Once again, we sandwiched the Fall NA SSB Sprint in between the two ARRL SS contest weekends. This seems to wind up as the best available Saturday evening for the Fall Event. Occasionally, when a month has 5 weekends or there is a split weekend that provides an “unused weekend” we can find a better date. Again, the idea is to increase participation and reduce QRM confusion by avoiding competing with the larger established contest events. That was accomplished and the Fall 2024 NA SSB Sprint event was another success. The participation was outstanding and conditions for most areas were good. More on that later.
210 stations submitted entries. We had some initial log submission issues that prevented some logs from being provided. But many stations responded to the invitation to help out by putting some of the more difficult states and provinces on the air. Thus, 318 unique callsigns wound up in the submitted logs at least 3 times, down a little from the 385 from the Spring 2024 event. The Fall event is typically a little lower than in the Spring, probably with so many other major contests in the Fall. All states were found in the submitted logs, but no one was able to get them all. K6JO came so very close to W.A.S. with 49 states worked, missing only ID. K7SV had 48 states, missing CT and KY. K6LL also had 48 states, missing only ID and WY. KU8E, KW8N, W0BH and WQ5L each had 47 states. Seven other stations worked 46 states. With better conditions this time, AK and NT were worked by quite a few stations. The most difficult one based on the submitted logs was definitely KY. ND4Y was all set to put KY on the air but wound up sick. WY was the next toughest. WV, ID and NJ were somewhat difficult. Maybe next time we will be able to award another special W.A.S. shirt to someone.
We had good coverage from Canada again which contributed to more multipliers being available. All of the Southern Canadian multipliers submitted a score except NS.
For North America DX, HH2AA, KP2J and WA2LYS/V26 provided nice multipliers.
The most popular category again was Low-Power comprising 58.4% of the entries. QRP had 11 entries, that may be the most QRP entries ever. Top scores were down a little. The Fall 2023 event had 20 entries with a score of 10,000 or higher. This time there were 18. In the Spring 2024 event there were 28! We will look for some big scores again in the March 2025 event.
The biggest difference from the Spring 2024 to the Fall 2024 event was band conditions related to 20 meters. Remember that Spring SSB Sprint event is after the Spring equinox, meaning daylight is greater than 50%. The Fall SSB Sprint event is over 7 weeks to the dark side of the Fall equinox. That means proportionately less time on 20 meters. That played out this time. In the Spring 2024 over half of the QSOs were made on 20 meters (50.7%), in the Fall 2024 only 36.7%. In the Spring 2024 40 meters made up 35.7% of the QSOs. In the Fall 2024 it was almost half with 47.9%. With less activity on 20 meters there was a little more on 75 meters. In the Spring 2024, 75 meters made up only 13.6% of the QSOs. In the Fall 2024, it was 16.8%. Another factor has to do with the presence of shorter skip on 20 meters. The Spring 2024 event had considerably better short skip and many Midwest, East and Southeast stations worked more stations on 20 meters than they did on 40 meters. More stations become available to those stations on 20 meters when this occurs. But in the Fall event, propagation was generally long and thus 40 meters yielded more QSOs than 20 meters for these stations. On the other hand, for those on the West Coast, this provides a better opportunity for them to be one of the few loud stations on 20 meters into the more densely populated areas. Thus, K6LL had 168 QSOs on 20 meters, K6JO had 144, K7SS had 129, WD6T had 129 and K7RL had 128. It all makes sense for them to play that hand to the maximum. Of course, the other side of the coin is 75 meters, where QSOs are more limited on the West Coast. Thus, those same stations correspondingly had 0, 26, 23, 13, and 51 on 75 meters. Whereas those in the East and Midwest would usually have 50 QSOs or more on 75 meters. (Notice K7RL is the exception as he works very well on 75 meters from WA). But it’s not quite an offset since, with the current frequency permissions and activity on 75 meters, it is difficult to work many casual stations on that band. So, what does all of this mean? You need to pay attention to band conditions and play the Sprint accordingly for YOU and your station and your location. But most of all, have fun doing it! Many enjoy the friendly exchange and pleasantries as the frequency is handed over to the next station who enjoys the ensuing pile up of callers.
In the High Power category K6JO, last Fall’s Low Power winner, operating from WA6TQT edged out KW8N to take the top spot. Lee was also the top scoring youth. Lee had the 2nd highest QSO total and tied for highest multiplier total. KW8N also tied for the highest multiplier total and had the 3rd highest QSO total to grab 2nd place. The highest QSO total was achieved by K7RL. But a lower multiplier count kept him in 3rd place, just ahead of K6LL, who was just ahead of W9RE. In fact, 3rd place to 5th place was only a 1.52% difference. N1LN, W0BH, KU8E, WD6T and K9BGL made up the rest of the top ten in High Power.
In the Low Power category, once again, it was K0EU who not only placed first in Low Power, but Ken’s score is the 10th highest score and the 8th most QSOs regardless of power. AC0W took the 2nd place honors, just ahead of N4OX who grabbed 3rd. CW man K7SV dusted off his microphone again to take the 4th spot with an impressive state total. N4OO took 5th place just ahead of K0UK in 6th. K6GHA moved up to the 7th spot this time inches ahead of Ron KK1L in 8th, followed by W6FB and WA5JMZ for the rest of the Top Ten Low Power. The top four in Low Power all scored over 10,000 points and the next two were just a QSO or two short of a 10,000 score.
Randy ND0C reclaimed his frequent place of top QRP score. N8NA did his QRP from Delaware operation to place 2nd. K7DLX took 3rd place with KC3NHE taking 4th this time. WQ6X, the previous QRP winner, slipped down to 5th this time.
As you may remember, Icom has agreed to provide a plaque for the top scoring “Youth” (age 26 and under). K6JO was indeed the top Youth. But, since he is already the winner of the High Power plaque, we will award the Youth plaque to the next highest scoring youth, which is, Max N4ML. Max also made sure AL was easy to work and we thank him for that! We also thank the youths at University of Michigan W8UM for putting that station on the air. They operated as a multi-op, not realizing that is not currently a recognized category, so they sent in their log as a check log.
Take a look at those Golden Logs! Al N5UM had 151 perfectly logged QSOs. Randy ND0C did the same with his 148 QSOs as did John N0TA with his 126 QSOs. Wonder what you might have miscopied? You can find out for yourself by going to the ‘Logs’ menu on the website. Simply enter the call sign you used in the SSB Sprint, answer the challenge question, and click the ‘Send My Link’ button. An email will be sent to the email address we have on file for the call sign you enter. In the received email is a link; click on the link to display your log check report. If you encounter a problem, be sure to contact us.
Speaking of logging, this past event had quite a number of logging related issues. There was the typical incorrectly copied information that occurs occasionally in any contest. But there was an unusually high number of times where the station being logged was actually working someone else. That’s easy to happen in the Sprint with all of the frequency hand offs. When that happens, not only do you not get credit for the QSO, you also receive a 1 QSO penalty. What to do? Be more careful and be sure to include both callsigns in the exchange. Even at the end of the QSO, many have chosen to say, “Thanks Joe, your frequency.” That might make “Steve” realize he was not the one that was just worked.
Another logging situation was missing sequential sent numbers in the log. It may have gone from giving out a #121 to giving out a #123 next (skipping #122). That’s not a problem, unless you actually worked someone using that missing number and he has it in his log, but you don’t. Of course you won’t get credit for that QSO anyway, but it means he won’t get credit for the QSO either, plus he will also receive a 1 QSO penalty. I know one way that happened to a few is where logging software was being used that if the operator QSY’d before hitting Enter, the QSO information was erased and the number sent was gone too and it went on to the next number. There are generally ways to configure the logging software so that this “feature” is disabled. This also seemed to occur in logs (sometimes a sequential number was skipped, sometimes not) where the operator changed bands or had a long period between contacts. The time in Station A’s log would fit the time period and exchanged information entered in Station B’s log that would have been the correct info had Station A put it in his log. Then again, it could be Station B did not wait to be sure that Station A got his information completely and moved on to the next QSO. So, Station A did not enter that QSO info, since to him it was an incomplete QSO. Some of us may also be causing some of this by (in the interest of winning the jump ball) quickly starting to call the station obtaining the frequency before that acknowledgement is completed.
Another reminder, please make notes of what frequencies nets are operating on and avoid QSYing to those. The most often affected is the OMISS net on 7185 KHz.
WE ARE STILL WORKING ON THE NEW RECORDS. We will update this in the near future.
We had 10 pre-registered Teams. The MRRC & Friends took the top spot. The always strong South East Contest Club using the name South East Sprint Coalition #1 was a close 2nd again this time. The Team Mayflower made up of folks from the SMC finished in 3rd with the SCCC Team finishing in 4th.
Once again, we want to thank our main sponsors Icom America and Giga Parts. In addition to the plaques and trophies provided by Icom, many of you have now received a SSB Sprint T-Shirt from Icom or a discount credit code from Giga Parts. Remember, you just need a score of 1,500 or more to be in the door prize drawing. We will be drawing our 30 winners from this event soon and those winners will be notified.
The next SSB Sprint will be on Saturday evening March 22, 2025, which is March 23rd 0000-0359Z. We keep attempting to make sure all states are reasonably represented. You can help achieve this by submitting your planned activity at, then we will know on which states and provinces to concentrate our remaining efforts. See you next time and thank you again for making the NA SSB Sprint event the fastest 4 hours in Radiosport.
Here are the line scores.
Top Ten Scores Call Sign Score Bnd Chgs Qs Lost 00Z 01Z 02Z 03Z ========= ============= ======== ======= ===== ===== ===== ===== K6JO 16,638 108 13 90 73 68 51 KW8N 16,166 77 13 89 65 47 73 K7RL 14,841 21 5 94 70 65 62 K6LL 14,706 1 11 80 58 69 51 W9RE 14,616 50 7 70 53 65 73 N1LN 13,440 16 1 71 57 55 57 W0BH 13,068 11 6 75 63 46 58 KU8E 12,760 7 7 60 65 49 46 WD6T 12,561 5 14 72 57 66 42 K0EU 12,428 51 5 68 56 54 61 Top Ten High Power Call Sign Score Bnd Chgs Qs Lost 00Z 01Z 02Z 03Z ========= ============= ======== ======= ===== ===== ===== ===== K6JO 16,638 108 13 90 73 68 51 KW8N 16,166 77 13 89 65 47 73 K7RL 14,841 21 5 94 70 65 62 K6LL 14,706 1 11 80 58 69 51 W9RE 14,616 50 7 70 53 65 73 N1LN 13,440 16 1 71 57 55 57 W0BH 13,068 11 6 75 63 46 58 KU8E 12,760 7 7 60 65 49 46 WD6T 12,561 5 14 72 57 66 42 K9BGL 11,544 4 2 52 62 45 63 Top Ten Low Power Call Sign Score Bnd Chgs Qs Lost 00Z 01Z 02Z 03Z ========= ============= ======== ======= ===== ===== ===== ===== K0EU 12,428 51 5 68 56 54 61 AC0W 11,536 6 11 55 61 37 53 N4OX 11,286 5 4 66 55 37 51 K7SV 10,638 8 8 56 51 42 48 N4OO 9,950 8 4 52 45 44 58 K0UK 9,800 29 4 59 54 39 44 K6GHA 6,840 4 4 46 37 41 28 KK1L 6,820 54 4 48 40 30 37 W6FB 6,160 9 2 45 34 36 25 WA5JMZ 5,980 1 7 39 28 36 27 Top Ten QRP Call Sign Score Bnd Chgs Qs Lost 00Z 01Z 02Z 03Z ========= ============= ======== ======= ===== ===== ===== ===== ND0C 6,956 5 0 42 25 43 38 N8NA 4,428 4 2 24 25 25 34 K7DLX 1,377 1 3 22 21 8 0 KC3NHE 1,092 0 2 0 16 12 14 WQ6X 990 3 7 10 13 11 11 KK1J 805 0 0 13 9 9 4 VA2IW 513 3 0 14 11 2 0 WC7S 432 0 0 7 0 18 2 W7LG 195 1 0 15 0 0 0 N3WS 108 2 0 6 1 5 0 Top Ten QSO Totals Call Sign # QSOs ========= ============= K7RL 291 K6JO 282 KW8N 274 W9RE 261 K6LL 258 W0BH 242 N1LN 240 K0EU 239 WD6T 237 K9BGL 222 Top Eleven Multipliers Call Sign # Multipliers ========= ============= K6JO 59 KW8N 59 KU8E 58 K6LL 57 AC0W 56 N1LN 56 W9RE 56 WQ5L 55 K7SV 54 N4OX 54 W0BH 54 Top Fourteen States Worked Call Sign #States Worked ========= ============= K6JO 49 K6LL 48 K7SV 48 KU8E 47 KW8N 47 W0BH 47 WQ5L 47 AC0W 46 K7RL 46 N1LN 46 N9LQ 46 W9RE 46 WD6T 46 WX5S 46 Golden Logs Call Sign Num QSOs ========= ============= N5UM 151 ND0C 148 N0TA 126 VE6RST 75 KI6RRN/KL7 73 K7BG 68 W7TAO 57 K5ZD 54 KK1J 35 HH2AA 28 VA2IW 27 WC7S 27 K2AL 24 N4ZZ 23 KX4UI 19 N0AT 18 W9TO 17 W7LG 15 VA6RCN 13 W9USO 13 N3WS 12 KN6DRN 10 WN1C 10 K0CIE 8 N5GWY 5 N1XI 3 W8TGB 3 VA7CPL 2 US Call Area 0 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== W0BH BOB H KS 78 109 55 242 54 47 13,068 11 K0EU KEN L CO 111 90 38 239 52 45 12,428 51 GMCC BRONCOS AC0W BILL L MN 42 113 51 206 56 46 11,536 6 MWA TEAM ONE K0UK BILL L CO 77 89 30 196 50 45 9,800 29 GMCC BRONCOS N0GJW JAVON H IA 57 72 43 172 49 44 8,428 11 ND0C RANDY Q MN 55 60 33 148 47 43 6,956 5 MWA TEAM ONE N0TA JOHN H CO 54 70 2 126 42 39 5,292 3 KA0PQW MATT L MN 33 53 36 122 42 38 5,124 2 MWA TEAM ONE KB9WYX ALEX L CO 39 57 0 96 39 36 3,744 2 W0ZA GREG H NE 33 50 13 96 39 38 3,744 5 GMCC BRONCOS N0GC JERRY L ND 14 77 0 91 40 37 3,640 2 W0ETT KEN H CO 46 47 0 93 37 33 3,441 1 GMCC BRONCOS W0IL JOHN H SD 46 43 0 89 37 35 3,293 1 W0OJW DAN L CO 62 28 0 90 35 32 3,150 1 KV0I BILL L NE 1 59 13 73 40 36 2,920 2 N0EO NEO L MN 21 40 27 88 32 29 2,816 4 K7BG MATT L SD 24 44 0 68 36 32 2,448 1 AA0Z KYLE L MO 11 51 0 62 34 30 2,108 1 W0YJT JOHN L KS 0 48 0 48 27 26 1,296 0 ND0TS TOM L ND 11 20 7 38 28 28 1,064 11 KE0UNV TOM L MO 0 43 0 43 23 22 989 0 KC0JRW BOB L NE 27 0 0 27 21 20 567 0 W0XM BOB H KS 19 7 0 26 16 15 416 1 NG0C LOU L MN 16 1 0 17 13 13 221 1 N0AT RON L MN 8 6 4 18 12 11 216 2 US Call Area 1 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== KK1L RON L VT 36 76 43 155 44 39 6,820 54 AE1P NEIL L NH 55 30 44 129 46 42 5,934 4 KB1RS ROB L CT 28 35 33 96 40 35 3,840 21 N1ROZ LARRY H MA 22 45 22 89 38 34 3,382 2 AI1TT MAX L RI 23 36 25 84 40 36 3,360 3 K1RX MARK H NH 50 38 0 88 37 34 3,256 7 K1AR JOHN H NH 36 49 0 85 38 31 3,230 1 KC1OT SEAN L CT 20 37 8 65 33 31 2,145 2 AB1EP BOB L ME 24 37 0 61 30 29 1,830 1 K5ZD RANDY H MA 0 20 34 54 29 27 1,566 1 K1EIC BET L CT 0 24 28 52 26 25 1,352 1 K1THE RICH L MA 8 17 17 42 22 21 924 7 KC1QEM STEVE L MA 7 10 0 17 12 12 204 5 K1AV PETER L RI 3 14 0 17 10 9 170 2 US Call Area 2 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== N1NQD AL L NY 0 79 36 115 43 40 4,945 1 W2LC SCOTT L NY 44 11 32 87 42 37 3,654 2 WA2JQK BOB L NY 22 34 33 89 38 34 3,382 2 NM2R JOHN L NY 15 27 23 65 29 26 1,885 2 WA2CNV LARRY L NY 16 33 1 50 29 24 1,450 4 N2LDV LENNY L NY 15 22 1 38 17 17 646 9 KQ4GUI GAVIN H NY 4 26 3 33 19 17 627 5 K2AL AL L NJ 9 3 12 24 19 18 456 2 WB2KLD TOM L NY 0 22 0 22 14 13 308 0 KK2DOG MIKE H NY 0 6 0 6 6 6 36 0 US Call Area 3 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== N3QE TIM H MD 45 91 62 198 51 44 10,098 4 N8NA KARL Q DE 29 46 33 108 41 38 4,428 4 WA3HGW DON L PA 16 38 38 92 38 36 3,496 2 KC3STZ MARK L PA 11 33 26 70 34 29 2,380 5 K3KU ART L MD 1 26 30 57 30 29 1,710 2 KC3NHE GARY Q PA 0 42 0 42 26 24 1,092 0 W3ZGD MIKE C PA 0 16 0 16 15 14 240 0 KC3RRF BOB H PA 13 3 0 16 14 13 224 1 W7LG MIKE Q PA 8 7 0 15 13 11 195 1 KC3WRP KRISTIE L PA 0 14 0 14 11 11 154 0 N3WS TOM Q PA 1 9 2 12 9 9 108 2 WR1B LARRY H PA 5 5 0 10 9 8 90 1 US Call Area 4 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== N1LN BRUCE H NC 70 106 64 240 56 46 13,440 16 KU8E JEFF H GA 78 95 47 220 58 47 12,760 7 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 1 N4OX JAY L FL 88 85 36 209 54 45 11,286 5 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 1 K7SV LAR L VA 61 91 45 197 54 48 10,638 8 N4OO BRIAN L GA 60 101 38 199 50 45 9,950 8 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 1 K3DNE ED H SC 37 110 47 194 51 45 9,894 5 SFCG TRIODES K4BAI JOHN H GA 61 91 36 188 50 44 9,400 2 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 1 ND8L RAY H FL 84 65 32 181 50 44 9,050 3 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 1 K4ZW KEN H VA 60 73 49 182 46 42 8,372 6 N4IQ BILL H SC 51 55 43 149 45 41 6,705 10 SFCG TRIODES KK4TE CHUCK H NC 0 131 0 131 44 40 5,764 0 WS7X NOEL L FL 52 52 15 119 48 43 5,712 2 NX9T JEFF H NC 30 83 0 113 42 38 4,746 1 K4CU STEVE L SC 16 77 2 95 43 40 4,085 8 W4VFF KEVIN L TN 11 72 5 88 40 38 3,520 6 N4ML MAX L AL 8 79 5 92 36 34 3,312 17 KK4PJ KEITH H FL 43 26 13 82 40 38 3,280 2 W4ETA WILL L TN 0 64 15 79 33 31 2,607 1 NF4A CHARLIE L FL 0 55 0 55 32 29 1,760 0 W9TCV BEAR L FL 21 4 5 30 21 19 630 2 KF7CG DAVID L TN 10 19 0 29 17 16 493 2 W2VS DAVE H FL 12 8 0 20 16 14 320 1 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 2 N4ZZ DON H TN 23 0 0 23 13 9 299 0 W2CSI CHUCK H NC 22 0 0 22 13 13 286 0 KB4CG JACK L VA 0 17 0 17 15 15 255 0 KX4UI WILL L FL 0 19 0 19 13 13 247 0 KK4HFG MERYL L SC 2 15 0 17 13 12 221 1 K0CIE KARL L FL 8 0 0 8 8 8 64 0 N4NTO TRIPP L NC 1 0 4 5 4 4 20 1 N1XI PAUL L NC 3 0 0 3 3 2 9 0 US Call Area 5 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== WQ5L RAY H MS 90 89 21 200 55 47 11,000 3 SOUTH EAST SPRINT COALITION 2 N5UM AL H OK 51 100 0 151 44 40 6,644 1 W6FB JACK L LA 72 45 23 140 44 40 6,160 9 NCCC HIGH-TAILERS WA5JMZ PAUL L TX 72 58 0 130 46 41 5,980 1 WW5L JIM H LA 51 60 18 129 45 40 5,805 3 KI5GTR LES L AR 30 95 0 125 45 41 5,625 7 K5OY STEVE H AR 30 71 0 101 42 37 4,242 3 KD2KW KEN L TX 43 58 14 115 34 32 3,910 4 AC5O JEFF L LA 40 44 17 101 38 35 3,838 9 W5GUZ RICHARD L NM 39 32 11 82 31 28 2,542 7 KI6KGC MIKE L NM 42 36 0 78 27 25 2,106 5 K5GD WAYNE L TX 36 25 0 61 31 31 1,891 3 K5NZV BOB L AR 13 23 21 57 28 25 1,596 2 FREQ FREAKS W5GFI JOHN H OK 31 13 17 61 25 24 1,525 2 N5HYP TOM L TX 29 16 0 45 26 24 1,170 1 W5DGH DANA L AR 7 40 0 47 24 23 1,128 1 FREQ FREAKS N5GWY ROBERT L TX 0 5 0 5 5 5 25 0 WB5SKM KEN H MS 0 5 0 5 5 5 25 0 KC5GFL FREDERICK L AR 2 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 KC5CBI TROY L TX 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 US Call Area 6 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== K6JO LEE H CA 146 110 26 282 59 49 16,638 108 SCCC WD6T DAVE H CA 129 95 13 237 53 46 12,561 5 NCCC HIGH-TAILERS WX5S MATT H CA 90 84 15 189 52 46 9,828 4 NCCC HIGH-TAILERS K6GHA DON L CA 67 69 16 152 45 41 6,840 4 NCCC HIGH-TAILERS KA6KEN KEN H CA 75 35 0 110 43 41 4,730 3 SCCC WA6URY DAN H CA 50 34 7 91 39 35 3,549 2 AE6Y ANDY H CA 52 39 0 91 38 34 3,458 1 N6PGQ BOB L CA 43 30 0 73 37 36 2,701 3 N6HA BILL L CA 29 30 0 59 25 22 1,475 1 N6SPP ERIC L CA 41 3 0 44 30 29 1,320 2 WQ6X RON Q CA 22 19 4 45 22 21 990 3 SCCC N6VOH BARRY L CA 33 0 0 33 20 16 660 0 WB6SQA DAVE L CA 13 9 0 22 15 15 330 1 KN6ZHJ ERIC L CA 16 4 0 20 14 13 280 1 W6SX HANK L CA 13 1 0 14 11 11 154 1 KN6DRN DAN L CA 10 0 0 10 8 7 80 0 US Call Area 7 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== K7RL MITCH H WA 128 112 51 291 51 46 14,841 21 MRRC/NCC AND FRIENDS K6LL DAVE H AZ 168 90 0 258 57 48 14,706 1 SCCC K7SS DAN H WA 129 25 23 177 51 44 9,027 3 KI7Y JIM H OR 70 36 17 123 47 40 5,781 2 KM9R MIKE L NV 80 30 0 110 45 42 4,950 1 KD7MT CHUCK L MT 54 49 0 103 42 37 4,326 4 K6WDE DAVE L UT 48 32 1 81 33 29 2,673 3 N7AME JOHN L WA 36 16 3 55 33 30 1,815 2 W7TAO TODD H WA 26 31 0 57 28 25 1,596 1 KA7RRA DAVE H WA 29 20 0 49 29 27 1,421 3 K7DLX RICK Q UT 43 8 0 51 27 26 1,377 1 W7PEB PAUL H OR 13 30 0 43 32 30 1,376 1 K9RZ DOUG H AZ 30 13 2 45 24 24 1,080 2 W6IA/7 MARK L OR 38 3 0 41 26 25 1,066 1 N7VS STEVE L OR 14 25 0 39 22 21 858 3 KK1J JAY Q AZ 35 0 0 35 23 23 805 0 K7RCR RICK H AZ 32 0 0 32 18 16 576 0 AA7RM NATE L WA 22 4 0 26 19 18 494 3 K6ST RENO L NV 12 25 0 37 13 12 481 1 NCCC HIGH-TAILERS WC7S DALE Q WY 0 27 0 27 16 15 432 0 GMCC BRONCOS NK2J JIM L AZ 14 8 0 22 12 12 264 1 KM7N ADAM L AZ 7 7 0 14 12 12 168 1 W6VRF SEAN L WA 13 2 2 17 9 8 153 3 AI7OZ JIM L WA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KE6GFI ANN H AZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 US Call Area 8 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== KW8N BOB H OH 105 112 57 274 59 47 16,166 77 MRRC/NCC AND FRIENDS NA8V GREG H MI 56 68 54 178 51 44 9,078 8 MRRC/NCC AND FRIENDS ND8DX ED H OH 30 93 63 186 46 42 8,556 7 MRRC/NCC AND FRIENDS N8CWU LARRY H OH 28 86 46 160 51 45 8,160 3 MRRC/NCC AND FRIENDS W8JJ TIM H MI 12 87 46 145 45 41 6,525 3 W8MET MET L OH 15 64 0 79 39 36 3,081 2 KI8AN IAN L MI 2 69 1 72 33 31 2,376 6 W8TMB TERRY L MI 7 40 0 47 27 25 1,269 6 K4YJ DWIGHT L OH 2 21 16 39 24 23 936 2 K3ZJ DAVE L WV 2 20 6 28 22 21 616 2 KE8WYY BRIAN L MI 7 21 0 28 20 20 560 3 KC9LA CHARLES H OH 0 22 0 22 13 13 286 0 KC8UHS RON L MI 12 8 0 20 14 14 280 1 W9TO TOM H OH 4 13 0 17 12 11 204 1 WB8SAG ROBERT L OH 4 0 0 4 4 4 16 0 W8TGB TIM L MI 0 3 0 3 3 3 9 0 US Call Area 9 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== W9RE MIKE H IN 96 107 58 261 56 46 14,616 50 TEAM MAYFLOWER K9BGL KARL H IL 67 94 61 222 52 44 11,544 4 WT9U JIM H IN 45 100 63 208 50 43 10,400 10 TEAM MAYFLOWER N9LQ JOEL H IL 46 90 58 194 53 46 10,282 2 TEAM MAYFLOWER K9LOE CHRIS H IL 52 69 33 154 49 41 7,546 2 N7ZZ STU L WI 33 63 33 129 46 40 5,934 4 WD9CIR STEVE L IL 24 73 28 125 45 39 5,625 4 TEAM MAYFLOWER N9MSG JOHN L IL 0 84 18 102 38 35 3,876 1 W9YZR DAN H WI 24 34 37 95 36 32 3,420 4 AC9TO MARV L WI 22 40 25 87 34 32 2,958 4 MWA TEAM ONE AG9A MARK L IL 28 47 0 75 36 32 2,700 3 TEAM MAYFLOWER KC9GLR KYLE L IN 28 34 0 62 34 30 2,108 2 KB9LGS RAY L IN 5 32 8 45 26 24 1,170 3 KC9RGW JOHN L IL 0 26 0 26 21 19 546 0 K9WD STEVE L WI 10 12 0 22 18 15 396 3 N9LTA RANDY H WI 22 0 0 22 12 10 264 0 K9LV TOM L IN 0 17 0 17 15 14 255 0 W9USO MARK L WI 0 13 0 13 10 10 130 0 WN1C THOMAS Q WI 3 7 0 10 9 8 90 4 US Call Area KL7 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== KI6RRN/KL7 AXEL H AK 54 19 0 73 30 28 2,190 1 NL7V PAUL H AK 20 3 0 23 19 17 437 1 Canadian Call Area VE2 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VA2IW BERT Q QC 14 13 0 27 19 19 513 3 Canadian Call Area VE3 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VE3YT VIC H ON 31 76 53 160 47 43 7,520 4 VE3RGO STU L ON 8 42 23 73 31 27 2,263 6 VE3KTB PIERRE H ON 0 35 24 59 30 29 1,770 2 VA3HYM PAUL L ON 2 21 0 23 19 17 437 2 Canadian Call Area VE4 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VE4XTZ MARK L MB 29 34 0 63 33 31 2,079 3 Canadian Call Area VE5 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VE5SF SAM L SK 68 62 8 138 43 40 5,934 8 Canadian Call Area VE6 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VE6RST MAX H AB 41 34 0 75 36 34 2,700 1 VA6RCN KEVIN L AB 3 10 0 13 11 10 143 3 Canadian Call Area VE7 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VE7BC KEN H BC 58 49 16 123 43 39 5,289 2 VA7XH SHELDON H BC 70 31 5 106 37 33 3,922 6 VA7CPL RON L BC 2 0 0 2 2 2 4 0 Canadian Call Area VE9 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VE9CZ PETER L NB 7 9 0 16 14 12 224 4 Canadian Call Area VO1 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VO2AC CHRIS H NL 5 18 2 25 17 17 425 10 VO1GO GREG L NL 0 22 0 22 13 12 286 0 VO1BQ JOE H NL -1 0 0 -1 2 2 -2 0 Canadian Call Area VY2 CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== VY2DIY AARON L PE 7 0 0 7 4 4 28 0 DX Entries NA Continent CALL NAME CLS LOC 20m 40m 80m #QSOs #Mults #State Score BandChgs Team ====== =========== === === === === === ===== ====== ====== ========= ======== ================================================== HH2AA PRINCE L DX 28 0 0 28 16 15 448 0 KP2J HENRY L DX 15 7 0 22 16 16 352 5 TEAM REPORTS ============ MRRC/NCC and friends KW8N 16,166 K7RL 14,841 NA8V 9,078 ND8DX 8,556 N8CWU 8,160 ------------------- TOTAL 56,801 South East Sprint Coalition 1 KU8E 12,760 N4OX 11,286 N4OO 9,950 K4BAI 9,400 ND8L 9,050 ------------------- TOTAL 52,446 Team Mayflower W9RE 14,616 WT9U 10,400 N9LQ 10,282 WD9CIR 5,625 AG9A 2,700 ------------------- TOTAL 43,623 SCCC K6JO 16,638 K6LL 14,706 KA6KEN 4,730 WQ6X 990 ------------------- TOTAL 37,064 NCCC High-tailers WD6T 12,561 WX5S 9,828 K6GHA 6,840 W6FB 6,160 K6ST 481 ------------------- TOTAL 35,870 GMCC Broncos K0EU 12,428 K0UK 9,800 W0ZA 3,744 W0ETT 3,441 WC7S 432 ------------------- TOTAL 29,845 MWA Team One AC0W 11,536 ND0C 6,956 KA0PQW 5,124 AC9TO 2,958 ------------------- TOTAL 26,574 SFCG Triodes K3DNE 9,894 N4IQ 6,705 ------------------- TOTAL 16,599 South East Sprint Coalition 2 WQ5L 11,000 W2VS 320 ------------------- TOTAL 11,320 Freq Freaks K5NZV 1,596 W5DGH 1,128 ------------------- TOTAL 2,724