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Next SSB Sprint: Nov 23, 2025, 0000-0359 UTC

2021 Oct

October 2021 SSB Sprint


The October 2021 SSB Sprint was another well supported event with some wonderful conditions for some, but not quite so good for some others.  We were able to activate all states and most provinces with only NU and MB not being worked.  We also found that a number of other North American countries were logged as well.  With better conditions we might have had some WAS T-shirt winners this time, but it became difficult to cover all parts of the country.  Three stations worked 45 states and two more worked 44 states, but the states that were missed were quite different between these entries.  We continue to receive many favorable comments from participants expressing their enjoyment of the SSB Sprint, which includes a wide range of both new and experienced contesters.

The stations in the Western US made the most of the conditions that were dealt.  As expected, they had the highest 20 meter totals, but with 40 meter propagation going long early in the event, they scored big on 40 meters also.  75 meters worked well for almost everyone and with 40 meters long was used extensively by those in the eastern half of NA.

In the High Power category September 2018 SSB Sprint winner Mitch, K7RL, took top score honors once again this time around.  He had a commanding lead in QSOs and for being in WA did especially well on 75 meters with 86 QSOs there.  Dave, WD6T, made his best ever showing to take 2nd place, largely through the use of SO2R, as he had the most band changes (63).  And veteran SSB Sprinter Bill, K4XS, took 3rd place operating as V3X from his new partially built station in Belize.  Another veteran Sprinter Dave, K6LL, used his 2nd highest QSO total to take 4th place.  Bob, KW8N, was well behind in QSOs, but managed to have the highest multiplier total (57) to grab the 5th spot.  W1SRD, N1LN, WD0T, K4ZW and KI6RRN rounded out the rest of the top ten in High Power.

In the Low Power category Randy, aka “Ken” K0EU, won it again easily with a combination of good QSO totals on all three bands and a decent multiplier.  His score was actually 6th overall even though he was low power.  His fellow GMCC Gold Team member Bill, K0UK, took second.  Both Ken and Bill used SO2R extensively.  “DanWa”, K7SS, took third place using only 4 band changes.  Rich, N0HJZ, made another fine showing for 4th place, followed by K7SV, N4OO, AC0W, W0AAE, K6GHA and W0ETT.

There were only two QRP entries this time, but many stations were very happy to work the winner Dale, WC7S, for that elusive WY multiplier.  N7VAZ was the other QRP entry.

Those with errorless logs, aka Golden Logs, deserve some special recognition.  Check out the list of Golden Logs in the results below.  But here we will make note of 3 entries in particular.  Todd, WD0T, made 213 QSOs without an error.  Rich, N0HJZ made 156 QSOs without an error and W9RE made 101 QSOs without error.

The Team Competition was one of the closest ever as only 114 points separated the top two teams with “MRRC and Friends” just edging past the “NCCC QSWires”.  The always strong “South East Sprint Coalition #1” team was very close behind them in the third spot.

We had two new records this time.  Bill, K4XS, operating as V3X beat the previous Belize high power record set by WB0TEV back in October 2016.  And Mark, KP4/K6UFO, established the first record for high power from KP4.  Have you taken a look at the records to see if there might be one you could target?  https://ssbsprint.com/records

As most of you know it is difficult to find good dates for the NA SSB Sprint and so, based on the calendar of other events, we have to move the dates from event to event to find the best date with the least conflicts.  Even after scheduling the October 2021 event, we found out that the Fall version of the Stew Perry TBDC coincided with it.  Some TBDC participants took some time to support the SSB Sprint and we appreciate that.  At this point we have our next two events scheduled on dates that should be “wide open”.  Those are:

April 24, 2022  0000z to 0359z (USA local time: Saturday Evening, April 23, 2022) and

October 23, 2022  0000z to 0359z (USA local time: Saturday Evening, October 22, 2022)

Another point to discuss is the nature of the Sprint with its QSY rule and the likelihood of stepping on and calling CQ on what appears to be an empty frequency.  This is especially the case where there are nets operating.  While we may not have propagation to whomever is transmitting on the net at the time, and so it sounds open to us, those others on the net that are listening may be right in the crosshairs of our loud signal path.  This used to be a situation on 75 meters, but since most of the Sprint activity on 75 meters is now below 3800 KHz, and there is plenty of room there, this has not occurred as frequently.  (But please do check above 3800 KHz for those whose operating privileges do not allow them below 3800.)  The problem now exists primarily on 40 meters where there are some very popular nets, for instance 7185 Khz (OMISS net) seems to have activity almost around the clock, but especially in the evenings.  And there is another on 7188 KHz (Hole in the Wall net) that is popular and generally starts at 10 PM EST.  What can Sprinters do about this?  We can get familiar with and note what is going on as we are operating by keeping track of frequencies to avoid once we discover them.  We can either make a mental note or use a scratch piece of paper to do so.  We can also ask first when we have gone to a particular frequency for the first time.  This is not a huge problem currently, but we don’t want it to escalate into one.

Some have inquired as to the status of the Door Prizes.  Yes, we are behind here for a number of reasons, but the bottom line is that we will be getting caught up.  We appreciate your patience in the meantime.  There are many things that go on behind the scenes in promoting and managing a contest.  Additional help would be very much appreciated, so if anyone would like to volunteer you can contact KW8N at manager@ssbsprint.com to discuss how you might be able to assist.  It’s the “many hands make the load lighter” scenario.

Looking forward to our next fun event on Saturday evening April 23rd.  Please invite others to join us, especially those in rarer states, provinces and countries.  The more participants, the more fun.  Thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.

Top Ten Scores
Call Sign       Score     Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost   00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K7RL            14,469       24        2       74     83     63     53
WD6T            13,446       63        3       79     72     58     40
V3X             13,420        1       14       66     70     53     55
K6LL            13,250        3        5       74     75     53     48
KW8N            12,825       37        8       65     66     57     37
K0EU            12,012       33        7       82     56     52     40
W1SRD           10,863       11        2       72     64     39     38
N1LN            10,476        8        2       49     47     58     40
WD0T            10,437        3        0       65     52     54     42
K4ZW             9,690       29        5       44     41     55     49

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign       Score     Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost   00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K7RL            14,469       24         2      74     83     63     53
WD6T            13,446       63         3      79     72     58     40
V3X             13,420        1        14      66     70     53     55
K6LL            13,250        3         5      74     75     53     48
KW8N            12,825       37         8      65     66     57     37
W1SRD           10,863       11         2      72     64     39     38
N1LN            10,476        8         2      49     47     58     40
WD0T            10,437        3         0      65     52     54     42
K4ZW             9,690       29         5      44     41     55     49
KI6RRN           8,925        4         4      52     11     59     53

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign       Score     Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost   00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K0EU            12,012       33        7       82     56     52     40
K0UK             9,163       61        7       67     47     43     30
K7SS             8,010        4        7       58     61     34     25
N0HJZ            7,956       13        0       44     44     39     29
K7SV             6,950        4        2       34     25     50     30
N4OO             6,811       16        5       37     27     37     38
AC0W             6,480        2        4       36     28     45     35
W0AAE            5,192        8        2       55     22     36      5
K6GHA            4,920        4        1       35     45     20     20
W0ETT            4,674       10        9       38     37     22     26

Top Two QRP
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost   00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
WC7S                 741      7        4       16      9     11      3
N7VAZ                240      2        1       10      2      5      3

Top Ten QSO Totals
Call Sign  # QSOs       
=========  =============
K7RL                 273
K6LL                 250
WD6T                 249
V3X                  244
K0EU                 231
KW8N                 225
W1SRD                213
WD0T                 213
N1LN                 194
K4ZW                 190

Top Eleven Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
KW8N                  57
V3X                   55
N1LN                  54
WD6T                  54
K6LL                  53
K7RL                  53
K0EU                  52
K4ZW                  51
KI6RRN                51
N0HJZ                 51
W1SRD                 51

Top Thirteen States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
K6LL                  45
K7RL                  45
WD6T                  45
KW8N                  44
V3X                   44
K0EU                  42
K4ZW                  42
K7SV                  42
KI6RRN                42
N0HJZ                 42
N1LN                  42
W1SRD                 42
WD0T                  42

Golden Logs
Call Sign  Num QSOs     
=========  =============
WD0T                 213
N0HJZ                156
W9RE                 101
N8FYL                 81
KI7Y                  76
K2ACX                 73
NA8V                  73
K6OHI                 63
VA3DKL                50
VA6RCN                49
K9PG                  47
AC9TO                 44
VE9AA                 39
NL7V                  32
AL1G                  25
AA7V                  24
K0JP                  19
KJ7MEB                17
KN9W                  17
KT3V                  17
N1NQD                 15
WR1B                  15
W4IPA                 13
VA7EGZ                12
KA6KEN                11
W8TOM                 11
W9VTD                 11
WB2KLD                10
K1THE                  9
K2AL                   9
KD2KEH                 9
KF5OMH                 9
KX6X                   9
KB1DDC                 8
NY2A                   7
VE9WH                  7
K4RSA                  6
K7JKM                  6
N0VLR                  5
W0ZA                   5
AK0BC                  4
K4MV                   4
NX0E                   2
W4GHV                  2
WY6R                   1

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K0EU   KEN          L   CO    48  114   69   231     52     42   12,012     33     GMCC GOLD TEAM
WD0T   TODD         H   SD    29   89   95   213     49     42   10,437      3     
K0UK   BILL         L   CO    22  110   55   187     49     41    9,163     61     GMCC GOLD TEAM
N0HJZ  RICH         L   MN    16   64   76   156     51     42    7,956     13     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
K0AD   AL           H   MN    21   59   72   152     45     37    6,840     10     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
AC0W   BILL         L   MN    21   52   71   144     45     35    6,480      2     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
N0TA   JOHN         H   CO    25   72   59   156     37     35    5,772      2     
W0AAE  BOB          L   MN     6   73   39   118     44     36    5,192      8     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
W0ETT  KEN          L   CO    13   81   29   123     38     31    4,674     10     GMCC GOLD TEAM
KA0PQW MATT         L   MN     0   40   57    97     42     36    4,074      3     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA

N0GN   PAUL         H   NE    15    2   52    69     34     31    2,346      2     
KV0I   BILL         H   NE     6   34   27    67     34     29    2,278      2     
N7WY   BOB          H   MO    42   39    0    81     20     15    1,620      1     GMCC GOLD TEAM
K0BBC  MATT         L   SD     9   22   19    50     29     27    1,450      6     
W0YJT  JOHN         L   KS    27   17    0    44     22     15      968      1     
KM0F   BILL         L   SD     0   34    0    34     19     15      646      1     
AA0AI  STEVE        L   IA    17   18    0    35     14     10      490      1     
K0CJG  CHRIS        L   CO     6   14   10    30     16     14      480      7     
AE0DC  DOUG         L   MO     0   25    0    25     19     15      475      0     
K0JP   JACK         L   MN    12    7    0    19     12      9      228      2     

WA0BJR DON          L   MO     0   16    0    16     14     12      224      0     
N0LLH  GREG         L   KS     1   12    0    13     10      9      130      1     
W0ZA   GREG         L   CO     0    5    0     5      5      5       25      0     GMCC SILVER TEAM
AK0BC  BRAD         L   CO     4    0    0     4      3      3       12      0     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N1STN  MIKE         L   ME     0   52   58   110     40     35    4,400      3     
AE6JV  BILL         H   NH     0   19   59    78     38     32    2,964      1     NCCC QS WHY NOT?
K1AR   JOHN         H   NH     0   21   42    63     32     28    2,016      1     
K5ZD   RANDY        H   MA     2   23   26    51     26     23    1,326      2     
AF1R   ANN          L   MA     0    8   25    33     20     18      660      1     
N1DFD  NICK         H   ME     0   20    0    20     14     12      280      0     
K1THE  RICH         L   MA     0    9    0     9      8      7       72      0     
KB1DDC JON          L   MA     0    8    0     8      6      5       48      0     
KV1J   ERIC         H   ME     0    4    3     7      6      5       42      1     
N0VLR  PAUL         C   NH     0    4    1     5      5      4       25      1     

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KZ2I   SULLY        H   NJ     2   47    7    56     24     20    1,344      2     
W2MSA  NOEL         L   NJ     0   18    0    18     13     11      234      0     
N1NQD  AL           L   NY     0   15    0    15     13     11      195      0     
AD2BO  RUSS         H   NY     0   10    0    10      9      8       90      0     
KD2KEH KEN          L   NY     0    0   10    10      9      8       90      0     
WB2KLD TOM          L   NY     0   10    0    10      8      7       80      0     
KD2KEH KEN          L   NY     0    0    9     9      6      6       54      0     
K2AL   AL           L   NJ     0    6    3     9      4      4       36      1     
NY2A   TIM          L   NY     0    7    0     7      3      3       21      0     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD     7   62   89   158     47     40    7,426      4     
K3UA   PHIL         H   PA     0    0   72    72     36     34    2,592      0     
K2ACX  BRIAN        H   DC     0   11   62    73     35     30    2,555      5     
NS3X   MARK         L   MD     1   26   44    71     35     31    2,485      2     
K0OO   PAT          H   MD     4   11   50    65     31     27    2,015      2     
K3KU   ART          L   MD     1   13   41    55     30     25    1,650      6     
NX3Z   JIM          H   MD     0   25   32    57     28     23    1,596      1     
KB3VQC ZORY         H   MD     1   29   24    54     29     26    1,566      2     
KC3QVQ FRED         L   MD     0    8   44    52     28     24    1,456      3     
KD3H   JOHN         H   MD     0    8   44    52     28     25    1,456      1     

4U1WB  MASA         H   DC    10   37    6    53     23     17    1,219      2     
WR1B   LARRY        H   PA     0    0   15    15      9      9      135      0     
AC3LZ  FRED         H   DE     0   12    0    12      9      7      108      1     
K3JSJ  JASON        L   MD     0    5    0     5      3      3       15      0     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N1LN   BRUCE        H   NC    17   81   96   194     54     42   10,476      8     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #1
K4ZW   KEN          H   VA     9   96   85   190     51     42    9,690     29     PVRC RAPPAHANNOCK
KU8E   JEFF         H   GA    15   44   93   152     50     37    7,600      4     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #1
K4BAI  JOHN         H   GA    12   60   75   147     49     40    7,203      4     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #1
K7SV   LAR          L   VA    10   47   82   139     50     42    6,950      4     PVRC RAPPAHANNOCK
N4OO   BRIAN        L   GA    23   44   72   139     49     37    6,811     16     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #1
K3DNE  ED           H   SC    14   38   78   130     47     38    6,110      6     SFCG PINNACLE
ND4Y   DAVID        H   KY    23   41   73   137     44     36    6,028      4     MRRC AND FRIENDS
N4OX   JAY          H   FL    40   18   63   121     44     35    5,324      4     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #1
N4IQ   BILL         H   SC     6   31   73   110     42     35    4,620     13     SFCG PINNACLE

W4NF   JACK         H   VA     7   29   73   109     40     35    4,360      2     
N5GF   DAVID        H   FL    17   22   60    99     43     38    4,257      2     
WS7X   NOEL         H   FL    37   39   31   107     39     32    4,173      2     
N4ZY   DAN          H   KY    30   14   66   110     37     32    4,070      2     
W4KW   BERT         H   TN    28   10   58    96     41     35    3,936      2     
AA5JF  ANDY         H   GA    15   21   54    90     36     30    3,240      3     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #2
N4CF   MIKE         H   VA     1   23   56    80     37     31    2,960      6     PVRC RAPPAHANNOCK
AC4MC  BOB          H   SC    10   12   55    77     36     32    2,772      8     SFCG PINNACLE
W4IM   JOHN         L   VA     3   11   50    64     34     29    2,176      2     PVRC RAPPAHANNOCK
KG3V   TOM          L   VA     2   14   46    62     31     25    1,922      6     PVRC RAPPAHANNOCK

KX4BI  VANCE        L   AL     0    5   46    51     30     28    1,530      1     
N4PVH  PETER        L   NC     1    8   44    53     28     26    1,484      3     
N2OG   SCOTT        L   SC     5    7   37    49     28     24    1,372      4     SFCG PINNACLE
WW4R   DUKE         H   TN    22   27    0    49     24     18    1,176      1     ARIZONA OUTLAWS CC
W9DC   DON          L   SC     0   27   19    46     24     21    1,104      3     
WA8AHZ MIKE         L   VA     1   11   26    38     25     23      950      2     
KB4CG  JACK         L   VA     0   14    9    23     18     14      414      1     
KN9W   JOE          L   TN     0   16    1    17     13      9      221      2     SUNDAYNIGHTNET.ORG
KT3V   DON          H   FL     5   12    0    17     12      8      204      1     
K8LF   JAY          H   VA     0   14    0    14     11      9      154      0     

N8PPF  ED           L   NC     0    1    8     9      9      9       81      1     
K4VAV  ROBERT       C   NC     0    1    7     8      7      7       56      2     
K4RSA  SEAN         L   VA     1    5    0     6      4      4       24      1     
K4MV   MARK         L   NC     3    1    0     4      3      2       12      1     
W4GHV  BO           L   NC     0    2    0     2      1      1        2      0     THEBARRYS

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W5GFI  JOHN         H   OK    25   16   63   104     42     37    4,368      2     
N5UM   AL           H   OK    33   54   34   121     36     30    4,356      2     
WQ5L   RAY          L   MS    35   17   42    94     36     29    3,384      2     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #2
W5RJJ  JERRY        L   NM    18   53   25    96     34     29    3,264      2     
N5KWD  DAVID        H   TX    19   24   39    82     37     33    3,034      4     THE NIXIE TUBES
WA5JMZ PAUL         L   TX    41   48    0    89     28     20    2,492      1     
KD2KW  KEN          L   TX    28   16   30    74     33     28    2,442      2     LAKERS
WW5L   JIM          H   LA     4   28   31    63     35     31    2,205      8     
AB5KM  KENT         L   TX    12    9   25    46     25     24    1,150      2     THE NIXIE TUBES
K5YX   MIKE         L   TX    15   10   22    47     24     22    1,128      2     LAKERS

AD5VC  DANA         L   LA     8    3   20    31     20     20      620      2     
K5XU   MIKE         L   MS    16    7    0    23     14     12      322      1     
W4IPA  JACOB        L   TX    10    3    0    13      8      5      104      1     HF ILLUMINAUGHTI
N6ZP   JOHN         L   TX     2    2    6    10     10     10      100      4     THE NIXIE TUBES
KF5OMH RON          L   TX     9    0    0     9      7      5       63      0     LAKERS
K5MAY  DALE         L   TX     8    1    0     9      6      6       54      1     LAKERS
K5WEL  JIMMY        L   TX     0    3    0     3      4      4       12      0     THE NIXIE TUBES
WF5K   MAL          H   LA     4    0    0     4      3      3       12      0     
KB5KN  KEN          L   TX     2    0    0     2      2      2        4      0     THE NIXIE TUBES

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WD6T   DAVE         H   CA    60  128   61   249     54     45   13,446     63     NCCC QSWIRES
W1SRD  STEVE        H   CA    55  103   55   213     51     42   10,863     11     NCCC QSWIRES
KI6RRN AXEL         H   CA    55   59   61   175     51     42    8,925      4     
W6SX   HANK         H   CA    44   59   26   129     39     35    5,031      6     NCCC QSWIRES
K6GHA  DON          L   CA    37   66   17   120     41     37    4,920      4     NCCC QSWIRES
N3ZZ   TOM          H   CA    48   57    0   105     44     39    4,620      1     NCCC QSWIRES
K6LRN  DICK         H   CA    36   54    9    99     37     33    3,663      2     
WA6URY DAN          H   CA    20   39   26    85     32     31    2,720      2     
K6OHI  CARL         H   CA    16   37   10    63     30     26    1,890      4     
K2DMS  DAVID        L   CA    17   33    7    57     29     26    1,653      6     

ND6O   RON          L   CA    18   36    4    58     28     26    1,624      5     
W6AAE  KEVIN        L   CA    14   29    0    43     24     21    1,032      1     
AJ6RX  GREG         L   CA    13   14    0    27     18     17      486      1     
AC6GO  ROBERT       L   CA     5   18    0    23     12     11      276      1     
AI6DR  DOUG         L   CA    10    2    4    16     14     14      224      2     
KA6KEN KEN          H   CA     0   11    0    11      9      6       99      0     
N6TTV  CARL         L   CA    10    0    0    10      7      7       70      0     NCCC QS WHY NOT?
K6ESS  ED           L   CA     0    0    2     2      2      2        4      1     
W6DMW  DAVID        L   CA     0    1    1     2      1      1        2      2     
WY6R   BOB          L   CA     0    1    0     1      1      0        1      0     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K7RL   MITCH        H   WA    68  119   86   273     53     45   14,469     24     KRAKEN PILEUPS
K6LL   DAVE         H   AZ    90  117   43   250     53     45   13,250      3     ARIZONA OUTLAWS CC
K7SS   DAN          L   WA    60   78   40   178     45     39    8,010      4     KRAKEN PILEUPS
N9RV   PAT          H   MT    64   53   28   145     45     38    6,525      2     
KI7MT  GREG         H   MT     0  117    0   117     47     39    5,499      0     
N6HA   JIM          H   MT    30   93    0   123     37     30    4,551      1     
W7QDM  RAY          H   ID    24   68   31   123     37     32    4,551      4     
N7LD   LEE          L   NV    31   16   31    78     32     28    2,496      4     
KE6GFI ARLENE       H   AZ    21   53    0    74     32     28    2,368      1     
KI7Y   JIM          H   OR    19   42   15    76     29     26    2,204      2     

K7IU   MARV         H   WA    21   26   20    67     32     29    2,144      4     KRAKEN PILEUPS
N7ZUF  JAY          H   WA     3   41   16    60     30     25    1,800      2     
K2RD   IRA          H   NV     0   20   34    54     30     26    1,620      1     
N9NA   JOHN         H   AZ    20   15   21    56     28     25    1,568      2     ARIZONA OUTLAWS CC
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR     8   29   16    53     24     21    1,272      6     
WB7UOF WALT         L   AZ    26   26    0    52     24     22    1,248      1     
KD7HU  CHARLIE      L   MT    12   39    0    51     22     20    1,122      1     
KK7PW  JON          L   WA    24   15   10    49     22     20    1,078      4     KRAKEN PILEUPS
WN7Y   RON          L   MT    19   26    0    45     20     20      900      1     
AI7EQ  SEAN         L   OR     6   14   21    41     20     19      820      2     

WC7S   DALE         Q   WY     9   19   11    39     19     18      741      7     GMCC SILVER TEAM
N7TPR  RICH         L   WA    12   17    3    32     21     19      672      3     
W7YTF  DAN          L   ID     0   33    0    33     20     18      660      0     
KJ7LAN FRANK        L   WA    14   16    1    31     19     19      589      3     
KD7WNV ROBERT       L   WA    18    6    7    31     16     14      496      3     
AA7V   STEVE        H   AZ     9   13    2    24     15     10      360      2     ARIZONA OUTLAWS CC
N7VAZ  ERIC         Q   AZ    10    9    1    20     12     10      240      2     
N6LB   LISA         L   WA     0   15    0    15     13     12      195      0     
W7PEB  PAUL         H   OR     9    7    0    16     11      8      176      1     
KJ7MEB ELISABETH    L   UT     4    9    4    17      8      8      136      2     THEBARRYS

W7FYW  DAVE         L   AZ     0   11    0    11     11      8      121      0     
W7LRM  LOREN        L   OR     4    8    0    12     10     10      120      1     
KX6X   KEN          L   AZ     4    5    0     9      9      9       81      1     
K7SYS  JOHN         L   ID     8    0    0     8      6      6       48      0     
AC7MX  ALAN         L   WA     6    1    0     7      5      5       35      2     
K7JKM  JERRY        L   OR     1    5    0     6      5      5       30      1     
AC7MX  ALAN         L   WA     3    0    1     4      4      4       16      2     
K7OED  LEE          L   AZ     4    0    0     4      4      4       16      0     
AG7AB  MIKE         L   AZ     3    0    0     3      3      3        9      0     
NX0E   CHRIS        L   WY     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 8
CALL      NAME     CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KW8N      BOB       H   OH    42   95   88   225     57     44   12,825     37     MRRC AND FRIENDS
K8MR      JIM       H   OH     7   24   67    98     38     33    3,724      2     MRRC AND FRIENDS
N8FYL     JOHN      L   MI     1   20   60    81     37     32    2,997      3     MRRC AND FRIENDS
NA8V      GREG      H   MI     0    0   73    73     38     36    2,774      0     
W8TOM     TOM       H   MI     0    7    4    11      9      8       99      1     
W8/YC2DOP ARY       L   MI     0    0    5     5      3      3       15      1     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K9BGL  KARL         H   IL    21   45   66   132     47     38    6,204     14     
K9CT   CRAIG        L   IL     0   29   74   103     42     36    4,326      2     
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL     3   29   62    94     41     34    3,854      2     
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN    27   21   53   101     37     31    3,737      2     
W9HT   JOSH         H   IN     0   19   34    53     32     27    1,696      1     
AC9TO  MARV         L   WI     3   10   31    44     30     27    1,320      2     
K9PG   WILL         L   IL     0   10   37    47     26     24    1,222      3     
K9QA   MIKE         L   IL     0    0   25    25     14     12      350      0     
AC9XX  JOHN         L   IL     0    6   12    18     15     13      270      1     
KC1KHH TREVOR       L   WI     3   12    0    15     10      8      150      1     

W9VTD  DAVE         L   IL     2    9    0    11      7      6       77      1     

US Call Area KH6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KH6CJJ KENT         L   HI    64   25    8    97     28     24    2,716      6     GMCC GOLD TEAM
AH6KO  STAN         L   HI    46   39    0    85     29     26    2,465      1     

US Call Area KL7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
NL7V   PAUL         H   AK    32    0    0    32     21     17      672      0     
AL1G   CAT          H   AK    25    0    0    25     11      9      275      0     

Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE2GT  PIERRE       L   QC     0    2    9    11     10     10      110      1     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE3YT  VIC          H   ON     2   17   79    98     38     35    3,724      3     KWARC
VA3DKL DAVE         L   ON     2   17   31    50     27     24    1,350      5     KWARC
VE3HZ  HARRY        L   ON     0   31   10    41     23     17      943      3     KWARC
VA3WPJ JACK         L   ON     0    4   28    32     17     16      544      1     

Canadian Call Area VE5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE5SF  SAM          L   SK    29   78   16   123     35     30    4,305      2     

Canadian Call Area VE6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE6AO  MIKE         H   AB    29   78    0   107     36     32    3,852      1     
VA6DJ  DAVID        L   AB    35    9   14    58     25     21    1,450      4     
VA6RCN KEVIN        L   AB    16   23   10    49     23     21    1,127      5     

Canadian Call Area VE7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE7BC  KEN          L   BC    36   12    0    48     26     23    1,248      1     
VE7NCD NICK         L   BC    11   12    0    23     13     11      299      1     HF ILLUMINAUGHTI
VE7KPM MIKE         L   BC    13    8    0    21     13     13      273      2     HF ILLUMINAUGHTI
VA7DXC DAVID        L   BC     8    5    0    13     10      8      130      1     
VA7EGZ DAVID        L   BC     7    5    0    12      9      7      108      1     
VE7YAH YVONNE       L   BC     0    2    0     2      2      1        4      0     

Canadian Call Area VE8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE8GER GERRY        L   NT     9    0    0     9      8      6       72      0     

Canadian Call Area VE9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE9AA  MIKE         H   NB     0   39    0    39     20     19      780      0     THE MCC BOYS
VE9WH  JIM          L   NB     0    7    0     7      6      6       42      0     

Canadian Call Area VO1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VO2AC  CHRIS        H   NL     0   48    4    52     28     23    1,456      3     THE MCC BOYS
VO2NS  NAZ          L   NL     0   30    0    30     18     15      540      0     

DX Entries NA Continent
CALL       NAME    CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
V3X        BILL     H   DX    44  200    0   244     55     44   13,420      1     MRRC AND FRIENDS
KP4/K6UFO  MARK     H   DX     2   26    0    28     17     15      476      1     


MRRC and Friends
  V3X          13,420
  KW8N         12,825
  ND4Y          6,028
  K8MR          3,724
  N8FYL         2,997
  TOTAL        38,994

  WD6T         13,446
  W1SRD        10,863
  W6SX          5,031
  K6GHA         4,920
  N3ZZ          4,620
  TOTAL        38,880

South East Sprint Coalition #1
  N1LN         10,476
  KU8E          7,600
  K4BAI         7,203
  N4OO          6,811
  N4OX          5,324
  TOTAL        37,414

Defenders of The Tundra
  N0HJZ         7,956
  K0AD          6,840
  AC0W          6,480
  W0AAE         5,192
  KA0PQW        4,074
  TOTAL        30,542

GMCC Gold Team
  K0EU         12,012
  K0UK          9,163
  W0ETT         4,674
  KH6CJJ        2,716
  N7WY          1,620
  TOTAL        30,185

  K7RL         14,469
  K7SS          8,010
  K7IU          2,144
  KK7PW         1,078
  TOTAL        25,701

  K4ZW          9,690
  K7SV          6,950
  N4CF          2,960
  W4IM          2,176
  KG3V          1,922
  TOTAL        23,698

Arizona Outlaws CC
  K6LL         13,250
  N9NA          1,568
  WW4R          1,176
  AA7V            360
  TOTAL        16,354

sfcg Pinnacle
  K3DNE         6,110
  N4IQ          4,620
  AC4MC         2,772
  N2OG          1,372
  TOTAL        14,874

South East Sprint Coalition #2
  WQ5L          3,384
  AA5JF         3,240
  TOTAL         6,624

  VE3YT         3,724
  VA3DKL        1,350
  VE3HZ           943
  TOTAL         6,017

The Nixie Tubes
  N5KWD         3,034
  AB5KM         1,150
  N6ZP            100
  K5WEL            12
  KB5KN             4
  TOTAL         4,300

  KD2KW         2,442
  K5YX          1,128
  KF5OMH           63
  K5MAY            54
  TOTAL         3,687

NCCC QS Why Not?
  AE6JV         2,964
  N6TTV            70
  TOTAL         3,034

The MCC Boys
  VO2AC         1,456
  VE9AA           780
  TOTAL         2,236

GMCC Silver Team
  WC7S            741
  W0ZA             25
  TOTAL           766

HF Illuminaughti
  VE7NCD          299
  VE7KPM          273
  W4IPA           104
  TOTAL           676

  KN9W            221
  TOTAL           221

  KJ7MEB          136
  W4GHV             2
  TOTAL           138