2019 Mar

March 2019 SSB Sprint


The March 2019 event featured excellent participation and, all things considered, some decent enough conditions. We are now seeing a pretty good core of consistent participants from event to event. This time 257 logs made it through the log submittal and checking process. Of course, according to the log checking, there were plenty of others on the air that did not submit their score. Overall, despite the rather limited 20 meter propagation in many areas, 19 stations managed to score over 10,000 points.

Also, there was a good turnout for US and VE multipliers. Every state showed up in at least one submitted log. Also, there were enough variations in propagation to make them available. KW8N came the closest to getting the WAS this time as he managed to snag 48 of the states (missing VT and RI). Three stations worked 45 states and five others worked 44 states.

The VE multipliers were well represented. The Worked All Canadian Multipliers Shirt will be tough to achieve but many of those rarer harder to work Canadian territories are making themselves available, conditions permitting. All but PEI and NU were on the air this time and we certainly appreciate the efforts of the stations VY1AAA, VE8NSD, and VE8GER, as well as VO1KVT, VO2NS and VO2AC who do what they can to get on for each event. Speaking of doing what they can, we almost had VY0 on the air. Pierre VE3KTB/VY0 was going to operate VY0ERC. To quote Pierre, “I’ll try. Currently stuck in my room trying to operate remotely. Rig control is not a problem, but the amp and antenna selection are all still manual. So, hopefully the weather relents enough that I can get to the shack at least long enough to configure for both 20m and 40m.” But later he reported, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to transmit. I was unable to complete the trip. We had to return just after half way due to white-out conditions. High winds have not abated, but if they do, I will try again.” Thank you for trying Pierre.

In the high-power category, it was the familiar horse race or “horse sprint” with Bill KH7XS using his extended 20 meter propagation, excellent signals and somewhat “exotic” QTH to pile up 190 QSOs on 20 meters. Then, he made one band change to 40 meters to continue that same process there. Bill finished with the highest QSO count working a total of 295. Meanwhile, Bob KW8N was only able to garner 34 QSOs on 20 meters, so he used SO2R between 40 and 75 meters to work a variety of areas and the stations he could find there. Multipliers can become somewhat of an unpredictable variable, and this time they fell into place for Bob as his multiplier of 59 was more than enough to compensate for the 11 QSO difference to wind up with the top score. Bruce N1LN used a similar strategy and his 56 multipliers with 243 QSOs enabled him to take 3rd place. Seasoned sprinters along with two “Team Exuberance” newcomers rounded out the rest of the top ten, namely, WD0T, K6LL, K9BGL, NT6Q, NN1C, AE6Y and K6JO.

In the low-power category it was a very close finish. K0EU won by an eyelash over 2nd place N4OO. Both had similar scores with mathematically only the effect of one QSO making the difference. K5NZ and K0UK were very closely behind them to finish in 3rd and 4th. More seasoned Sprinters and another “Team Exuberance” newcomer rounded out the rest of the low- power top ten, that is, AC0W, KG5HVO, K4IU, N4OX, NW8U and WW9R.

Many may have wondered why Karl N8NA was not as loud as usual. That’s because he was busy easily winning the QRP category, while still helping others by handing out that rare DE multiplier into 124 log entries. Randy ND0C also had a respectable QRP score to finish in 2nd place. VE6EX, KA3UOL, K7DLX and N7NAV finished 3rd through 6th. Of the 6 QRP entries, only VE6EX had any 20 meter QSOs.

Check out the Golden Logs list. That list contains the entries that during our log checking process did not have ANY logging errors. The more QSOs you make the harder it is to be 100% accurate. Well, Mark KB5KYX managed to make 110 QSOs without a mistake. Either he has good ears or is very careful when entering information. Actually, it takes both. (Interestingly all of his QSOs were on 20 and 40 meters, so maybe it is the static and noise on 75 meters that contributes to some of the errors?) Congratulations to all with Golden Logs.

Twenty different teams registered for the team score part of this event. No super close finishes in this race this time with several thousand points separating each of the higher team scores. The NCCC #1 team led by AE6Y took the top spot. The SECC Team led by KU8E and K4BAI put together another very good team to finish in 2nd. The CO Rockies team finished 3rd and then MRRC/NCC finished 4th.

The next SSB Sprint will be on November 10, 2019 UTC. See you next time and thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.

Top Ten Scores
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              16,756     39        13       76     64     86     58
KH7XS             14,750      1         7       88     68     67     72
N1LN              13,608     14         8       63     58     67     55
WD0T              12,740      6        11       74     55     70     46
K6LL              12,699      2         3       64     56     67     62
K9BGL             12,291      6         3       64     64     62     51
NT6Q              12,220     57         4       65     49     65     56
NN1C              12,100     82        21       57     61     55     47
AE6Y              11,872     48         8       57     60     58     49
K0EU              11,766     24         7       56     59     60     47

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              16,756     39        13       76     64     86     58
KH7XS             14,750      1         7       88     68     67     72
N1LN              13,608     14         8       63     58     67     55
WD0T              12,740      6        11       74     55     70     46
K6LL              12,699      2         3       64     56     67     62
K9BGL             12,291      6         3       64     64     62     51
NT6Q              12,220     57         4       65     49     65     56
NN1C              12,100     82        21       57     61     55     47
AE6Y              11,872     48         8       57     60     58     49
K6JO              11,150     80        12       59     60     53     51

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K0EU              11,766     24         7       56     59     60     47
N4OO              11,718      8         4       52     62     54     49
K5NZ              11,394      2         2       42     58     52     59
K0UK              11,232     24        11       53     61     46     56
AC0W               9,500      2         7       54     44     40     52
KG5HVO             9,100      6         8       20     66     51     45
K4IU               7,968      7         8       47     30     51     38
N4OX               7,515      6         2       52     40     43     32
NW8U               6,815      4         1       37     34     36     38
WW9R               6,732      2         6       40     40     43     30

Top Six QRP
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
N8NA               4,712      5         1       31     28     38     26
ND0C               1,914      5         2        0      7     25     34
VE6EX                940      2         2       15     15     17      0
KA3UOL               551      1         1       16      5      8      0
K7DLX                288      1         1        4     10     10      8
N7NAV                200      0         5        3      4     10      3

Top Ten QSO Totals
Call Sign  # QSOs       
=========  =============
KH7XS                295
KW8N                 284
K6LL                 249
WD0T                 245
N1LN                 243
K9BGL                241
NT6Q                 235
AE6Y                 224
K6JO                 223
K0EU                 222

Top Ten Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
KW8N                  59
N1LN                  56
NN1C                  55
K5NZ                  54
N4OO                  54
AE6Y                  53
K0EU                  53
K6DAJ                 53
KT4Q                  53
KU8E                  53

Top Fifteen States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
KW8N                  48
K0EU                  45
KU8E                  45
NN1C                  45
AE6Y                  44
K6JO                  44
K6LL                  44
N1LN                  44
WD0T                  44
K0UK                  43
K5NZ                  43
K6DAJ                 43
KH7XS                 43
KT4Q                  43
NT6Q                  43

Golden Logs
Call Sign       Num QSOs     
=========  =============
KB5KYX               110
KS2G                  50
AC7AF                 48
W6UE                  44
KD5J                  42
K9KGM                 26
KR5G                  24
WA6URY                24
KM4ALL                21
AG7GP                 20
W4MBX                 20
W3RGA                 19
N8HWV                 18
W6IA                  18
KD8TNS                17
K9NW                  15
KX6X                  15
VA6DBS                13
VE3PYJ                13
K9QJS                 12
K3SSS                  9
N7BSH                  8
N3VFK                  7
W9CY                   7
WO3X                   6
AG5KE                  5
KB8ZR                  5
AE0DM                  4
K6OWS                  3
KN4LCX                 3
W2IOC                  3
K2HT                   2
VE2GT                  2
WC9D                   2
VE6CSX                 1
VO2AC                  1

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
WD0T   TODD         H   SD    18  131   96   245     52     44   12,740      6     
K0EU   KEN          L   CO     9  120   93   222     53     45   11,766     24     CO ROCKIES
K0UK   BILL         L   CO    12  116   88   216     52     43   11,232     24     CO ROCKIES
AC0W   BILL         L   MN    24   99   67   190     50     41    9,500      2     MWA SNOWMEN
K4IU   FRED         L   MN    18   72   76   166     48     40    7,968      7     MWA SNOWMEN
N7WY   BOB          H   MO     0  103   49   152     46     39    6,992      1     
W0ETT  KEN          H   CO     7   96   51   154     44     37    6,776      5     CO ROCKIES
KT0A   GARY         H   SD     2   68   54   124     43     36    5,332      5     CO BRONCOS
K0JP   JACK         L   MN    17   51   48   116     40     34    4,640      4     MWA SNOWMEN
WZ1Y   JACK         H   KS    10   82   12   104     38     34    3,952      3     

AA0AI  STEVE        L   IA    13   48   42   103     37     32    3,811      3     
NG0C   LOU          L   MN     2   39   53    94     40     34    3,760      6     
W0BH   BOB          H   KS     0   49   50    99     36     32    3,564      6     
N0AD   WAYNE        H   CO     0   65   32    97     35     32    3,395      1     PARKER RADIO ASSOCIATION CONTEST TEAM
K2KR   MIKE         H   CO     0   70    0    70     29     24    2,030      0     
ND0C   RANDY        Q   MN     0   25   41    66     29     26    1,914      5     
NX0U   ART          L   CO     2   34   21    57     30     28    1,710      3     CO BRONCOS
N0EHX  ERIC         H   CO     0   48    0    48     24     21    1,152      0     
N2SRK  DAN          L   CO     0   39    0    39     24     22      936      0     PARKER RADIO ASSOCIATION CONTEST TEAM
W0GJT  MIKE         L   CO     3   25    8    36     21     20      756      2     CO ROCKIES

W0YJT  JOHN         L   KS     0   34    0    34     19     17      646      0     
KE0ITC SCOTT        L   IA     6   33    0    39     16     13      624      1     
ND0TS  TOM          L   ND     3    8    3    14     10      9      140      2     
AK0BC  BRAD         H   CO     0    8    0     8      6      5       48      0     
W6GMT  BROCK        L   MN     3    3    0     6      5      5       30      1     MWA SNOWMEN
AE0DM  DAN          L   CO     1    3    0     4      3      3       12      1     CO BRONCOS
K2HT   DICK         L   MO     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     
KD0QG  CHARLIE      H   CO     2    0    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
NN1C   BOB          H   MA    16  128   76   220     55     45   12,100     82     
N1STN  MIKE         L   ME     0   67   32    99     36     33    3,564      1     
K1GMM  STEVE        H   VT     0   17    0    17     12     12      204      0     
W1CPS  CHARLIE      L   ME     5    2    5    12      9      8      108      2     
W1JGM  JOHN         L   CT     0   13    0    13      8      8      104      0     
W1JFF  JEFF         H   ME     0   10    0    10      7      7       70      0     
W1OHM  BILL         L   NH     1    4    0     5      4      4       20      2     

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
K2WR   RICH         L   NY    12   44   49   105     43     36    4,515      5     
K2AL   AL           L   NJ     0   37   26    63     30     26    1,890      1     
KS2G   MEL          L   NY     0   29   21    50     26     23    1,300      2     
NW2K   DEAN         L   NY     1   29   10    40     26     22    1,040      2     MRRC/NCC TEAM
KD2NXM JERRY        H   NJ     0   29    0    29     18     16      522      0     
K2SDS  SCOTT        L   NJ     2   10    0    12      8      8       96      1     
K3SSS  PETER        L   NY     0    9    0     9      7      6       63      0     NORTHEAST MARYLAND AMATEUR RADIO CLUB
W2IOC  KEN          L   NJ     0    0    3     3      3      3        9      0     
WB2KWC KEN          L   NY     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      1     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD    12   99  100   211     50     41   10,550      2     
K3AJ   TOM          H   MD     8   73   66   147     44     38    6,468      3     
N8NA   KARL         Q   DE     0   73   51   124     38     36    4,712      5     
KE3X   KEN          H   DC     0   60   39    99     35     31    3,465      3     
K0OO   PAT          L   MD     0    0   73    73     35     31    2,555      0     
N3OJL  ROB          L   PA     0   38   40    78     32     30    2,496      1     
NS3X   MARK         L   MD     5   48   14    67     29     26    1,943      2     
W3ZX   TOM          L   PA     0   23   34    57     29     26    1,653      1     
WN3I   NATE         H   PA     0   32   20    52     29     24    1,508      1     
K3UA   PHIL         H   PA     0    0   55    55     26     23    1,430      0     

KA3UOL MIKE         Q   PA     0   21    8    29     19     18      551      1     
KE3GK  TOM          L   MD     0   21    0    21     14     12      294      0     NORTHEAST MARYLAND AMATEUR RADIO CLUB
W3RGA  PAT          H   PA     1   18    0    19     11     11      209      2     
N3VYZ  DEN          L   PA     0   15    0    15     12     12      180      0     
N3RUM  DAN          L   PA     0    9    4    13     10      8      130      3     
K3KU   ART          L   MD     0    5    4     9      6      5       54      1     
N3VFK  CHRIS        L   PA     0    7    0     7      6      6       42      0     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
N1LN   BRUCE        H   NC    27  109  107   243     56     44   13,608     14     
N4OO   BRIAN        L   GA    23  107   87   217     54     42   11,718      8     
KU8E   JEFF         H   GA     8  118   77   203     53     45   10,759      8     SECC
K4BAI  JOHN         H   GA    34  116   65   215     50     41   10,750      2     SECC
KG5HVO BRYANT       L   AL    16   89   77   182     50     41    9,100      6     SECC
KT4Q   STEVE        H   FL    31   77   54   162     53     43    8,586      2     
W4AQL  BRUCE        H   GA    14   94   62   170     50     42    8,500      5     RAMBLIN' WRECKS
W4ATL  SHERMAN      H   GA    28   76   57   161     49     42    7,889      2     RAMBLIN' WRECKS
N4OX   JAY          L   FL     6   95   66   167     45     39    7,515      6     
N4IQ   BILL         H   SC     0   96   57   153     47     39    7,191     25     SECC

N4ZY   DAN          H   KY    27   75   51   153     43     35    6,579      2     
KN4EWI JOEL         L   NC     0   39   45    84     35     29    2,940      1     
AA4CS  ANN          L   FL    14   34   31    79     34     31    2,686      3     
KQ4LA  JEFF         L   VA     0   51   21    72     34     30    2,448      1     
KG3V   TOM          L   VA     0   53   12    65     34     28    2,210      3     
K4ELI  STEVE        H   GA     9   32   25    66     31     27    2,046      2     
N4SAX  RANDY        H   FL     3   29   24    56     33     28    1,848      2     
WU0B   PETE         L   SC     0    4   57    61     26     24    1,586      5     SECC
N4SJJ  STEVE        L   FL     9   42    0    51     29     27    1,479      3     
N4CF   MIKE         L   VA     0   18   32    50     28     24    1,400      1     

W4MF   JIM          H   TN    10   37    5    52     25     21    1,300      2     
KX4BI  VANCE        L   AL     1   43    8    52     24     21    1,248      4     
K4BBH  DAVE         H   GA     3   30   14    47     22     21    1,034      3     SCARS
KA4FVE MIKE         L   SC     0   29    7    36     24     23      864      2     
KM4VTE TOMMY        H   GA     1   32    0    33     20     20      660      2     
K8LBQ  BAIN         L   GA     0   28    0    28     21     18      588      0     
NC8N   MIKE         H   SC     2   27    0    29     20     18      580      1     
K4LPQ  LEO          L   TN     0   28    0    28     19     15      532      0     
AA4NP  JIM          L   FL     0    0   26    26     17     16      442      0     
AD4ET  BRUCE        L   NC     0   22    2    24     17     15      408      2     

W3PJ   CHUCK        L   GA     2   18    0    20     17     14      340      1     
KM4ALL JEFF         H   VA     1   20    0    21     16     14      336      2     
K3QH   STUART       H   FL     1   19    0    20     14     10      280      2     
W4MBX  MIKE         L   GA     0   20    0    20     14     12      280      0     
KN4LGM JONNY        L   GA     0   18    0    18     14     13      252      0     
KN4IJZ MARK         L   VA     1   20    0    21     11     11      231      4     
N4WDC  DAVID        L   VA     0   12    1    13     10      8      130      1     
NT4Z   BILL         L   FL     0   11    0    11     10      8      110      1     
N8WAE  DAVID        L   AL     0    6    4    10      9      8       90      4     
KW8D   JOSH         H   KY     0   11    0    11      7      6       77      0     

KA3MTT NATHAN       L   KY     0    8    0     8      7      6       56      0     
KC4JNW JIM          L   SC     0    8    0     8      7      7       56      1     
KN4MVZ STAN         L   GA     0    4    4     8      7      6       56      1     
KN4LCX BOB          L   NC     0    3    0     3      3      3        9      0     
K4FAN  ERIC         L   FL     0    2    0     2      4      4        8      0     
WC9D   DICK         L   VA     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
K5NZ   MIKE         L   TX    50   96   65   211     54     43   11,394      2     MY EARS ARE BLEEDING
WQ5L   RAY          H   MS    23   98   50   171     49     39    8,379      2     
AE5P   ARMY         L   TX    32   66    6   104     38     34    3,952      2     
KB5KYX MARK         H   TX    32   78    0   110     35     30    3,850      1     
NG5E   DAVE         L   TX     0   83   16    99     33     30    3,267      1     
K5PO   ANDY         H   AR     4   45   28    77     32     28    2,464      2     
W5HP   TOM          L   TX     4   51   19    74     30     29    2,220      7     DOUBLE TROUBLE
K5ATA  STEVE        L   MS     0   48   16    64     34     30    2,176      3     
WD5DJW THOMAS       L   AR     0   56    0    56     32     29    1,792      0     
WA5LXS DENNIS       H   TX    20   30   14    64     28     24    1,792      2     

AD5VC  DANA         L   LA     5   21   27    53     30     28    1,590      2     
KD5J   CORD         L   AR    19   23    0    42     25     22    1,050      1     
K2WJ   JOHN         H   TX    25   18    0    43     23     18      989      1     
W5TCB  TOM          L   AR     0   17   18    35     20     20      700      1     
AF5CC  JOHN         L   OK     0   29    6    35     19     17      665      1     
KC5CYY PAUL         H   OK    18   20    0    38     17     15      646      1     
AI5R   RICH         L   TX    13   10    6    29     17     17      493     10     DOUBLE TROUBLE
KR5G   ERIC         L   TX    10   14    0    24     16     13      384      1     
KG5TKF DAYTONA      L   TX     6   15    0    21     16     16      336      1     
NO5F   EJ           L   AR     4   16    0    20     14     14      280      1     

KC1ATT KEITH        H   TX     0   19    0    19     14     14      266      0     
W4EIS  LEE          L   TX     3   17    0    20     13     13      260      1     
W5WJC  JON          L   TX     0    8    0     8      9      9       72      0     
KJ5RC  CAROLYN      H   MS     0    6    0     6      6      6       36      0     
AG5KE  RONALD       L   OK     4    1    0     5      4      4       20      1     
KB6OJE JERRY        L   TX     5    0    0     5      3      2       15      1     
KC5RWW BETH         L   OK     0    5    0     5      3      3       15      0     

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
NT6Q   MARKO        H   CA    43  129   63   235     52     43   12,220     57     SCCC
AE6Y   ANDY         H   CA    38  132   54   224     53     44   11,872     48     NCCC #1
K6JO   LEE          H   CA    51  121   51   223     50     44   11,150     80     SCCC
W1SRD  STEVE        H   CA    21  127   60   208     52     42   10,816     12     NCCC #1
K6DAJ  DAVE         H   CA    26  112   55   193     53     43   10,229     40     NCCC #1
K6MR   KEN          H   CA    29   84   55   168     46     39    7,728     12     
W9KKN  BILL         H   CA    21   75   52   148     46     40    6,808     24     NCCC #1
N3RC   ROGER        H   CA    24   79   24   127     40     34    5,080      2     NCCC #2
K6GHA  DON          L   CA    22   65   42   129     37     31    4,773      2     NCCC #1
AJ6V   ED           H   CA     0   41   41    82     31     27    2,542      1     

W6SX   HANK         H   CA    29   11   23    63     26     21    1,638      2     NCCC #2
N6EE   RON          H   CA    21   23    8    52     28     25    1,456      2     NCCC #3
W6AX   KEN          H   CA    16   28    9    53     27     22    1,431      4     
K0EJ   MARK         L   CA     3   41    0    44     25     22    1,100      3     
W6UE   AL           H   CA    25   19    0    44     25     22    1,100      1     
WN6K   PAUL         L   CA    12   16    0    28     19     18      532      1     
W6BRY  BRIAN        H   CA     0   26    0    26     20     19      520      0     
WA6URY DAN          H   CA    24    0    0    24     17     14      408      0     
W6IA   MARK         H   CA     1   17    0    18     12     12      216      1     
KG6SVF DAVE         H   CA     6    6    0    12     10      8      120      1     

K6BBQ  REM          L   CA    12    0    0    12      7      5       84      0     
K6OWS  BOB          L   CA     1    2    0     3      3      3        9      1     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
K6LL   DAVE         H   AZ    84  140   25   249     51     44   12,699      2     AOCC HORSETHIEVES
KA6BIM DAVE         H   OR    37   88   25   150     48     40    7,200      2     NCCC #3
N9RV   PAT          H   MT    33   57   74   164     43     38    7,052      2     
K9JF   JIM          H   WA    28   83   35   146     46     39    6,716      4     
N7MZW  CHUCK        L   WY     0   90   39   129     41     37    5,289      6     CO ROCKIES
N7GP   TOM          H   AZ    18   74   30   122     43     39    5,246      2     AOCC HORSETHIEVES
K7SS   DAN          H   WA    33   81    0   114     41     35    4,674      1     1847 STREET CORNER
W7ZB   MARK         H   OR    36   46   30   112     41     36    4,592      2     1847 STREET CORNER
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR    21   52   26    99     34     29    3,366      2     
N7EMT  KEVIN        H   OR    19   67    0    86     37     31    3,182      1     

N7FLT  DON          L   MT    14   69    0    83     33     29    2,739      1     
W7OM   ROD          L   WA    16   50   11    77     29     29    2,233      4     
NG7Z   PAUL         L   AZ    18   37    6    61     29     27    1,769      2     AOCC HORSETHIEVES
K7IM   KIM          L   WA    15   21   29    65     26     25    1,690      2     
WC7S   DALE         L   WY     1   46    4    51     25     20    1,275      2     CO BRONCOS
W1UT   LES          L   UT     8   38    0    46     27     23    1,242      1     
AC7AF  BRIAN        L   WY    11   37    0    48     23     20    1,104      1     
AF7NX  GARY         L   OR     4   27   23    54     20     15    1,080      4     
AC7S   JOHN         H   OR    14   27    0    41     24     20      984      1     
KT7WW  AMOS         L   ID     3   21   21    45     20     15      900      2     

W0PAN  LARRY        L   AZ    15   20    0    35     21     19      735      1     AOCC HORSETHIEVES
K7LSX  LESLI        H   AZ    10   17    0    27     19     17      513      1     
W7CO   BOB          L   OR     3   15    6    24     14     11      336      2     
K7DLX  RICK         Q   UT     0   17   15    32      9      9      288      1     
AG7GP  AMY          L   OR     3   17    0    20     12     10      240      1     
KK7MA  MIKE         L   OR     5   15    0    20     10      7      200      1     
N7NAV  CHRIS        Q   WY     0   20    0    20     10      9      200      0     
KX6X   KEN          L   AZ     7    8    0    15     12     11      180      1     
K9QJS  JIM          H   WA    12    0    0    12      7      7       84      0     
KG7DAB DAN          L   WA     6    1    0     7      7      7       49      1     

N7BSH  GREG         L   WY     1    7    0     8      6      6       48      1     
NG2G   MARK         L   WA     3    5    0     8      6      5       48      1     
N7MU   JIM          L   WA     1    3    0     4      4      4       16      1     
WA0PFC JACK         L   UT     0    0    0     0      0      0        0      0     

US Call Area 8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
KW8N   BOB          H   OH    34  132  118   284     59     48   16,756     39     MRRC/NCC TEAM
NA8V   GREG         H   MI    20   64   92   176     51     41    8,976      4     MRRC/NCC TEAM
NW8U   JOHN         L   WV     5   89   51   145     47     39    6,815      4     
K8JT   JAY          H   MI     4   55   59   118     47     39    5,546      4     
K3JT   TERRY        L   WV     7   27   63    97     42     35    4,074      2     
N8FYL  JOHN         L   MI     0   36   53    89     38     34    3,382      1     MRRC/NCC TEAM
KA8SBI JEFF         H   OH     4   35   31    70     31     28    2,170      2     PREBLE ARA
N8YXR  BOB          L   MI     0   33   17    50     29     26    1,450      3     
ND8L   RAY          H   OH     0   36    4    40     24     20      960      1     MRRC/NCC TEAM
KE8GDD BRAD         L   WV     0   12   18    30     19     15      570      1     

KD8TNS ALAN         L   OH     0    0   17    17     15     14      255      0     
KE8Y   MIKE         L   OH     0    8   11    19     11     10      209      1     
KI8N   TERRY        L   OH     0    1   16    17     11     10      187      1     RADIOHIO
WB8SDA CARMEN       L   OH     0    4   10    14     13     13      182      1     
N8PPF  ED           L   OH     0   13    0    13     10     10      130      0     RADIOHIO
AB8OU  AL           L   OH     0   11    0    11      9      8       99      0     
N5MKY  GLEN         L   MI     0    9    0     9      7      7       63      0     
WO3X   JOHN         L   OH     0    6    0     6      5      5       30      0     
KB8ZR  MARK         C   OH     1    4    0     5      5      5       25      1     
KE8ETI JIM          L   MI     0    4    0     4      4      3       16      0     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
K9BGL  KARL         H   IL    42  112   87   241     51     41   12,291      6     
K9CT   CRAIG        H   IL    45   49   79   173     48     38    8,304      2     
WW9R   PAT          L   WI     5   68   80   153     44     36    6,732      2     SMC SPRINTERS
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL    19   80   54   153     43     35    6,579      2     SMC SPRINTERS
K9GX   MARK         L   IN    14   55   51   120     46     38    5,520      4     
KC9K   DAVE         H   IL    22   40   50   112     40     34    4,480      2     SMC SPRINTERS
WT2P   CJ           H   IL     0   48   32    80     37     30    2,960     11     SMC SPRINTERS
K9RM   CHUCK        H   IN     0   80    0    80     34     29    2,720      0     
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN    13   28   37    78     32     27    2,496      2     
N9WEW  JOSH         L   IL     7   37   30    74     33     30    2,442      6     SMC SPRINTERS

AC9TO  MARV         L   WI     3   43    2    48     29     23    1,392      2     
KC9WOM JOHN         L   IN     2   16   18    36     19     18      684      5     
K9KGM  ROB          H   IL     0   24    2    26     14     12      364      1     
N8HWV  NATE         L   WI     4    9    5    18     14     13      252      2     
W9EZ   TODD         H   IL     0   16    0    16     11      9      176      0     
K9NW   MIKE         H   IN     0   15    0    15      9      9      135      0     
W9CY   JAYE         L   IL     1    6    0     7      6      6       42      1     
KC9TEW JEFF         L   IN     0    3   -1     2      5      5       10      1     

US Call Area KH6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
KH7XS  BILL         H   HI   190  105    0   295     50     43   14,750      1     

US Call Area KL7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
KL7SB  STEVE        H   AK    60   74    1   135     33     27    4,455      3     
KL2YE  MIKE         L   AK     5    4    0     9      6      5       54      1     

Canadian Call Area VE1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VA1JON JOHN         L   NS     0   12    1    13     11     11      143      2     

Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA2KD  ROLLY        L   QC     0    7   18    25     17     15      425      1     
VE2GT  PIERRE       L   QC     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VA3WW  TIM          H   ON     0   41   14    55     30     27    1,650      2     
VE3MXJ BRAD         L   ON     6   30    9    45     26     23    1,170      2     MWA SNOWMEN
VE3AND ANDY         L   ON     1    4   20    25     16     15      400      2     
VE3PYJ GERRY        L   ON     0   13    0    13      7      7       91      0     
VE3SST NEIL         L   ON     0   10    0    10      9      8       90      0     

Canadian Call Area VE4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VA4HZ  HARM         L   MB    10   16   10    36     19     17      684      4     

Canadian Call Area VE5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VE5SF  SAM          L   SK     5   72    0    77     34     30    2,618      2     

Canadian Call Area VE6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VA6RCN KEVIN        L   AB     7   24   30    61     22     18    1,342      2     
VE6IVN IVAN         H   AB     5   35    1    41     26     24    1,066      2     
VE6EX  DAN          Q   AB    17   24    6    47     20     17      940      2     
VA6DBS DON          L   AB     0   12    1    13     10      8      130      1     
VE6CSX BUD          H   AB     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     

Canadian Call Area VE7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VA7ST  BUD          H   BC     8   63    3    74     35     31    2,590      2     
VE7BC  KEN          H   BC    20   35   18    73     30     25    2,190     12     
VA7EGZ DAVID        L   BC     0   14    4    18     10      9      180      3     

Canadian Call Area VE8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VE8GER GERRY        L   NT    20   10    0    30     13     12      390      1     

Canadian Call Area VE9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VE9AA  MIKE         H   NB    13   92   80   185     47     39    8,695      4     
VE9OA  BILL         H   NB     0   27   29    56     26     22    1,456      1     
VE9EX  BRENT        H   NB     0   27    0    27     15     15      405      0     

Canadian Call Area VO1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
VO1KVT KEN          H   NL     0   63   19    82     32     27    2,624      1     
VO2AC  CHRIS        L   NL     0    1    0     1      1      1        1      0     

DX Entries EU Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
TM6M   OLI          H   DX     0  113   17   130     49     41    6,370      1     

DX Entries NA Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ========================================
NP2X   ED           H   DX    89   73    0   162     45     38    7,290      1     


  AE6Y         11,872
  W1SRD        10,816
  K6DAJ        10,229
  W9KKN         6,808
  K6GHA         4,773
  TOTAL        44,498

  KU8E         10,759
  K4BAI        10,750
  KG5HVO        9,100
  N4IQ          7,191
  WU0B          1,586
  TOTAL        39,386

CO Rockies
  K0EU         11,766
  K0UK         11,232
  W0ETT         6,776
  N7MZW         5,289
  W0GJT           756
  TOTAL        35,819

  KW8N         16,756
  NA8V          8,976
  N8FYL         3,382
  NW2K          1,040
  ND8L            960
  TOTAL        31,114

  NT6Q         12,220
  K6JO         11,150
  TOTAL        23,370

MWA Snowmen
  AC0W          9,500
  K4IU          7,968
  K0JP          4,640
  VE3MXJ        1,170
  W6GMT            30
  TOTAL        23,308

SMC Sprinters
  WW9R          6,732
  WD9CIR        6,579
  KC9K          4,480
  WT2P          2,960
  N9WEW         2,442
  TOTAL        23,193

AOCC Horsethieves
  K6LL         12,699
  N7GP          5,246
  NG7Z          1,769
  W0PAN           735
  TOTAL        20,449

Ramblin' Wrecks
  W4AQL         8,500
  W4ATL         7,889
  TOTAL        16,389

My Ears Are Bleeding
  K5NZ         11,394
  TOTAL        11,394

1847 Street Corner
  K7SS          4,674
  W7ZB          4,592
  TOTAL         9,266

  KA6BIM        7,200
  N6EE          1,456
  TOTAL         8,656

  KT0A          5,332
  NX0U          1,710
  WC7S          1,275
  AE0DM            12
  TOTAL         8,329

  N3RC          5,080
  W6SX          1,638
  TOTAL         6,718

Parker Radio Association Contest Team
  N0AD          3,395
  N2SRK           936
  TOTAL         4,331

Double Trouble
  W5HP          2,220
  AI5R            493
  TOTAL         2,713

Preble ARA
  KA8SBI        2,170
  TOTAL         2,170

  K4BBH         1,034
  TOTAL         1,034

Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Club
  KE3GK           294
  K3SSS            63
  TOTAL           357

  KI8N            187
  N8PPF           130
  TOTAL           317