2016 Oct



The October 2016 NA SSB Sprint contest certainly felt the effects of our worsening radio propagation and conditions. A number of stations started the contest, but given the bad band conditions experienced, put in only a partial effort.  So it became somewhat of an endurance test than a typical Sprint.  Let’s hope for better conditions during the April 2017 event, which will be April 2, 2017 0000Z – 0359Z, which corresponds to Saturday evening, April 1, 2017 here in North America.

Not surprising, no one was able to win a WAS shirt this time around.

Bob KW8N managed to squeak by Scott KA9FOX for the top spot Overall.  With other perennial top ten participants N6ED, K0EU, and K7SS finishing just behind.  Paul K9PG repeated as Low Power winner and finished 6th overall despite being low power.  AC0W in similar fashion finished 2nd in Low Power and still made the top ten overall with an 8th place overall finish.  Of exceptional note is Scott KA9FOX who not only finished with the highest QSO total but managed a GOLDEN LOG in the process.  Wow!  Good ears (and fingers) Scott!

K6MR took on the challenge of QRP in bad conditions and still turned in a nice score finishing 1st in QRP!

“MRRC, NCC and Friends” turned in the top Sprint Team score.  “SMC Sprinters” captured 2nd place.

Two new s/p/c records were set during the October 2016 event.  Don KO5OK broke the Oklahoma QRP record set by KU5B back in Sept 2010.  And Victor WB0TEV operated the contest from V31VP setting the high power record for Belize!  Ok, it was the first entry ever from Belize, but it was a good score and we were glad to have that addtional multiplier! Check out all of the all-time records on the Records page.

Many newer Sprinters have become regular participants and their Sprint operating skills and their resulting scores continue to improve with each SSB Sprint event.  A couple of those being VE4VT and KK7YC who both finished in the top ten this time around. And thank you WQ5L who is a long time Sprinter more notably on CW, but Ray also finished in the Top Ten overall making that sometimes rare MS multiplier very available to everyone.

We will soon be drawing for the Door Prizes and the ICOM NA SSB Sprint T-Shirts and will publish those results once that has been completed!

Thanks again to those who stuck it out and even those who departed a bit early but still submitted their entry.  The entries received and the overall results are listed below.

See you on Sat Night, April 1st 2017.  No fooling!

Top Ten Scores
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              11,250     52        11       57     55     57     56
KA9FOX            10,669      4         0       63     69     58     37
N6ED              10,437      4         2       74     70     42     27
K0EU              10,224     22         7       73     65     53     22
K7SS               7,020      2         3       72     58      3     23
K9PG               5,250     10         4       34     46     40      5
VE4VT              5,148      2         6       38     45     36     13
AC0W               5,031      4         2       26     48     40     15
WQ5L               4,484      2         1       29     36     33     20
KK7YC              4,472      4         3       14     46     26     17

Top Ten High Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
KW8N              11,250     52        11       57     55     57     56
KA9FOX            10,669      4         0       63     69     58     37
N6ED              10,437      4         2       74     70     42     27
K0EU              10,224     22         7       73     65     53     22
K7SS               7,020      2         3       72     58      3     23
VE4VT              5,148      2         6       38     45     36     13
WQ5L               4,484      2         1       29     36     33     20
KK7YC              4,472      4         3       14     46     26     17
AD5XD              4,360      4         2       36     29     29     15
N3QE               4,290      4         1       23     34     39     14

Top Ten Low Power
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K9PG               5,250     10         4       34     46     40      5
AC0W               5,031      4         2       26     48     40     15
K7SV               4,452      4         2       27     30     32     17
W0ETT              4,408      6         7       49     34     24      9
WD9CIR             3,640      2         2       15     31     25     20
WW9R               3,196      2         4       23     30     33      8
KK6NON             2,144      1         7       35     27      5      0
N0AT               2,108      6         3       24     27     17      0
K2WR               1,736      4         0       10     12     27     13
KB8KMH             1,711      4         1       11     14     22     12

Top Three QRP
Call Sign  Score          Bnd Chgs  Qs Lost    00Z    01Z    02Z    03Z
=========  =============  ========  =======  =====  =====  =====  =====
K6MR               1,988      6         4       33     15     14      9
KO5OK                600      1         0       13     17      0      0
AB3WS                208      0         2        0      0      0     16

Top Ten QSO Totals
Call Sign  # QSOs       
=========  =============
KA9FOX               227
KW8N                 225
K0EU                 213
N6ED                 213
K7SS                 156
VE4VT                132
AC0W                 129
K9PG                 125
WQ5L                 118
W0ETT                116

Top Ten Multipliers
Call Sign  # Multipliers
=========  =============
KW8N                  50
N6ED                  49
K0EU                  48
KA9FOX                47
K7SS                  45
KK7YC                 43
K7SV                  42
K9PG                  42
AD5XD                 40
WD9CIR                40

Top Twelve States Worked
Call Sign  #States Worked
=========  =============
KW8N                  43
K0EU                  40
N6ED                  39
K7SS                  37
KA9FOX                36
K7SV                  35
K9PG                  35
KK7YC                 35
AD5XD                 32
N3QE                  32
VE4VT                 32
WD9CIR                32

Golden Logs
Call Sign  Num QSOs     
=========  =============
KA9FOX               227
NX9T                 108
W0BH                 103
WA6URY               101
K9NW                  75
W1UT                  70
K2WR                  62
N4OO                  43
W9RE                  41
K6MM                  40
KA3MTT                40
XE2S                  39
K3UA                  36
N4CF                  34
KE3X                  31
KO5OK                 30
N7VS                  23
W1DYJ                 21
W6OAT                 18
W9KKN                 17
KB5EE                  9
WT2P                   9
K6MBD                  6
KC1CRS                 5
K7JKM                  3
WA3AFS                 2

US Call Area 0
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K0EU   KEN          H   CO    75   91   47   213     48     40   10,224     22     GRAND MESA
AC0W   BILL         L   MN    27   63   39   129     39     31    5,031      4     MWA SPRINTERS
W0ETT  KEN          L   CO    47   55   14   116     38     30    4,408      6     GRAND MESA
W0BH   BOB          H   KS    25   47   31   103     36     28    3,708      2     
N0AT   RON          L   MN    15   37   16    68     31     25    2,108      6     MWA SPRINTERS
K0YR   TOM          L   MN    20   16   12    48     29     24    1,392      2     
K0UK   BILL         L   CO    33    0   15    48     26     23    1,248      1     GRAND MESA
KG0EW  DAVE         L   CO     0   10    0    10     10      9      100      0     

US Call Area 1
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
W1CPS  CHARLIE      L   ME     1    5   15    21     17     14      357      2     
W1DYJ  LARRY        L   ME     2   13    6    21     16     13      336      2     
KC1CRS ANNE         L   MA     0    5    0     5      5      5       25      0     

US Call Area 2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
NW2K   DEAN         H   NY    35   36   36   107     38     30    4,066      8     MRRC, NCC AND FRIENDS
K2WR   RICH         L   NY     8   24   30    62     28     25    1,736      4     
WA3AFS BRUCE        H   NY     0    2    0     2      2      2        4      0     

US Call Area 3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N3QE   TIM          H   MD    15   45   50   110     39     32    4,290      4     MRRC, NCC AND FRIENDS
K3UA   PHIL         H   PA     0    0   36    36     23     20      828      0     
KE3X   KEN          H   DC    16   15    0    31     16     13      496      1     
K3AJ   TOM          L   MD    14   13    0    27     15     14      405      1     
AB3WS  SONNY        Q   MD     0    0   16    16     13     12      208      0     
W3DQ   ERIC         L   DC     0    8    0     8      8      5       64      0     

US Call Area 4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K7SV   LAR          L   VA    22   41   43   106     42     35    4,452      4     
NX9T   JEFF         H   NC    33   48   27   108     38     31    4,104      2     
N4SVC  PAT          H   FL    28   45   33   106     34     29    3,604      4     
KG6MC  BOB          H   SC    19   30   23    72     28     23    2,016      2     
N9DFD  MIKE         L   GA    16   24    0    40     23     18      920      1     
N4OO   BRIAN        L   GA    12   31    0    43     21     18      903      3     
KA3MTT NATHAN       L   KY    12   18   10    40     21     17      840      2     
N4CF   MIKE         L   VA    10   24    0    34     16     15      544      1     
KK4IWN CATHY        L   TN     1   12   15    28     19     18      532      2     
K3IE   HUNTER       H   TN     0   21    0    21     17     12      357      0     

US Call Area 5
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
WQ5L   RAY          H   MS    29   49   40   118     38     30    4,484      2     DFW CONTEST GROUP
AD5XD  MILT         H   TX    32   51   26   109     40     32    4,360      4     DFW CONTEST GROUP
KO5OK  DON          Q   OK    11   19    0    30     20     18      600      1     
AF5CC  JOHN         L   OK     3   16    7    26     16     15      416      2     
KB5EE  KEVIN        L   TX     1    8    0     9      9      7       81      1     
W5CSM  DAVE         L   TX     9    0    0     9      5      5       45      0     

US Call Area 6
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
N6ED   ED           H   CA    88   98   27   213     49     39   10,437      4     
WA6URY DAN          H   CA    33   52   16   101     37     31    3,737      2     
KK6NON LEE          L   CA    46   21    0    67     32     26    2,144      1     
K6MR   KEN          Q   CA    31   29   11    71     28     24    1,988      6     
N0KQ   BILL         H   CA    21   28    0    49     28     25    1,372      1     
K6MM   JOHN         H   CA    40    0    0    40     27     22    1,080      0     
NZ6Q   JOHN         L   CA    16   17   10    43     21     19      903      2     
WN6K   PAUL         L   CA    19   22    0    41     20     20      820      1     
W9KKN  BILL         L   CA     9    8    0    17     11     11      187      1     
W6OAT  RUSTY        H   CA     0    8   10    18     10     10      180      1     

N6RO   KEN          H   CA     0    0   15    15     10      8      150      0     
K6MBD  MIKE         L   CA     2    4    0     6      5      4       30      1     

US Call Area 7
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
K7SS   DAN          H   WA    77   56   23   156     45     37    7,020      2     TEAM STREET CORNER - WEST SEATTLE
KK7YC  RON          H   OR    36   42   26   104     43     35    4,472      4     
W7WHY  TOM          H   OR    50   27   13    90     36     28    3,240      2     
N9RV   PAT          H   MT     1   54   19    74     36     31    2,664      3     
W1UT   LES          H   UT    28   42    0    70     31     28    2,170      1     
N7MZW  CHUCK        L   WY     1   35    8    44     25     23    1,100      5     
KK7PW  JON          H   WA    20   20    9    49     18     16      882      2     TEAM STREET CORNER - WEST SEATTLE
K7DLX  RICHARD      L   UT    10   14    8    32     13     13      416      4     
N7VS   STEVE        L   OR     0   11   12    23     12     11      276      3     
K7JKM  JERRY        L   OR     3    0    0     3      3      3        9      0     

US Call Area 8
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KW8N   BOB          H   OH    97   83   45   225     50     43   11,250     52     MRRC, NCC AND FRIENDS
KB8KMH BUD          L   WV    11   15   33    59     29     24    1,711      4     
N8VCF  RICK         L   WV     3   17   23    43     27     24    1,161      6     
NA8V   GREG         L   MI    11   19   20    50     23     21    1,150      6     MRRC, NCC AND FRIENDS
N8FYL  JOHN         L   MI     0   17   21    38     22     20      836      3     

US Call Area 9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
KA9FOX SCOTT        H   WI    71   89   67   227     47     36   10,669      4     SMC SPRINTERS
K9PG   PAUL         L   IL    26   66   33   125     42     35    5,250     10     
WD9CIR STEVE        L   IL    15   53   23    91     40     32    3,640      2     SMC SPRINTERS
N0IJ   JOHN         H   WI    27   44   27    98     35     28    3,430      4     MWA SPRINTERS
WW9R   PAT          L   WI    12   48   34    94     34     29    3,196      2     SMC SPRINTERS
K9NW   MIKE         H   IN    16   45   14    75     29     23    2,175      4     
WI9WI  JIM          H   WI    24   16   26    66     28     24    1,848      2     SMC SPRINTERS
W9RE   MIKE         H   IN     0    5   36    41     26     21    1,066      1     
WT2P   CJ           H   IL     0    9    0     9      8      6       72      0     SMC SPRINTERS

Canadian Call Area VE2
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE2GT  PIERRE       H   QC     3    0    0     3      2      2        6      1     

Canadian Call Area VE3
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VA3TIC TIM          L   ON     6    6    0    12      8      8       96      1     

Canadian Call Area VE4
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE4VT  ED           H   MB    38   67   27   132     39     32    5,148      2     
VE4EA  CARY         L   MB    14   44    0    58     29     24    1,682      1     
VA4HZ  HARM         L   MB    10   20   22    52     23     20    1,196      4     

Canadian Call Area VE9
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
VE9AA  MIKE         H   NB     8   39   11    58     29     25    1,682      4     

DX Entries NA Continent
CALL   NAME        CLS  LOC  20m  40m  80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score     BandChgs  Team
====== =========== ===  ===  ===  ===  === ===== ====== ====== ========= ========  ==================================================
NP2X   ED           H   DX    29   61   20   110     37     30    4,070     12     MRRC, NCC AND FRIENDS
V31VP  VICTOR       H   DX    26   24   18    68     31     26    2,108      4     DFW CONTEST GROUP
XE2S   MARCO        L   DX    21   18    0    39     19     18      741      1     


MRRC, NCC and Friends
  KW8N         11,250
  N3QE          4,290
  NP2X          4,070
  NW2K          4,066
  NA8V          1,150
  TOTAL        24,826

SMC Sprinters
  KA9FOX       10,669
  WD9CIR        3,640
  WW9R          3,196
  WI9WI         1,848
  WT2P             72
  TOTAL        19,425

Grand Mesa
  K0EU         10,224
  W0ETT         4,408
  K0UK          1,248
  TOTAL        15,880

DFW Contest Group
  WQ5L          4,484
  AD5XD         4,360
  V31VP         2,108
  TOTAL        10,952

MWA Sprinters
  AC0W          5,031
  N0IJ          3,430
  N0AT          2,108
  TOTAL        10,569

  K7SS          7,020
  KK7PW           882
  TOTAL         7,902