Awards and Prizes

Prizes, T-shirts, Plaques and Certificates are all available to SSB Sprint participants. Here’s how to win:

Door Prizes (awarded by Random Drawing):

Simply submit your log with at least 1,500 points and be eligible to win a Prize via a Random Drawing!  These prizes are NOT awarded based on your score ranking!
The call sign of every operator that submits an NA SSB Sprint entry and has achieved a score of at least 1,500 points (only about 50 QSOs and 30 multipliers) will be entered in a random drawing for the following door prizes:

1st Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
2nd Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
3rd Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
4th Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
5th Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to GigaParts, your full-service amateur radio store!
6th-30th Prize:  NA SSB Sprint T-Shirt, sponsored by ICOM!

Win one of these SSB Sprint T-shirts, courtesy of ICOM!

Special W.A.S. T-shirts:

Work All States in the 4-Hour Sprint — Win a T-Shirt!
The NA SSB Sprint committee is committed to having all 50 states and all Canadian multipliers on the air during the event. Any station who is able to successfully work all 50 states during the 4 hour SSB Sprint contest will receive a special T-Shirt indicating that they have achieved Worked All States in four hours during the NA SSB Sprint.

Special Worked All Canada T-shirts:

Work All 13 Canadian multipliers in the 4-Hour Sprint — Win a T-Shirt!
Any station who is able to successfully work all 13 Canadian multipliers during the 4 hour SSB Sprint contest will receive a special T-Shirt indicating that they have achieved Worked All Canada in four hours during the NA SSB Sprint.  This T-shirt will be upgraded if that station works all 50 states AND all Canadian multipliers.

High Score Trophies and Plaques:

A trophy will be awarded to the entrant with the Highest Score in each power class (High Power, Low Power and QRP).

Plaques will be award to the entrants with the 2nd and 3rd highest scores in the High Power and Low Power categories.

NEW!  Youth Highest Score Plaque will be awarded to the highest score from entrants who are age 26 or younger on the day of the event (regardless of power category).

Achievement Certificates:

TOP TEN SCORES: A certificate will be awarded to those who finish in the overall top ten scores for each power category (HP, LP, QRP)

TOP SCORES IN EACH STATE/PROV/NA DX: A certificate will be awarded to the highest scoring entrant in each power class (HP, LP and QRP) in each US State, Canadian multiplier and NA DX Country.

TOP SCORING TEAM:  Every member of the winning 5-member SSB Sprint Team will receive a certificate.  You can register your SSB Sprint Team here.  There are no circles or distance requirements…. you and your team members can live and operate anywhere.

PROGRESSIVE ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION: Certificates that recognize your level of achievement in the SSB Sprint will be awarded based on your submitted score:

1,200 Point Score: A certificate of successful participation for obtaining a final score of at least 1,200 points, which equates to about 40 QSOs and 30 multipliers. The certificate will proclaim that you have “Successfully participated in the NA SSB Sprint Contest”.

2,500 Point Score: Your certificate will be upgraded if a final score of at least 2,500 is achieved, which equates to about 63 QSOs and 40 multipliers. The certificate will proclaim that you have “Qualified as a member of the NA SSB Sprint 2,500 Club”.

5,000 Point Score: Your certificate will be upgraded if a final score of at least 5,000 is achieved, which equates to about 111 QSOs and 45 multipliers. The certificate will proclaim that you have “Qualified as a member of the NA SSB Sprint 5,000 Club”.

7,500 Point Score: Your certificate will be upgraded if a final score of at least 7,500 is achieved, which equates to about 160 QSOs and 47 multipliers. The certificate will proclaim that you have “Qualified as a member of the NA SSB Sprint 7,500 Club”.

10,000 Point Score: Your certificate will be upgraded if a final score of at least 10,000 is achieved, which equates to about 200 QSOs and 50 multipliers. The certificate will proclaim that you have “Qualified as a member of the NA SSB Sprint 10,000 Club”.

Note:  Most certificates will be in the form of a downloadable, printable PDF, in order to save on postage costs.