,706      3     
KD9BBB BEN          L   IL    21   38    5    64     33     30    2,112      5     

KC9GLR KYLE         L   IN    40   14    0    54     33     30    1,782      2     
KB9LGS RAY          L   IN    22   35    0    57     31     29    1,767      1     
K9ZXO  MITCH        L   IL    16    0    0    16     14     11      224      0     
N8HWV  NATE         L   WI     9    4    0    13     12     10      156      1     
K9PMV  GERALD       L   IL     1    0    0     1      1      1        1      0     

US Call Area KH6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
KH6CJJ KENT         L   HI    34    5    0    39     20     16      780      1     GMCC BRONCOS

Canadian Call Area VE1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VE1FSM FRANK        L   NS    13    2    0    15     14     12      210      1     

Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VE2KLW AL           L   QC     0   30    0    30     22     17      660      0     
VE2LJV SAM          L   QC    11    8    0    19     15     13      285      2     
VE2RRE PIERRE       L   QC     3    0    0     3      3      3        9      0     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VE3YT  VIC          H   ON    71   87   49   207     49     40   10,143      5     THE ZOOMERS
VE3GJP JOEL         L   ON    29   43   26    98     35     32    3,430      4     
VE3RGO STU          L   ON    33   35   14    82     38     30    3,116      3     
VA3WU  RICK         H   ON    31   26    0    57     33     29    1,881      1     
VA3OOL TOM          L   ON    21    0    0    21     14     12      294      0     
VE3JZT JEFF         L   ON    15    3    0    18     14     13      252      1     
VE3OMV MARIA        L   ON     5    0    0     5      7      6       35      0     

Canadian Call Area VE5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VE5SF  SAM          L   SK    85   77   31   193     47     39    9,071      2     

Canadian Call Area VE6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VA6RCN KEVIN        L   AB    20   14   12    46     24     21    1,104      8     
VE6CA  REG          H   AB    26    0    0    26     19     19      494      0     
VE6CSX BUD          H   AB    14    5    0    19     15     13      285      1     

Canadian Call Area VE7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VA7XH  SHELDON      H   BC    71    6   21    98     44     36    4,312      4     
VE7BC  KEN          L   BC     0   24   13    37     15     12      555      3     
VA7JC  JON          H   BC    15   12    0    27     14     11      378      1     
VA7LGN ANDREW       L   BC    19    0    0    19     12     11      228      0     

Canadian Call Area VE8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VE8GER GERRY        L   NT     7    0    0     7      7      6       49      0     

Canadian Call Area VE9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VE9XX  DON          H   NB    66   45   30   141     42     37    5,922      2     

Canadian Call Area VY2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
VY2LI  BILL         L   PE    28    6    0    34     23     21      782      1     

DX Entries NA Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ===================
ZF2MA  RANDY        H   DX   127   94   10   231     51     42   11,781      7     
XE2S   MARCO        L   DX     0   30    0    30     22     21      660      0     


Random Sprinters
  KW8N         17,784
  N8VW         10,437
  K6JO         10,320
  ND4Y          9,408
  ND8DX         8,976
  TOTAL        56,925

The Zoomers
  W9RE         14,688
  NA8V         11,526
  K7SV         11,000
  VE3YT        10,143
  AI6O          7,098
  TOTAL        54,455

  N4OX         13,750
  N4OO         11,016
  K4BAI         9,894
  AA5JF         9,494
  KU8E          9,435
  TOTAL        53,589

  K0EU         13,750
  K0UK         11,016
  N7MZW         7,350
  W0ZA          3,900
  N7WY          1,792
  TOTAL        37,808

  WD6T         13,621
  N6ZFO         3,648
  K6ST          1,224
  W6ATV           663
  N6TTV            30
  TOTAL        19,186

AOCC Gunslingers
  K6LL         12,826
  KE6GFI        3,071
  TOTAL        15,897

GMCC Broncos
  W0ETT         4,320
  WC7S          2,220
  KH6CJJ          780
  TOTAL         7,320

MikeOscar Contesting Club
  KE0UNV        3,880
  KC0NOX        1,034
  TOTAL         4,914

  NK4O          2,448
  KT4O          1,302
  TOTAL         3,750