2020 Nov

November 2020 SSB Sprint


The November 2020 SSB Sprint provided another enjoyable and well-participated event.  As noted previously, the Fall Event usually has a little less participation due to being sandwiched in among the many other larger popular contests.  Even so, there were 233 submitted entries that were usable in the results.  The most popular category being Low-Power with 126 entries.  And there was enough activity that enabled sixteen scores of over 10,000.  We had a good cross section of states and provinces available with eighteen stations working 50 or more multipliers.  K4ZW came the closest to obtaining that elusive “Worked All States” T-Shirt with 47.  Four others had 46 and six others had 45.  It has now been 5 years since anyone has accomplished that feat.  Again, every state was worked by someone submitting a log, but this time the hardest states to work were AR, DC and UT.

Twenty meters was discriminatory.  As you would expect, the West Coast and Hawaii had the highest 20 meter totals.  But excellent propagation also existed for those in the W9 and part of the W0 call area.  If you were east of that, it was tough sledding on 20 meters.  40 meters was very impartial to all call areas (except KH6) and provided 57% of the QSOs.  For 78% of the entered participants, 40 meters provided the band with their highest number of QSOs.  Then, as expected, the Midwest and Southeast typically had slightly higher 75 meter QSO totals, but a few from W7 had some pretty good totals as well.

The High-Power race was one of the closest ever with only the equivalent of four QSOs separating 1st place to 4th place.  And all four entries were from the 8th and 9th call area.  In the final analysis, it was the KW8N’s higher multiplier that made the difference.  W9RE’s highest QSO total in the event helped him gain 2nd place and KA9FOX squeaked past K9CT for 3rd place.  The Western folks N5ZO, K7RL, WD6T grabbed the next spots.  Then K4ZW had a good score from VA.  He was followed by K6LL and N1LN.

On the other hand, the Low-power race was not one of the closest ever.  K0EU was well ahead of the other Low-power entries to take 1st place.  But then things tightened up a bit for 2nd place.  N4OO grabbed that spot with K7SV taking 3rd place.  AC0W, K6JO, K0UK, N0HJZ, N7ZZ, ND4Y and WD9CIR rounded out the top ten Low-Power.

ND0C once again made a great showing winning the QRP category and easily finished in 1st place.  Randy has now finished in either 1st or 2nd place in the QRP category on several occasions.  It could be frustrating losing quite a few jump balls at the beginning, but Randy sticks it out the whole 4 hours and has the patience and the technique to be heard and worked in amongst the stronger stations.  Several other ventured into the QRP category with KK4BZ placing 2nd and KE0THJ placing 3rd.   VE6EX who has power restrictions at his QTH, got on to provide the AB multiplier to anyone that could hear him.  He finished in 4th.

We again want to thank our rare Canadian province/territory participants for doing what they could to make those multipliers available.  So, a special thanks to VE8GER, VY1CO and VE9CB who made special efforts to provide their multiplier this time.

We also welcome our friends from Cuba CO8NMN and CO8WN from the Santiago de Cuba Contest Team and look forward to their future participation.

The Team Competition was also a close race.  SMC Talking Heads, lead by #2 and #4 finishers W9RE and K9CT along with other W9’s, took the top spot.  Less than 1,800 total points behind them in a close second place was Defenders of The Tundra lead by #3 finisher KA9FOX along with some good scores from four stations in MN.  The race for third place was tight with the South East Sprint Coalition featuring several veteran sprinters and some new participants all from GA squeaking past the CO-WY guys (all from CO and WY) by only 453 points.

We continue to refine our log checking process thanks to Tom NS6T and Tom K5TM who have been performing the log checking and calculations.  Much work goes into this effort.  Mark K9GX has been distributing the door prize shirts and we are catching up.  There are many other things that go into organizing and running a contest.  Would anyone else like to get involved?  We can break these into specific small focused areas so no one gets overloaded.  For instance, obtaining door prizes from sponsors, mailing of door prizes, corresponding with door prize recipients, generating and then distributing the trophies, plaques and certificates.  Keeping records for each state/province up to date, sending e-mails to existing and potential participants, regarding next events, managing the ssbsprint website, etc.   If you would like to participate in any of these, please e-mail manager@ssbsprint.com.

We wanted to mention the Golden Logs.  We had six entries with more than 95 contacts and NO QSOs removed.  N0HJZ with 175, WD9CIR with 156, KT4Q with 119, K5ZD with 117,  N1STN with 111 and AI1TT with 97.  We have been a little more liberal with name spellings.  Since names are a sound and not a string of specific characters (as in CW) the basic test is, when reading it out loud does it sound like the actual name.  Examples of accepted homophones were Rik or Rick, Dracula or Draculla, Dug or Doug, AJ or Ajay, etc.

Wondering how your log came out in the checking process? We can send you a copy of your report if you request it by e-mailing manager@ssbsprint.com.

Make sure to use the same name throughout the contest and make sure that the name in the log file (in each QSO record) is the same as the name you actually used.  Also, we don’t have an official multi-op category at this time, but if you choose to share operating using the same callsign, please use the same name throughout regardless of operator and then have the log reflect that name that was used.  We will still list your entry, just no awards.  Or, if there is more than one licensed operator involved, each can use their own callsign and name as a single op.

The next SSB Sprint will be on April 4, 2021 UTC.  We have decided to keep it consistent and keep the time period as 0000-0359Z.  Since SSB Sprint has become a Fall/Spring event our thoughts are that 20 meters should be and should stay open especially when we get some sunspots.   We are getting an even earlier start with reminding folks of the event and attempting to make sure all states are heavily represented.  You can help this process by submitting your planned activity at https://ssbsprint.com/planned-activity/my-planned-activity, then we will know where to concentrate our remaining effort.  See you next time and thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.

Here are the full results.

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              15,064     33        18       73     68     74     54
W9RE              14,976     45         4       78     69     73     67
KA9FOX            14,904      7         2       79     75     76     46
K9CT              14,840     13         6       89     65     77     49
N5ZO              14,363     47         2       84     65     67     55
K7RL              13,872     47         4       71     85     66     50
WD6T              13,462     57         8       76     70     61     47
K4ZW              12,826     26         6       62     70     69     40
K6LL              12,450      2         2       68     71     52     58
N1LN              12,349      8         7       63     57     74     39

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K0EU              12,667     19         7       78     61     49     51
N4OO               9,384     19         3       46     48     54     36
K7SV               9,000      9         3       44     52     45     39
AC0W               8,730      2         3       59     44     56     35
K6JO               8,460     40         7       72     43     29     36
K0UK               8,052     29        12       62     50     39     32
N0HJZ              8,050      6         0       44     46     42     43
N7ZZ               7,203      2         8       31     49     23     45
ND4Y               6,923      3         9       29     50     47     35
WD9CIR             6,552      2         0       41     31     41     43

Top Six QRP
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
ND0C               2,465      3         3       23     23     20     19
KK4BZ                532      2         0        2      0      7     19
KE0THJ               495      3         0        8      2     19      4
VE6EX                228      0         3        1     14      3      1
WC7S                  35      1         1        7      0      0      0
KA2YRA                 2      0         0        0      0      2      0

Top Ten QSO Totals
Call Sign  # QSOs       
=========  =============
W9RE                 288
K9CT                 280
KA9FOX               276
K7RL                 272
N5ZO                 271
KW8N                 269
WD6T                 254
K6LL                 249
K4ZW                 242
K0EU                 239

Top Ten Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
KW8N                  56
KA9FOX                54
K0EU                  53
K4ZW                  53
K9CT                  53
N1LN                  53
N5ZO                  53
WD6T                  53
K6MR                  52
W9RE                  52

Top Eleven States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
K4ZW                  47
K7SV                  46
KA9FOX                46
KW8N                  46
WD6T                  46
K0EU                  45
K7RL                  45
K9CT                  45
N4OO                  45
N5ZO                  45
W9RE                  45

Golden Logs
Call Sign  Num QSOs     
=========  =============
N0HJZ                175
WD9CIR               156
KT4Q                 119
K5ZD                 117
N1STN                111
AI1TT                 97
VA3ISP                62
NW2K                  58
VE7BC                 58
N6XI                  52
KI7Y                  47
W0AAE                 42
K3UA                  39
N2BJ                  39
WA5LXS                39
W1SRD                 37
KE0THJ                33
K2ACX                 29
KG4EZQ                29
KK4BZ                 28
W0COE                 28
K4FTO                 26
KD9ADB                25
KC4WQ                 21
N7VS                  20
W8XY                  18
K7BG                  17
K9NW                  12
VA7EGZ                12
KE8OXZ                11
K0IP                  10
N9UPU                  7
VE6JEM                 7
K3SV                   5
KN1OLA                 5
K7JSG                  4
K6CES                  3
VE8GER                 3
AE5NA                  2
KA2YRA                 2
KJ0P                   2
AD8GH                  1
N4MU                   1
VE2GT                  1

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K0EU   KEN          L   CO    24  132   83   239     53     45   12,667     19     CO-WY GUYS
W0BH   BOB          H   KS    35  109   79   223     49     43   10,927      7     
WD0T   TODD         H   SD    14  117   96   227     48     41   10,896      6     
AC0W   BILL         L   MN    34   84   76   194     45     42    8,730      2     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
K0UK   BILL         L   CO    30   93   60   183     44     41    8,052     29     CO-WY GUYS
N0HJZ  RICH         L   MN    23   91   61   175     46     41    8,050      6     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
W0ETT  KEN          H   CO    19   94   35   148     45     41    6,660      6     CO-WY GUYS
N7WY   BOB          H   MO     0   79   79   158     42     39    6,636      1     
NG0C   LOU          L   MN     1   72   52   125     45     41    5,625      3     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
N0TA   JOHN         H   CO     9   81   44   134     38     36    5,092      2     CO-WY-HI GUYS

N0AT   RON          L   MN     0   40   58    98     35     32    3,430      3     ICEBERG WARRIORS
N5KB   MIKE         H   IA     9   64   12    85     40     36    3,400      2     
WA0JZK LARRY        H   MO    22   53   13    88     35     31    3,080      2     
KA0PQW MATT         L   MN     0   37   52    89     31     29    2,759      4     ICEBERG WARRIORS
KV0I   BILL         H   NE     0   42   31    73     35     33    2,555      1     
K0JP   JACK         L   MN    16   51   14    81     31     29    2,511      2     
ND0C   RANDY        Q   MN    19   30   36    85     29     29    2,465      3     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
N0AD   WAYNE        L   CO     9   53   24    86     23     21    1,978      2     PARKER RADIO ASSOCIATION CONTEST TEAM
K1KD   GRANT        H   MN    28    8   36    72     27     25    1,944      2     
AA0AI  STEVE        L   IA     0   54    0    54     30     27    1,620      0     

W0YJT  JOHN         L   KS    16   32    0    48     26     22    1,248      1     
N2SRK  DAN          L   CO     0   39    0    39     27     25    1,053      0     PARKER RADIO ASSOCIATION CONTEST TEAM
W0AAE  BOB          H   MN     0   42    0    42     22     21      924      0     ICEBERG WARRIORS
ND0TS  TOM          L   ND     0   21   20    41     21     21      861      1     
K0SV   CHARLIE      L   MN     0   12   28    40     21     19      840      3     ICEBERG WARRIORS
W0EEE  THOMAS       C   MO     0   31    0    31     23     20      713      0     
WA0BJR DON          L   MO     0   16   12    28     19     18      532      1     
KE0THJ SCOTT        Q   ND     4   28    1    33     15     15      495      3     
W0COE  LEON         L   MN     0   28    0    28     16     15      448      0     
K7BG   MATT         L   SD     0    5   12    17     14     13      238      1     

K0BBC  MATT         C   SD     0   14    0    14     10      9      140      0     
KE0STT ROB          H   IA     0   13    0    13      9      8      117      0     
KJ0P   JOHN         L   MN     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     
K0CJG  CHRIS        L   CO    -1    1    0     0      1      1        0      1     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KK1L   RON          H   VT     0  125   74   199     50     44    9,950      1     
K1AR   JOHN         H   NH     5  113   48   166     48     41    7,968      3     
W1TJL  TOM          H   CT     0  110   49   159     45     39    7,155      3     
K5ZD   RANDY        H   MA    33   60   24   117     40     38    4,680      2     
N1STN  MIKE         L   ME     0   79   32   111     39     36    4,329      4     
AI1TT  MAX          L   RI     4   62   31    97     36     31    3,492      3     
N1SP   RANDY        L   VT     0   47   26    73     33     29    2,409      1     
N1ADX  PETER        L   MA     0    7    2     9      9      8       81      1     

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W2MSA  NOEL         L   NJ     0   73    0    73     34     31    2,482      0     
NW2K   BOB          L   NY     3   54    1    58     31     27    1,798      6     MRRC/NCC
WA2JQK BOB          L   NY     0   26   31    57     27     24    1,539      3     
W2ASC  TONY         L   NY     0   46    0    46     27     22    1,242      0     
K2QO   MARK         L   NY     0   15   18    33     20     18      660      1     
WA2CNV LARRY        L   NY     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      1     
KA2YRA STEVE        Q   NY     0    2    0     2      1      1        2      0     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD    16  105   68   189     47     42    8,883      5     
K3KU   ART          L   MD     0   59   48   107     45     41    4,815      4     
K3AJ   TOM          H   MD    30   41   49   120     38     35    4,560      2     
NT3U   DON          H   MD     0   37   33    70     31     28    2,170      1     
KC3JAS JUDY         L   PA     0   62    0    62     33     32    2,046      0     
KC3Y   DAVID        H   PA     0   27   40    67     30     28    2,010      1     
KC3NHE GARY         L   PA     0   33    0    33     24     21      792      0     
K3UA   PHIL         H   PA     0    0   39    39     20     19      780      0     
K2ACX  BRIAN        L   DC     1   19    9    29     21     19      609      6     
KE3GK  TOM          L   MD     0   32    0    32     17     16      544      0     

KT3RR  BOB          H   PA     0   14    6    20     17     16      340      1     
KN1OLA SCOTT        L   PA     0    5    0     5      5      4       25      0     
AC3LZ  FRED         H   DE     0    3    0     3      3      3        9      0     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K4ZW   KEN          H   VA    22  135   85   242     53     47   12,826     26     
N1LN   BRUCE        H   NC    16  130   87   233     53     44   12,349      8     
KU8E   JEFF         H   GA     0  139   73   212     51     43   10,812      3     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION
N4OO   BRIAN        L   GA    17   97   70   184     51     45    9,384     19     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION
K7SV   LAR          L   VA    31   94   55   180     50     46    9,000      9     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #2
K4BAI  JOHN         H   GA    27   82   71   180     48     44    8,640      4     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION
N1RM   RICK         H   VA     6  112   67   185     46     41    8,510      3     
N4IQ   BILL         H   SC    16  102   55   173     47     42    8,131     47     SWAMP FOX SPRINT RANGERS
NU4E   MATT         H   SC     5   82   69   156     49     40    7,644     18     SWAMP FOX SPRINT RANGERS
N4ZY   DAN          H   KY    24   74   58   156     47     42    7,332      6     

K3DNE  ED           H   SC     0   88   74   162     45     41    7,290      2     SWAMP FOX SPRINT RANGERS
ND4Y   DAVID        L   KY    28   78   55   161     43     40    6,923      3     
WS7X   NOEL         H   FL     0  107   32   139     43     39    5,977      1     
N4XL   KEN          L   SC    10   58   51   119     45     39    5,355      5     SWAMP FOX SPRINT RANGERS
KT4Q   STEVE        L   NC    20   54   45   119     44     41    5,236      2     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION #2
AA5JF  ANDY         H   GA     4   64   58   126     41     36    5,166      4     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION
W4NF   JACK         H   VA     0   51   77   128     39     34    4,992      1     
AA4SS  TIM          L   VA     2   69   40   111     41     36    4,551      6     TIM-BOB
AC6ZM  JUAN         H   TN     0   35   44    79     37     33    2,923      1     
W4GM   MIKE         L   VA     0   72    0    72     37     34    2,664      0     

K8LF   JAY          H   VA     0   69    0    69     37     34    2,553      0     
KG3V   TOM          H   VA     0   38   35    73     32     28    2,336      4     
NN2T   RICHARD      H   FL     0   34   38    72     29     26    2,088      1     
W4DTA  STEVE        L   TN     0   13   39    52     30     29    1,560      1     
KT4ZB  MARK         H   GA    16   34    0    50     29     28    1,450      1     SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION
NK4O   AJ           L   FL     0   33   17    50     24     22    1,200      2     
WA3LXD DAVE         L   FL     0   25   14    39     23     22      897      1     
KU4FX  DENNIS       H   FL     0   34    2    36     21     20      756      3     
KT3V   DON          H   FL     0   28    4    32     21     19      672      1     
KK4BZ  DAN          Q   VA     2    2   24    28     19     18      532      2     HERITAGE HUNT HAMS

K4FTO  ART          L   VA     2   13   11    26     20     18      520      2     
KG4EZQ JASON        L   FL     0   29    0    29     16     15      464      0     
W2WCM  BILL         H   VA     0   27    0    27     16     16      432      0     
K8LBQ  LARRY        L   GA     0   24    0    24     16     14      384      0     
K4SWR  MARK         C   NC     0   21    0    21     16     15      336      0     
KC4WQ  BUD          L   KY     0    5   16    21     13     13      273      1     
W4YE   BUDDY        L   VA     0   14    0    14      9      8      126      0     
K9JDP  JIM          H   SC     0    9    0     9      6      5       54      0     SWAMP FOX SPRINT RANGERS
AA2MA  MARK         H   AL     0    8    0     8      6      6       48      0     
KK4DZP DAVE         L   FL     1    5    0     6      7      7       42      1     

K3SV   BILL         L   FL     0    2    3     5      5      5       25      1     
N4MCC  TOM          L   TN     0    3    0     3      3      3        9      0     
K4BNZ  BOB          C   VA     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     TIM-BOB
N4MU   BILL         L   FL     0    1    0     1      1      0        1      0     

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W5RJJ  JERRY        H   NM     0   81   20   101     45     40    4,545      1     
W5GFI  JOHN         H   OK    22   40   43   105     38     35    3,990      3     
N5DO   DAVE         L   TX     9   58   27    94     39     36    3,666      3     
WA5JMZ PAUL         H   TX     0   58   17    75     31     29    2,325      2     
N5XTR  JOEL         L   OK    19   54    0    73     30     28    2,190      1     
N9JYJ  JOHN         L   OK     0   39   24    63     33     31    2,079      2     
KC5CYY PAUL         H   OK     9   57    0    66     30     27    1,980      1     
AD5VC  DANA         L   LA    10   16   21    47     25     24    1,175      2     
WA5LXS DENNIS       H   TX     0   39    0    39     22     20      858      0     
AB8YZ  JOANN        L   TX     4   21    0    25     19     17      475      3     

W5JJT  JOE          L   NM     3   24    0    27     13     13      351      1     
WW5L   JIM          L   LA    12    1    0    13      6      6       78      1     
AE5NA  TIM          L   TX     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N5ZO   MARK         H   CA    61  144   66   271     53     45   14,363     47     
WD6T   DAVE         H   CA    49  141   64   254     53     46   13,462     57     
K6MR   KEN          H   CA    35  105   60   200     52     44   10,400     16     
K6JO   LEE          L   CA    42  110   28   180     47     43    8,460     40     SCCC
K6LRN  DICK         H   CA    40   56   38   134     38     37    5,092      2     
K6RO   LARRY        L   CA    58   54   24   136     35     32    4,760      8     SCCC
K6GHA  DON          L   CA    37   64   21   122     36     33    4,392      4     
KE8FT  JOE          H   CA    32   38   26    96     35     33    3,360      4     
N6PGQ  BOB          L   CA     6   42   13    61     34     32    2,074      4     NEIL & BOB
N6XI   RICK         H   CA     0   39   13    52     31     28    1,612      1     

W1SRD  STEVE        H   CA     1   34    2    37     26     23      962      2     
N6WM   CHRIS        H   CA     4   22   17    43     19     18      817      4     
AC6GO  ROBERT       L   CA    11   22    3    36     21     20      756      6     EASTERN OHIO CONTESTERS
W6SX   HANK         H   CA    10    4   14    28     20     17      560      2     
AG6AG  STU          H   CA    15   12    0    27     16     15      432      1     
KS6F   GUY          L   CA     5    9    0    14     14     13      196      1     
K6GB   DALE         L   CA     3    6    1    10      8      8       80      2     
W6KME  KEITH        L   CA     6    1    0     7      6      6       42      2     
K6CES  CHUCK        L   CA     3    0    0     3      3      3        9      0     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K7RL   MITCH        H   WA    65  135   72   272     51     45   13,872     47     
K6LL   DAVE         H   AZ    74  117   58   249     50     44   12,450      2     AOCC ASSASSINS
N9RV   PAT          H   MT    36  128   62   226     47     41   10,622      4     
W6OAT  RUSTY        H   WA    57   71   59   187     45     40    8,415      2     
AA7V   STEVE        H   AZ    37   76   22   135     50     44    6,750      4     AOCC ASSASSINS
K7SS   DRACULA      L   WA    42   81   23   146     44     41    6,424      5     WEST SEATTLE RACING CLUB
WY7FD  DWAYNE       H   WY    17   87   45   149     39     37    5,811      5     CO-WY GUYS
K9RZ   DOUG         H   AZ    33   78    0   111     42     36    4,662      1     
W7WHY  TOM          H   OR    35   41   36   112     35     32    3,920      2     
K2RD   IRA          H   NV    37   55    0    92     37     36    3,404      1     

W7ZB   MARK         H   OR    33   35    0    68     31     30    2,108      1     
N7EZQ  DAVID        H   ID     0   59    0    59     33     32    1,947      0     
W7OM   ROD          L   WA    20   40   10    70     26     25    1,820      6     WEST SEATTLE RACING CLUB
N7MZW  CHUCK        L   WY     1   57    9    67     27     26    1,809      8     CO-WY GUYS
AC7AF  BRIAN        L   WY     7   17   32    56     28     26    1,568      2     
KE7F   MIKE         H   OR    15   27   19    61     24     20    1,464      2     
K7VAP  VAL          L   WA    25   26    0    51     23     23    1,173      1     
W7BOB  BOB          L   ID    12   28    0    40     27     26    1,080      1     
NN7M   RYAN         L   WA    18   17   15    50     19     16      950      6     WEST SEATTLE RACING CLUB
KI7Y   JIM          H   OR    23   14   10    47     19     19      893      2     

N9NA   JOHN         H   AZ     0   31    0    31     23     22      713      0     AOCC ASSASSINS
NG7Z   PAUL         L   AZ    19   13    3    35     19     19      665      2     AOCC ASSASSINS
AG7XQ  MIKE         L   AZ     6   14   10    30     20     20      600      2     
KK7PW  VAMPIRE      L   WA    20   11    6    37     15     15      555      2     WEST SEATTLE RACING CLUB
KE2TE  DAVID        L   WA    19   14    0    33     13     11      429      1     
N7NS   TOM          L   WY     0   24    1    25     16     15      400      2     
N7PS   CONRAD       L   WA     1   26    1    28     11     10      308      2     
WA8ZNC TOM          L   WA     0   12   11    23     12     12      276      3     EASTERN OHIO CONTESTERS
K7RJ   RON          H   AZ    11    8    0    19     14     14      266      1     
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR     0    7   13    20     10     10      200      1     

KB7QFE GARY         H   ID     0   16    0    16     12     11      192      0     
WB7OYL ERIC         L   WA     1   11    0    12      9      8      108      2     
K0IP   JOHN         H   ID     6    4    0    10      7      7       70      1     
K9SAT  ROB          L   AZ     9    1    0    10      7      7       70      1     
W7FCL  ERIC         H   WA     7    2    3    12      5      5       60      2     WEST SEATTLE RACING CLUB
WC7S   DALE         Q   WY     0    4    3     7      5      5       35      1     CO-WY-HI GUYS
NS7U   DEL          L   WA     0    5    0     5      4      4       20      0     
K7JSG  SCOTT        L   WA     4    0    0     4      4      4       16      0     
K7OTX  MIKE         L   MT     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KW8N   BOB          H   OH    27  156   86   269     56     46   15,064     33     MRRC/NCC
NA8V   GREG         H   MI     9   74   85   168     50     43    8,400      2     MRRC/NCC
K8LX   STEVE        H   MI     4   83   56   143     43     40    6,149      2     
N8XC   JESSE        L   OH     0   73   57   130     42     37    5,460      3     
W8WTS  JIM          L   OH     0   63   57   120     43     40    5,160     34     
ND8L   RAY          H   OH     2   53   66   121     41     37    4,961      6     MRRC/NCC
N4RA   DICK         H   WV    24   49   34   107     39     37    4,173      6     HERITAGE HUNT HAMS
KA8SBI JEFF         H   OH     0   17   24    41     23     22      943      1     
KB0UPC JOE          L   MI     4    4   31    39     22     21      858      5     
KE8IER BRIAN        L   OH     0   15   12    27     22     20      594      1     

KE8E   KEN          L   OH     0   18    0    18     15     13      270      0     EASTERN OHIO CONTESTERS
W8XY   GREG         L   OH     0   18    0    18     13     12      234      0     
K9NW   MIKE         L   OH     0   12    0    12     11     10      132      0     MRRC/NCC
KE8OXZ MIKE         L   OH     0   11    0    11     11     10      121      0     
WF8C   TOM          L   MI     0    0   11    11     10      9      110      0     
KC8BUD SETH         L   OH     0    4    0     4      4      4       16      0     
AD8GH  MICHAEL      L   OH     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN    50  151   87   288     52     45   14,976     45     SMC TALKING HEADS
KA9FOX SCOTT        H   WI    62  127   87   276     54     46   14,904      7     DEFENDERS OF THE TUNDRA
K9CT   CRAIG        H   IL    56  125   99   280     53     45   14,840     13     SMC TALKING HEADS
N7ZZ   STU          L   WI    26   81   40   147     49     42    7,203      2     
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL    17   78   61   156     42     39    6,552      2     SMC TALKING HEADS
K9TI   BRIAN        H   IN     1   55   65   121     42     36    5,082      2     SMC TALKING HEADS
K9GX   MARK         L   IN    12   60   32   104     43     40    4,472      4     
KD9LSV CONNOR       L   IL     5   36    0    41     23     22      943      2     
N2BJ   BARRY        H   IL     0   39    0    39     20     18      780      0     
KD9ERS MATT         L   IL     4   27    0    31     20     19      620      1     

KD9ADB DAN          L   IL     0   25    0    25     12     12      300      0     
W9LSE  BOB          L   WI     6   10    0    16     10     10      160      1     
KD9GY  JIM          L   IL     1   12    0    13     11     11      143      2     
N9UPU  JOE          L   WI     0    2    5     7      6      6       42      1     
AC9QM  RIK          L   IN     0    2    0     2      1      1        2      0     
KC9BKS CHRIS        L   IL     0    0    0     0      0      0        0      0     

US Call Area KH6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WH7W   MARK         H   HI    79    2    0    81     29     29    2,349      2     

Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE2NTT MIKE         H   QC     0  101   49   150     40     37    6,000      3     
VA2MM  MARK         H   QC     0   30    0    30     17     17      510      0     
VE2GT  PIERRE       H   QC     0    1    0     1      1      0        1      0     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE3YT  VIC          H   ON     0   46   72   118     42     37    4,956      3     
VA3ISP JEFF         H   ON     0   62    0    62     34     29    2,108      0     
VE3FZ  AL           L   ON     0   20    0    20     15     13      300      0     
VE3UGT DAVE         L   ON     0   15    0    15     12     12      180      0     
VA3KXS KIRK         L   ON     0   11    0    11      8      7       88      0     
VA3RSX RON          L   ON     0    7    0     7      7      7       49      0     

Canadian Call Area VE4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA4HZ  HARM         L   MB     0   21    2    23     21     21      483      1     

Canadian Call Area VE5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE5MX  TODD         H   SK     0   79   41   120     38     35    4,560      5     
VE5SF  SAM          L   SK    17   70   12    99     35     33    3,465      2     

Canadian Call Area VE6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE6EX  DAN          Q   AB     0   19    0    19     12     11      228      0     
VA6RCN KEVIN        L   AB     0    4    7    11      3      3       33      3     
VE6JEM JERRE        L   AB     7    0    0     7      3      3       21      0     

Canadian Call Area VE7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE7BC  KEN          L   BC    18   31    9    58     21     20    1,218      4     
VA7EGZ DAVID        L   BC     1    6    5    12      4      4       48      4     

Canadian Call Area VE8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE8GER GERRY        L   NT     3    0    0     3      3      3        9      0     

Canadian Call Area VE9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE9CB  DAVE         H   NB     0   24    0    24     19     16      456      0     

DX Entries NA Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
CO8NMN NOEL         L   DX     0   31    2    33     21     21      693      2     SANTIAGO DE CUBA CONTEST TEAM
CO8WN  MANDY        L   DX     0   20    0    20     14     13      280      0     SANTIAGO DE CUBA CONTEST TEAM


SMC Talking Heads
  W9RE         14,976
  K9CT         14,840
  WD9CIR        6,552
  K9TI          5,082
  TOTAL        41,450

Defenders Of The Tundra
  KA9FOX       14,904
  AC0W          8,730
  N0HJZ         8,050
  NG0C          5,625
  ND0C          2,465
  TOTAL        39,774

South East Sprint Coalition
  KU8E         10,812
  N4OO          9,384
  K4BAI         8,640
  AA5JF         5,166
  KT4ZB         1,450
  TOTAL        35,452

CO-WY guys
  K0EU         12,667
  K0UK          8,052
  W0ETT         6,660
  WY7FD         5,811
  N7MZW         1,809
  TOTAL        34,999

  KW8N         15,064
  NA8V          8,400
  ND8L          4,961
  NW2K          1,798
  K9NW            132
  TOTAL        30,355

Swamp Fox Sprint Rangers
  N4IQ          8,131
  NU4E          7,644
  K3DNE         7,290
  N4XL          5,355
  K9JDP            54
  TOTAL        28,474

AOCC Assassins
  K6LL         12,450
  AA7V          6,750
  N9NA            713
  NG7Z            665
  TOTAL        20,578

South East Sprint Coalition #2
  K7SV          9,000
  KT4Q          5,236
  TOTAL        14,236

  K6JO          8,460
  K6RO          4,760
  TOTAL        13,220

  K7SS          6,424
  W7OM          1,820
  NN7M            950
  KK7PW           555
  W7FCL            60
  TOTAL         9,809

Iceberg Warriors
  N0AT          3,430
  KA0PQW        2,759
  W0AAE           924
  K0SV            840
  TOTAL         7,953

CO-WY-HI guys
  N0TA          5,092
  WC7S             35
  TOTAL         5,127

Heritage Hunt Hams
  N4RA          4,173
  KK4BZ           532
  TOTAL         4,705

  AA4SS         4,551
  K4BNZ             1
  TOTAL         4,552

Parker Radio Association Contest Team
  N0AD          1,978
  N2SRK         1,053
  TOTAL         3,031

Neil & Bob
  N6PGQ         2,074
  TOTAL         2,074

Eastern Ohio Contesters
  AC6GO           756
  WA8ZNC          276
  KE8E            270
  TOTAL         1,302

Santiago de Cuba Contest Team
  CO8NMN          693
  CO8WN           280
  TOTAL           973