2022 April

April 2022 SSB Sprint


The April 2022 SSB Sprint was another great success.  SSB Sprint continues to be the most participated in Sprint event.  We held this last session at the end of April rather than early in April as it had been recently.  The conditions turned out to be quite good.  Contacts were being made on 20 meters from the start and into the 4th hour, even with the 0000z start time.  More and more newer participants are getting involved in SSB Sprint and expressing their enjoyment.

Once again, every state was contacted at least once, although there were a few that were a bit harder to contact than they have been in some of the more recent events.  DC was the hardest to work, followed by AK and surprisingly NV.  Did anyone work them all?  K9CT came the closest with 47.  Six more stations worked 45 or more.   The only Canadian multipliers missing completely were NU and YT, although only a few worked MB or PE.  Once again, a shout out for the NT and NL stations who work hard to make those multipliers available.  Thank you!  Only three NA countries were in logs this time and only a couple times for each.

The top High Power score went to KW8N who had both the most QSOs and the most multipliers.  K9CT was a healthy 2nd place followed by a close race for 3rd between WD6T, K7RL, and N4OX finishing in that order.  N1LN, K6LL, K7SS, N3QE and K1RX rounded out the top ten high power category.

KA9FOX won the Low Power category.  He also finished 8th overall despite being low power!  He edged out frequent low power winner K0EU who finished second this time.  AC0W was right behind by less than 2% to take 3rd.  WQ5L, N9LQ, N1STN, W0ETT, WD9CIR, K4FMI and WN4AFP were the rest of the top ten in the low power category.

N8NA ran away with the QRP plaque this time with a very nice score of 5,244.  He was followed by W7LG who finished 2nd and WC7S who finished 3rd.

We had some outstanding Golden Loggers this time around who made no mistakes.  N9LQ made 155 errorless QSOs.  WD9CIR made 135, and K8MR (who actually prefers CW) made 107.

In another close race the Team Competition was won by the MRRC and Friends team with all team members from the Great Lakes Division.  In second place this time was the SMC Talkers with all their members from W9 land.  The prolific SECC Team from GA and FL finished 3rd.  We had 11 teams registered this time.  This is another dimension to the SSB Sprint fun that can be had.

We had three New Records set:  K1RX set a new High Power record for NH.  KA9FOX set a new Low Power record for WI as he beat his old record from 2005.  W7LG set a new QRP record for PA.

We mentioned before how interesting is to see that some operators make heavy use of SO2R while others use it sparingly or not at all.  Does it work?  Looking at the line scores (band changes), it would appear that you can be very competitive either way.  So whatever works best for you.

Logging accuracy seems to be improving.  One of the easiest ways to improve?  Proofread your log for those obvious typos before sending it.  Make sure that number 0 and letter O are used correctly.

A common situation which is a biproduct of the Sprint format, is where a person thinks he is working someone, but that someone is really working someone else.  Stations are coming and going on a particular frequency, which is one of the reasons why both callsigns are included in the exchange.  Also try to use the recommended protocol.  If someone is calling you (following the end of your previous QSO or in answer to your CQ) you would say:  His call, your callsign, your #, your name, your s/p/c.  This indicates that the QSO is not yet over.  If you are working someone that you have called and they have sent you their exchange, you would then say: His call, your #, your name, your s/p/c, and your callsign.  Your callsign at the end indicates that is the last part of the exchange for that QSO and that you are now inheriting the frequency for someone to call you.  It takes getting in the habit enough that it becomes second nature.  Admittedly, with each Sprint it sometimes takes several QSOs before it becomes more automatic.

Another reminder regarding QRM to other activities on the bands such as nets.  There were only a couple of complaints and all on 40 meters.  Here are some suggestions.  The obvious one is simply do a quick ask regarding whether the frequency in use before calling CQ.  Believe me, these guys will be quick to respond if it is!  There are some very popular net frequencies to avoid.  7185 KHz (OMISS net) seems to have activity almost around the clock, but especially in the evenings.  There is another on 7188 KHz (Hole in the Wall net) that is popular and generally starts at 10 PM Eastern.  We can also get familiar with and note what is going on as we are operating the Sprint by keeping track of frequencies to avoid once we discover them.  We can either make a mental note or use a scratch piece of paper to do so.

Wondering how your log came out in the checking process? We can send you a copy of your report if you request it by e-mailing manager@ssbsprint.com.

The next SSB Sprint will be on Oct 23, 2022 UTC (Saturday evening Oct 22 locally).  Please invite others to join us, especially in those rarer states, provinces and countries.  The more participants, the more fun.  Thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.


Top Ten Scores
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              16,359     69        14       74     75     62     76
K9CT              13,832     15         6       67     61     63     56
WD6T              12,584     57         7       63     58     53     68
K7RL              12,444     52         2       65     59     55     65
N4OX              12,393      2         3       78     67     52     45
N1LN              11,872     31         3       63     58     44     59
K6LL              11,781      1         3       42     70     64     55
KA9FOX            11,660      2         6       60     45     58     57
K7SS              11,607      2         7       67     52     58     42
N3QE              11,440      4         2       46     62     54     58

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              16,359     69        14       74     75     62     76
K9CT              13,832     15         6       67     61     63     56
WD6T              12,584     57         7       63     58     53     68
K7RL              12,444     52         2       65     59     55     65
N4OX              12,393      2         3       78     67     52     45
N1LN              11,872     31         3       63     58     44     59
K6LL              11,781      1         3       42     70     64     55
K7SS              11,607      2         7       67     52     58     42
N3QE              11,440      4         2       46     62     54     58
K1RX              10,950     10        10       72     64     42     41

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KA9FOX            11,660      2         6       60     45     58     57
K0EU              10,633     27         8       69     49     45     54
AC0W              10,437      2         5       48     59     57     49
WQ5L               9,306      2         3       46     47     53     52
N9LQ               6,820      2         2       40     32     43     40
N1STN              5,863      5         5       37     31     37     38
W0ETT              5,822      9         6       56     45     17     24
WD9CIR             5,805      2         0       24     41     31     39
K4FMI              5,782      8         5       31     35     30     21
WN4AFP             5,719      8         6       34     38     30     31

Top Six QRP
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
N8NA               5,244      4         4       31     38     30     39
W7LG               1,710      3         6       14     20     22      1
WC7S               1,056      4         3       19      6     10     13
KB9WYX               153      1         1        5      2      4      6
VE6EX                 81      0         8       10     -1      0      0
N7VAZ                 42      1         2        1      0      3      3

Top Eleven QSO Totals
Call Sign  # QSOs       
=========  =============
KW8N                 287
K9CT                 247
K7RL                 244
N4OX                 243
WD6T                 242
K6LL                 231
N1LN                 224
KA9FOX               220
N3QE                 220
K1RX                 219
K7SS                 219

Top Ten Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
KW8N                  57
K9CT                  56
K7SS                  53
KA9FOX                53
N1LN                  53
N3QE                  52
WD6T                  52
K6LL                  51
K7RL                  51
N4OX                  51

Top Twelve States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
K9CT                  47
KW8N                  46
WD6T                  46
K7RL                  45
K7SS                  45
KA9FOX                45
N3QE                  45
K0EU                  44
K6LL                  44
N1LN                  44
N4OX                  44
NA8V                  44

Golden Logs
Call Sign  Num QSOs     
=========  =============
N9LQ                 155
WD9CIR               135
K8MR                 107
NK4O                  84
N5UM                  72
VE3KTB                65
KC2GOW                62
N8BZN                 37
N3WR                  31
N5XTR                 31
VE2HEW                20
N9HDE                 18
K6BBQ                 13
K3JSJ                 12
N1CEO                 12
W4BZM                  9
VY2LI                  6
W2MJR                  6
KB3LYB                 5
W3BHL                  2
W6SX                   2
W6EMR                  1

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K0EU   KEN          L   CO   103   81   33   217     49     44   10,633     27     GMC GOLD MINERS
AC0W   BILL         L   MN    78   87   48   213     49     42   10,437      2     
W0ETT  KEN          L   CO    80   51   11   142     41     37    5,822      9     GMC GOLD MINERS
N0TA   JOHN         H   CO    63   51   44   158     36     32    5,688      2     GMC GOLD MINERS
KK0SD  JOE          L   SD    45   71   13   129     41     36    5,289      7     
KV0I   BILL         H   NE    60   50    0   110     42     37    4,620      2     
AE0DC  DOUG         L   MO    42   44   14   100     39     35    3,900      2     
AA0Z   KYLE         L   MO    26   66    0    92     42     37    3,864      1     
W0AAE  BOB          L   MN    58   21    0    79     31     28    2,449      3     
WA0N   GEORGE       L   KS    45   28    0    73     32     29    2,336      1     

N0KQ   BILL         L   CO    37   15    9    61     33     29    2,013      5     GMC SILVER MINERS
W0ADL  AARON        L   MN    23   29    0    52     35     32    1,820      1     
K0OP   STEVE        L   ND    45    7    0    52     30     26    1,560      1     
W0YJT  JOHN         L   KS    20   26    0    46     29     24    1,334      1     
KC0JRW BOB          L   NE    41    5    0    46     27     25    1,242      1     
WA0JZK LARRY        H   MO    50    0    0    50     23     20    1,150      0     
W0ZA   GREG         L   NE    17   21    0    38     18     17      684      2     GMC GOLD MINERS
N0AT   RON          L   MN     9   17    0    26     19     18      494      1     
N9HDE  SCOTT        L   IA     6   12    0    18     15     14      270      1     
K0CJG  CHRIS        L   CO     0   14    2    16     14     11      224      1     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K1RX   MARK         H   NH    81  136    2   219     50     42   10,950     10     TWO DUUDES
N1STN  MIKE         L   ME    47   64   32   143     41     35    5,863      5     
KK1L   RON          H   VT    52   81    0   133     44     39    5,852      1     
N1DFD  NICK         H   ME    65   65    0   130     41     35    5,330      1     
KA1WA  BEN          L   CT    13   74   14   101     37     31    3,737      4     
AB1EP  BOB          H   ME    37   56    0    93     39     36    3,627      1     
N1SFE  PAUL         L   CT    20   46    0    66     32     30    2,112      3     
N1SFT  CRAIG        L   NH    16   31    7    54     27     24    1,458      4     
K1AV   PETER        L   RI     6   28    0    34     23     20      782      1     
N1CEO  PETER        L   MA     9    3    0    12      8      8       96      1     

NW2P   RON          H   ME     9    0    0     9      7      7       63      0     
WX1X   SCOTT        L   RI     3    0    0     3      2      2        6      0     

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W2LC   SCOTT        H   NY    60   55   53   168     49     42    8,232      2     
N1NQD  AL           L   NY    48   39   23   110     44     38    4,840      2     
WA2JQK BOB          L   NY    41   44   29   114     42     35    4,788      3     
KI2D   DAN          L   NY    31   53   29   113     42     38    4,746     16     
K2AL   AL           L   NJ    28   29   35    92     35     30    3,220      4     
KC2GOW ANDY         L   NY    23   38    1    62     30     28    1,860      2     
N2LDV  LENNY        L   NY    12   46    0    58     29     27    1,682      3     
WA2CNV LARRY        L   NY    26   24    6    56     29     24    1,624      3     
KD2UBH ERIK         H   NY    13   35    0    48     27     24    1,296      4     
KD2KEH KEN          L   NY     8   14    0    22     14     12      308      1     

W2MJR  MATT         L   NJ     6    0    0     6      5      5       30      0     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD    59  105   56   220     52     45   11,440      4     THURSDAY NIGHTERS
N8NA   KARL         Q   DE    47   59   32   138     38     37    5,244      4     
NS3X   MARK         L   MD    42   35   31   108     43     39    4,644      2     
WA3HGW DON          L   PA    19   39   21    79     34     31    2,686      2     
W7LG   MIKE         Q   PA    23   33    1    57     30     25    1,710      3     
K3UA   PHIL         L   PA     0    0   49    49     29     27    1,421      0     
N3WR   BEN          L   PA    10   21    0    31     18     17      558      1     
KD3H   JOHN         H   MD    13   13    0    26     19     18      494      2     
N3RUM  DAN          L   PA     2   18    0    20     18     16      360      1     
AB1F   ABIE         L   MD    22    0    0    22     12     11      264      0     

K3JSJ  JASON        L   MD     0   12    0    12     10     10      120      0     
K3ISH  ED           H   PA     2    4    0     6      5      5       30      1     
KB3LYB MARK         L   PA     1    4    0     5      5      4       25      2     
W3BHL  JON          L   PA     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     
KA3KSP JIM          L   PA     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N4OX   JAY          H   FL   105   96   42   243     51     44   12,393      2     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
N1LN   BRUCE        H   NC    67  106   51   224     53     44   11,872     31     
KU8E   JEFF         H   GA    87   83   45   215     49     42   10,535      6     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
ND4Y   DAVID        H   KY    75   68   52   195     48     41    9,360      2     MRRC AND FRIENDS
K3DNE  ED           H   SC    50  101   47   198     47     41    9,306      4     SFCG LARGE-MOUTHS
K4BAI  JOHN         H   GA    71   85   36   192     48     42    9,216      5     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB
ND8L   RAY          H   FL    66   70   38   174     47     42    8,178      2     
N4IQ   BILL         H   SC    35   89   43   167     46     42    7,682     17     SFCG LARGE-MOUTHS
W4GE   RICK         H   SC    44   78   34   156     45     38    7,020      8     
AA5JF  ANDY         H   GA    32   82   33   147     43     38    6,321      2     SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB

WO4O   RIC          H   FL    74   54    3   131     45     38    5,895      3     
K4FMI  CHRIS        L   NC    44   72    2   118     49     40    5,782      8     
WN4AFP DAVE         L   SC    22   84   27   133     43     37    5,719      8     SFCG SMALL-MOUTHS
AA4NU  BILL         H   TN    51   42   29   122     42     36    5,124      8     
W4KW   BERT         H   TN    37   60    0    97     45     40    4,365      1     
K0EJ   MARK         H   TN    75   23    0    98     44     36    4,312      1     
K8MR   JIM          L   FL    70   37    0   107     37     32    3,959      3     
KG3V   TOM          L   VA    30   53   16    99     39     34    3,861     10     
N4XL   KEN          L   SC    45   38    0    83     42     37    3,486      9     SFCG SMALL-MOUTHS
NK4O   AJ           L   FL    46   35    3    84     37     35    3,108      5     

KN4OQD JIM          L   SC     6   57   19    82     36     33    2,952      8     SFCG SMALL-MOUTHS
KX4BI  VANCE        L   AL    23   47   21    91     32     29    2,912      4     
KY4ID  MIKE         L   SC    15   62    6    83     33     30    2,739      5     SFCG SMALL-MOUTHS
W9TCV  ERICH        L   VA    28   34    0    62     33     31    2,046      1     
WB4E   HAL          L   TN    20   22   15    57     33     28    1,881      2     
N1QEQ  BOB          L   VA    28   29    0    57     30     27    1,710      1     
KO4GLN KAY          H   VA    15   41    0    56     29     25    1,624      1     COLONIAL CAPITOL TEAM 1
KG9V   SCOTT        H   SC    19   27    0    46     28     24    1,288      1     SFCG LARGE-MOUTHS
N1XI   PAUL         L   NC     9   38    0    47     27     25    1,269      2     
K8LF   JAY          H   VA    19   26    0    45     27     25    1,215      1     COLONIAL CAPITOL TEAM 1

WB4FSU DON          L   FL    16   11    9    36     25     23      900      4     
K4QQG  JOHN         H   SC    22    5    0    27     19     19      513      3     SFCG LARGE-MOUTHS
K0DSL  DIANE        L   FL     6   14    0    20     11     10      220      2     
K4XB   TOM          L   SC     0    9    0     9      8      8       72      0     
W4BZM  MIKE         L   FL     4    5    0     9      8      8       72      1     
KA3EHL CHUCK        L   FL     0   12    0    12      5      5       60      0     

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WQ5L   RAY          L   MS   104   60   34   198     47     41    9,306      2     
WW5L   JIM          H   LA    60   23   28   111     40     36    4,440      6     
KD2KW  KEN          L   TX    65   31    0    96     38     34    3,648      1     
K5OY   STEVE        L   AR    42   34    0    76     32     28    2,432      3     
N5UM   AL           H   OK    26   46    0    72     33     29    2,376      1     
K5DEU  GREG         H   LA    44   18    0    62     30     26    1,860      3     
N5HYP  TOM          L   TX    56    2    0    58     25     23    1,450      1     
KD5J   CORD         H   AR    20    0   29    49     29     26    1,421      1     
W5JEF  JEFF         L   TX    36   12    0    48     24     23    1,152      1     
N5XTR  JOEL         L   OK    10   21    0    31     20     20      620      1     

W3PWF  PAUL         H   TX     3    0    0     3      3      3        9      0     

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WD6T   DAVE         H   CA   105   97   40   242     52     46   12,584     57     THURSDAY NIGHTERS
N6WM   CHRIS        H   CA    64   59   17   140     43     39    6,020      2     
K6GHA  DON          L   CA    49   59   15   123     38     35    4,674      2     THURSDAY NIGHTERS
KA6KEN KEN          L   CA    47   20    0    67     35     32    2,345      5     
K7GK   AL           H   CA    50   12    0    62     33     31    2,046      1     
K6WDE  DAVE         L   CA    32   20    5    57     29     26    1,653      2     
K2DMS  DAVID        L   CA    34   22    0    56     27     24    1,512      1     
W6AAE  KEVIN        L   CA    29   24    0    53     23     21    1,219      1     
N6OKU  WILLY        L   CA    35    0    0    35     27     26      945      0     
KM6RNJ VLAD         L   CA    12   13    0    25     11     10      275      1     

K6BBQ  REM          L   CA    13    0    0    13     12     11      156      0     
W6RT   NOAM         L   CA     0   17    5    22      7      5      154      4     
KM6DKE BOB          L   CA     7    5    1    13     10      9      130      3     
WC6Q   RYAN         L   CA     4    0    0     4      4      4       16      0     
W6SX   HANK         H   CA     2    0    0     2      2      2        4      0     THURSDAY NIGHTERS
W6EMR  ERIK         L   CA     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K7RL   MITCH        H   WA   108   83   53   244     51     45   12,444     52     
K6LL   DAVE         H   AZ   124  107    0   231     51     44   11,781      1     
K7SS   DAN          H   WA   124   73   22   219     53     45   11,607      2     WEST SEATTLE TRACK TEAM
K7RI   TOM          H   WA    99   75    6   180     47     43    8,460      2     WEST SEATTLE TRACK TEAM
NO7R   RIO          H   AZ    64   45    0   109     46     40    5,014      1     
N7MZW  CHUCK        L   WY    58   41   12   111     40     36    4,440      8     GMC GOLD MINERS
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR    49   21   15    85     37     32    3,145      6     
KD7HU  CHUCK        L   MT    29   52    0    81     36     31    2,916      2     
KI7Y   JIM          H   OR    36   43    0    79     31     29    2,449      1     THURSDAY NIGHTERS
W7OM   ROD          L   WA    51   22    0    73     33     32    2,409      1     WEST SEATTLE TRACK TEAM

N7WY   BOB          L   WY    52   15    0    67     30     27    2,010      2     GMC SILVER MINERS
KK7PW  JON          H   WA    49    9    8    66     29     27    1,914      7     WEST SEATTLE TRACK TEAM
KI7RES KIARA        L   UT    21   27    0    48     25     22    1,200      1     
WC7S   DALE         Q   WY    22   23    3    48     22     21    1,056      4     GMC SILVER MINERS
N9NA   JOHN         H   AZ    28   14    0    42     25     22    1,050      1     
N7TPR  RICH         L   WA    21    6    7    34     19     17      646      4     
KE6GFI ARLENE       H   AZ    18    0    0    18     16     15      288      0     
KJ7UA  LARRY        H   WA    16    2    0    18     13     13      234      5     
W7FCL  ERIC         H   WA    17    0    0    17     13     12      221      0     WEST SEATTLE TRACK TEAM
KB9WYX ALEX         Q   OR    11    6    0    17      9      7      153      1     

WA7WA  JIM          L   WA     6    0    0     6      7      7       42      0     
N7VAZ  ERIC         Q   AZ     4    3    0     7      6      6       42      1     
NK2J   JIM          L   AZ     0    0    0     0      0      0        0      0     

US Call Area 8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KW8N   BOB          H   OH   114  123   50   287     57     46   16,359     69     MRRC AND FRIENDS
NA8V   GREG         H   MI    68   81   55   204     49     44    9,996      6     MRRC AND FRIENDS
ND8DX  ED           H   OH    47   61   56   164     47     42    7,708      3     MRRC AND FRIENDS
N8FYL  JOHN         L   MI    24   70   37   131     42     36    5,502      3     MRRC AND FRIENDS
K3JT   TERRY        L   WV    37   68   12   117     38     33    4,446      4     
N8BZN  DON          L   MI     6   31    0    37     23     22      851      1     
WB8TCB PHIL         L   OH     0   27    0    27     19     18      513      0     
N8KAM  JOHN         L   MI     7    0    0     7      6      6       42      0     
KD8TJB MATT         L   OH     4    0    0     4      4      4       16      0     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K9CT   CRAIG        H   IL    98   94   55   247     56     47   13,832     15     SMC TALKERS
KA9FOX SCOTT        L   WI    99   72   49   220     53     45   11,660      2     SMC TALKERS
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN    74   98   42   214     50     43   10,700     24     SMC TALKERS
N7ZZ   STU          H   WI    75   93   25   193     48     41    9,264      5     
K9BGL  KARL         H   IL    49   79   52   180     47     41    8,460      6     
N9LQ   JOEL         L   IL    45   69   41   155     44     39    6,820      2     SMC TALKERS
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL    35   63   37   135     43     39    5,805      2     
W9HT   JOSH         L   IN    34   41   37   112     38     33    4,256      2     
KC9K   DAVE         H   IL    48   49    0    97     37     31    3,589      1     SMC TALKERS
AC9TO  MARV         L   WI     6   31   13    50     30     25    1,500      2     

N0XXL  HARDY        L   WI    23   17    0    40     24     22      960      3     
KB9LGS RAY          L   IN    10   25    2    37     24     24      888      2     
N9UPU  JOE          L   WI     1   19   13    33     20     17      660      4     
N9TU   JERRY        L   IN    24    7    0    31     19     16      589      1     
KJ9C   MEL          H   IN     0   28    0    28     21     21      588      0     
KC1KHH TREVOR       L   WI    21    0    0    21     13     13      273      0     
WA9TMU DOUG         L   IN     0    0    0     0      0      0        0      0     

US Call Area KH6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WH7T   MARK         H   HI    22    0    0    22     16     14      352      0     

Canadian Call Area VE1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team 
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ===================================================
VE1FSM FRANK        L   NB     0   27    3    30     16     12      480      2  
Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA2UR  GUY          H   QC    19   40   26    85     34     30    2,890      3     
VA2MM  MARK         H   QC    20   35   21    76     35     32    2,660      2     
VE2HEW TONY         L   QC    18    0    2    20     17     15      340      1     
VE2GT  PIERRE       H   QC     0    5    0     5      5      5       25      0     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE3YT  VIC          H   ON    45   44   51   140     46     41    6,440     15     
VE3KG  DAVE         H   ON     0   74    0    74     39     33    2,886      0     
VA3OOL TOM          H   ON    14   35   14    63     37     34    2,331      7     
VE3KTB PIERRE       L   ON     0   38   27    65     34     32    2,210      1     
VE3AND ANDY         L   ON    16   28    0    44     25     22    1,100      2     
VE3JZT JEFF         L   ON    11   19    0    30     21     18      630      4     

Canadian Call Area VE5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE5SF  SAM          L   SK    68   48    0   116     39     36    4,524      5     
VE5KS  JOHN         L   SK     5   10    0    15     13     12      195      1     

Canadian Call Area VE6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE6IVN IVAN         H   AB    50    0    0    50     31     29    1,550      0     
VA6RCN KEVIN        L   AB    37   17    0    54     27     24    1,458      3     
VA6TVA PAUL         L   AB    23   27    0    50     24     22    1,200      1     
VE6FRD DWAYNE       L   AB    12   18    0    30     20     19      600      1     
VE6CSX BUD          L   AB    14    0    0    14     11     11      154      0     
VE6EX  DAN          Q   AB     9    0    0     9      9      9       81      0     

Canadian Call Area VE7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA7XH  SHELDON      H   BC    51   29   16    96     37     33    3,552      2     
VA7TU  CHRIS        H   BC    64   25    0    89     34     32    3,026      1     
VA7EGZ DAVID        L   BC    32    9    5    46     22     20    1,012      3     

Canadian Call Area VE9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE9WH  JIM          L   NB    20   13    0    33     22     19      726      1     

Canadian Call Area VO1,VO2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VO2AC  CHRIS        H   NL    35   40    0    75     36     33    2,700      1     
VO1BQ  JOE          H   NL     0    5    0     5      6      3       30      0     

Canadian Call Area VY2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VY2LI  BILL         L   PE     0    6    0     6      6      5       36      0     


MRRC and friends
  KW8N         16,359
  NA8V          9,996
  ND4Y          9,360
  ND8DX         7,708
  N8FYL         5,502
  TOTAL        48,925

  K9CT         13,832
  KA9FOX       11,660
  W9RE         10,700
  N9LQ          6,820
  KC9K          3,589
  TOTAL        46,601

South East Contest Club
  N4OX         12,393
  KU8E         10,535
  K4BAI         9,216
  AA5JF         6,321
  TOTAL        38,465

Thursday Nighters
  WD6T         12,584
  N3QE         11,440
  K6GHA         4,674
  KI7Y          2,449
  W6SX              4
  TOTAL        31,151

GMC Gold Miners
  K0EU         10,633
  W0ETT         5,822
  N0TA          5,688
  N7MZW         4,440
  W0ZA            684
  TOTAL        27,267

  K7SS         11,607
  K7RI          8,460
  W7OM          2,409
  KK7PW         1,914
  W7FCL           221
  TOTAL        24,611

SFCG Large-Mouths
  K3DNE         9,306
  N4IQ          7,682
  KG9V          1,288
  K4QQG           513
  TOTAL        18,789

SFCG Small-Mouths
  WN4AFP        5,719
  N4XL          3,486
  KN4OQD        2,952
  KY4ID         2,739
  TOTAL        14,896

Two Duudes
  K1RX         10,950
  TOTAL        10,950

GMC Silver Miners
  N0KQ          2,013
  N7WY          2,010
  WC7S          1,056
  TOTAL         5,079

Colonial Capitol Team 1
  KO4GLN        1,624
  K8LF          1,215
  TOTAL         2,839